Shift Update – September 2012 A New Consciousness Unfolding
By Jim Self
There is a shift of consciousness that is unfolding. The changes that are happening within and around us are very significant. They are directly related to the electromagnetic shifts that are occurring, both within the electromagnetic field around the Earth, as well as in our own auras. While there are many positive aspects to this, the reference points for where we are heading are still not readily available to us. We are in the phase where we first have to clear away all the personal baggage we have accumulated. You cannot take your baggage with you on this journey. This is what is happening all around us right now. The entire planet is in a very significant state of flux, but you don’t hear much about it in the media.
In this article I am going to focus on some of the aspects of the Shift that are affecting the world today: Geopolitics, world finance, climate changes, and the Earth itself.
What’s happening on Planet Earth… and beyond?
In the months of May, June, and early July, there was a massive stepping up of solar activity: solar flares, winds, storms and coronal mass ejections were larger and more frequent than we have seen before. In the second half of July they calmed down a lot, until the 25th of July, when they began to build up again. There have been some very interesting aspects to this, because the velocity of these solar events is no longer predictable. The explosions we are currently seeing from the sun are being rated as having four times the velocity of those we are used to experiencing, which means that they are having a much greater impact on the Earth’s magnetic field, our own magnetic field, and the physical structure of the Earth itself.