
~Desert Gypsy ~Thought Alchemy

Desert Gypsy's picture

Is your day governed by events coming from outside of yourself:  Commitments, work, or significant others? Are you overwhelmed by activities you think you should do? Do the people around you no longer resonate with you? Do you feel like you are an actor in a play, and someone else is writing the script?

If your mind is filled with "have to's" and '"should do's," you may find comfort in knowing that these thoughts do not come from your true being. These thoughts are the result of the 'ego' mind. The result of years of cultural programming and traumas you have experienced. It affects almost everything we do and it is long past time to release this way of being and thinking.

Of course, there are things we must do that are necessities of life in a 3D world. But as far as dealing with the mental chatter we can find freedom. We can choose our own thoughts!  Take back your power by becoming a 'thought alchemist."

For example, If you are thinking "I must stay at this job, I am doomed." Choose instead, thoughts that empower and bring you enjoyment such as, "This is what I am doing Now in order to make a living, but I am moving into .........." Fill  in the blanks with your dream job, dream vacation, your passion.

Let Go of the Programming ~ Embrace Reality

Rain's picture


Time to Reprogram Your Beliefs

Source: - 11/11/13, Beverly Blanchard

We come into this world a clean slate and over time we are conditioned and programmed with other people’s beliefs, judgements, superstitions and prejudices. By the time we hit our teenage years; these programs have become firmly entrenched in our mind and influence not only our thinking, but also our behaviours and perceptions. Since they are so deeply embedded in us, most people rarely understand how these false premises are affecting them in adulthood.

Such Joy Is In The Air!

Desert Gypsy's picture

This afternoon, I stepped out into the warm sunlight to take a short walk. As I headed down my driveway, I received a message, "There is such Joy in the Air." And indeed, I felt loving energy as I looked up to see an huge angel cloud hovering above me. The energies of love and harmony are here!

Monday night I dreamed of a liberty bell surrounded by many loving hearts. Freedom is at hand! The bell in my dream, however, was not cracked, but solid and whole, as we are becoming through this process of freeing ourselves from ego and programming.

Last night I dreamed of people participating in a peaceful parade. Everyone laughing, smiling, and holding hands. The words on the banner at the lead of the parade read:

Why We Get Mad When Others Challenge What We Believe In

Silver's picture

Waking Times, By: Joe Martino

Flickr - Fist - N. Feans

Thousands of years ago the earth was the center of the universe. Hundreds of years ago the earth was flat. Today, we know both of these things to be false given what we have discovered about our world and the solar system. However, when people first started bringing the idea forward that what people believed about the earth being flat or the center of the universe was false, they were met with extreme resistance and were considered to be crazy. Regardless of the fact that today we might laugh at these ideas because we know them to be false, back then it was so heavily believed and engrained into people’s minds. You could say there is a striking resemblance between what was happening during those times and what is happening now with those who are awakening to what is really going on here on earth.

Truth passes through three phases: First it is ridiculed. Second it is fiercely and violently opposed. Third, it becomes self-evident.
— Arthur Schopenhauer


Ego – Overcoming the Limitations of Personality While in Search of the Cosmic Self

Silver's picture

Waking Times, By: Debbie West, 10/14/2013


Flickr - Mind - TheDreamSkyThe part of the person that is one’s ego is a construction of self arising from external views or perceptions of who we are. The ego measures us against others and competes for a greater sense of self and fulfillment, bound by ideas of what we have done in the past and what we will do in the future and limited to a single dimensional aspect of self. Ego therefore is a unique tasking system of analyzing, judging and labeling, thus creating in your mind who you think you are. The ego can never be satisfied, and, because is exists on the outward surface, it can never attain a connection to universal cosmic awareness of self and others. To get beyond our ego self, we must manifest a new orientation towards a greater awareness and a connection to soul self. All of our fears, judgments, thoughts and emotions are part of ego. Beneath the ego is the soul where we can process the world though love and compassion and a sense of unity to all of the cosmos.


False Ego vs. Cosmic Ego


Life can be confusing at times

MomT's picture

It has been confusing at times to me and at times I do not know which way to go.  Do I stay here?  Do I go there?  What does the future bring because I really do not know.  At times I seek help and other times I want to do it alone, but the one thing that I do not wish to forget is the connection to my spiritual parents, Father/Mother God.  They are the ones who made it all possible for us to go through this grand experiment called life and ascension. 

My heart felt gratitude to them because they had to go through all this before we did so that they could understand the process.  They answered our call for help back when we knew we making choices that would destroy life as we know it on this beautiful planet.  Everyone alive at this grand time agreed that we wanted life to be simple, and all live in peace, love and harmony.  This time is now upon us. 

I am one of those that made that call even though I might have been very young at the time.  Peace, love and harmony and living as one with all of humanity regardless of where they live on this majestic planet has and still is a strong desire.  I am a Royal Angel just like every other person with a heart beat on this planet whether they know it or not. 

Words To Live And Love By

Rain's picture

The Path to Full Consciousness is a bumpy one and there will be ups and downs.

Are you having a moment?
Struggling with releasing ego and 3D attachments?
Can't let go of the past?

If you're struggling, here are four simple words to remember, live, and Love by:




If you like that video, check out this clip - it's a little bit longer.


Earth Ally Will Harader Speaks about the ~Spiritual Ego~

Lia's picture

~Very Brilliant Reshare Article for the Current Moments~

Eventually a person has a moment of clarity. In this moment, they see the inherent emptiness of all the things they thought were so important. This causes a person to reevaluate their whole existence and look for a deeper meaning in Life.

This is the beginning of spiritual Awakening, when a person realizes the life they've been assigned by society isn't who they really are and decides to recreate himself to reflect his expanded understandings. At this point there's an enormous pitfall that most do not notice which causes spiritual growth to halt almost as fast as it began. This is spiritual ego, when a person recreates herself but then gets attached to their new "spiritual" identity.

Identity is a part of the ego. You are you, no identity required. You are a unique facet of the Whole. You were this before you were born, you are this after you "die". Your identity is only who you believe you are. You didn't give yourself your identity, society did that for you. People have identities because they don't understand who they are, if they did they wouldn't have need of a mental construct to tell them who they are. As long as one clings to their identity one is still within ego, no matter how "spiritual" it is.


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