

hollyirenecardoza's picture


HUPAHU LUTA, LADYBUG, REDWINGS, Rays Healing Energy in the SPIRITUAL LAW OF HEALING: "My Relations, are we ready this time? Are all of these mechanical contraptions prepared for this message? LADYBUG is here, and she will bring a bigger message than the last time."-Maka Wicahpi Wicohan, Page 250

Petaluma, California/Ladybugs

Harnessing the sun’s energy during the day for use at night

Desert Gypsy's picture,

Tom Meyer at the Energy Frontier Research Center at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill built a device that converts the sun’s energy not into electricity but hydrogen fuel and stores it for later use. He says his group’s findings could provide “a last major piece of a puzzle for a new way to store the sun’s energy – it could be a tipping point for a solar energy future.”

Researchers at the University of North Carolina (UNC) at Chapel Hill have built a system that converts the sun’s energy not into electricity but into hydrogen fuel. The system then stores this fuel for later use. Chemist Tom Meyer at UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences led the research. He said in a press release on January 14, 2014 that it’s not practical to talk about powering a planet with energy stored in batteries. It’s more reasonable, he said, to store energy in the chemical bonds of molecules. He said:

And that’s what we did – we found an answer through chemistry.

What would a solar magnetic flip do to the climate?

Desert Gypsy's picture

The Daily Caller - 10/10/13, Michael Bastasch

bout every 11 years, the two magnetic poles of the sun reverse as the the star’s inner magnetic dynamo adjusts itself. The flipping of the sun’s magnetic poles is a big event for our solar system as the sun’s heliosphere — the extent of the sun’s magnetic influence — reaches beyond even Pluto.

Andy Bojarski ~ 45 Questions and Answers on Energy and Healing

MomT's picture

Awakening to Higher Love posted on August 22, 2013 by Andy Bojarsk


Hi everyone, I wanted to try something different.  Below are 45 questions and answers to help you understand healing and energy a little better.

Rather than just writing this out in paragraph form, I though this would be easier to digest in a question and answer format.

Let me know if you like this format and I will continue it.  Also, I will be holding healing classes where I will be teaching energy healings for those that are interested.  I will have a new post about this shortly.  We need healers at these times and this is a wonderful way to be of service.

The classes will be very detailed and hands on where I will go over everything in great detail with respect to what I do when I perform energy healings.  I think you will all love the classes as you become wonderful energy healers.

Inspiration for the soul

Rhiannon's picture

Energy Gifts Are of Earth Forever

a message from Brenda Hoffman
Tuesday, 30 July, 2013 (posted 31 July, 2013)
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Dear Ones,

Thousands of words have been written and spoken about the miracle of the next few days’ “Lion’s Gate” energy burst. Many relay that you will manifest all you wish. That you will be healed. That you will move into joy.

But according to many, such manifestations are true only if you chant this or do that. There are rules for this major boost. If you review those rules/dictates/actions, you will realize that these rules are yet again society dictates. Of course, if these rules or actions feel joyful, they are right for you. But please do not believe that you must do this or that within a certain period or you will not gain the manifestation boosts many are touting.

During this week’s Creation Energies Internet channel, we discussed that this Lion’s Gate energy burst would shift everyone on earth. Those of the light. Those thinking of becoming part of the light. And those who have no idea what the light is and do not care. How is it possible that those who do not chant or meditate with the “right” words or request assistance in the “right” way will shift also?

This energy burst is opening the heart energies of all entities on earth including microbes and amoebas. It is not a burst just for the Lightworker advance team or for those who many label Illuminati. It is a global shift of massive proportions. The end product of which is yet another step closer to love, joy and peace FOR ALL.

This massive transition cannot be completed if only those “in the know” experience it. You can center energy within your being in many ways from meditation to walks in nature. But those actions do not exclude those who do not understand, care or know how to draw energies to themselves.

Become your new selves with joy. – channeled by Ron Head

GemConscious's picture


Lions Gate



We come to you once again, speaking to you of the energies of the ancient traditional new year signaled by the dawn rising of the star Sirius and movement into the sign of Leo. This is the Lion’s Gate. It is accompanied this time by several other rare and auspicious alignments in your heavens. Together they bring you even greater cosmic energy than is usual even for the Lion’s Gate.


As we urged you in our last message, just days ago, go within at this time. Find your heart space. Reach out with the senses which you will find there and receive with your love and gratitude that which is being showered upon you at this time.


This energy will change, and is changing, your very beings. But the acceptance and gratitude we urge will make it all the more powerful for your personal bodies, both physical and not, and also allow you to receive those changes with grace and ease. Many of these changes have been uncomfortable for some of you at times. This is not as desired, either by you or by us.


earth chakras the 7-key energy vortices of mother earth

cocolove77's picture

 7/25/13 Christina Sarich, Staff
Waking Times 

Just as the physical body has seven (or more) identifiable energy centers, or swirling vortices of subtle energy, so does the planet have chakra centers that govern her health and act as a reflection of her energetic evolution. Dr. Hiroshimi Motoyama developed a way to measure the chakras of the human body – to give them a scientific basis, when they were considered purely metaphysical for centuries, though saints, sages, monks and yogis knew of their existence long before they were recognized by scientific instruments.


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