
Weekly Tarot Reading ~ Monday, March 4 – Sunday, March 10

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Keep in mind that energy is not static. The descriptions of the day could flow from one day, to the next. Themes could even continue throughout the week, especially when there are opposing or reinforcing cards. I’ve done my best to note these.



We start out the week with the energies of the suit of pentacles, which governs practicality, security and material concerns.


Monday March 04.

Nine of Pentacles

We begin the week with a reminder our hard work will pay off soon. This is a “time-out” card. We’ve been working hard lately, tending our garden. As was mentioned a week ago the seeds are sprouting. We may need to stop and assess what we are doing, but we can clearly see the fruits of our labor paying off. This reminder is important to carry with us into Tuesday.

Tuesday March 05.

Five of Pentacles

Tuesday may feel the complete opposite of Monday. We may fall on hard times, or feel lacking in some area today – knowledge, experience, material items, health – anything really. What we felt assured of yesterday, may not be clear at all today. The figures on the card seem to be outside of a church – a gentle reminder that our spiritual work and practice is important to remember and stick with throughout troubled times.

For the end of the week, we are in the energies of the suit of swords – for the most part. Swords govern intellect, thought and reason.

Wednesday March 06.

King of Swords

Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/20/13 ~ Change is Afoot

yourgypsysoul's picture


The Tower

In this card we see a tower being struck with lightning and 2 beings falling out of the tower. (Remind you of anything?) This is a card of massive change. And even if you can't see it happening in your physical world it is most definitely happening at other levels. The Change indicated with this card is sudden. It is not a gradual change whatsoever. Change is scary for a lot of people, and at the rate things are going it can be downright terrifying. The most important thing is to stay grounded and present. None of these changes will be negatory, even though they may seem that way at first. Be calm, and have faith that everything will fall into place as it should.


Let's Win :)

Daily Tarot Reading ~ 2/1/13

yourgypsysoul's picture
Today's Daily Tarot Reading: The Sun

I was definitely supposed to pull this card this morning. Clumsy ol' me, when shuffling the deck it managed to almost slip out of my hands. I had to flip the deck over to get them back in order and this... card was on the bottom. So I shuffled some more, cut the deck and lo & behold, I pull the Sun. Here's what I felt after pulling this card:

I felt that it was important that the first card of February was the Sun. It seems to tie in with my monthly reading that this month is a month of great (and hopefully visible!) changes. We need to start the month by stepping into and embracing our true selves. What is it you enjoy? How do you want to spend your time in the Golden Age? Start putting that together and get to work on it. The Sun shows us that anything you undertake this month, if you put the necessary effort into it, will be successful.

As mentioned previously, I get the feeling that February will be a month of great changes. The Sun shows us that perhaps hidden information could come to light soon. This could be on a personal level, or at a larger level. This is why it's so important to know who you are and what you want -- so that you are not blindsided by potential unveiling of information. When you have a good idea and understanding of yourself, it's harder for others to knock you off balance.

Holy Energy, Batman!

yourgypsysoul's picture


I'm feeling weird today. I think that I knew something was up yesterday, that there was a lot more energy. I was hesitant to take a personal day so soon into the year... but I did and went shopping with my sister. We got frozen yogurt and it was delicious. I think that's why I didn't notice anything yesterday. I was having fun and my vibrations were higher. Today, though, I am sitting in my cubicle and my heart feels like it's a ballon in my chest. It makes it uncomfortable and a little hard to breathe, but it's not something that I'm afraid of. Synchronistically, a little after feeling this I saw the Earth Allies' message about the energy of today. Just before this feeling in my chest, I was insanely aware of myself. I was sitting in my chair, I mean really sitting there and just taking everything in. I can feel it coursing through me and it is intense. It's overwhelming. It's exhilarating. This is the start of something new. New ideas. New hopes. New dreams. New reality. It's coming, my dear and you can't stop it. You can't hurry it either. YOu must be patient. Oh but it's so hard to be patient when I'm hearing that our New Age will be wonderful beyond comprehension. I just want to comprehend it!

Links to highly beneficial Energy Alignment music for the New Earth

meditationvibrations's picture

A special gift.  This track is 'pay what you want' through December 2012!!


Click here to listen


It is powerful grounding energy to the vibration of the New Earth.


Click Here for another:



For more info see:


Like Meditation Vibrations on Facebook




Higgins info here.





The brightening of your own light brightens all light. – Michael channeled by Ron Head

Anonymous's picture

The brightening of your own light brightens all light. – Michael channeled by Ron Head


You are well aware now that much has changed and is changing. You are well and truly in the midst of it now. Your acceptance and determination to utilize what is happening for the best will carry you far. Do not measure yourselves by what others report, nor either be surprised to experience the same or entirely different things in your new selves. You have your functions to perform and others have theirs. Each of you is where you need to be to do what needs to be done. At some point you will begin to understand that, but it will be long before you are able to understand the full impact you have upon your world.

We do not ask for you to trust our words. Trust your highest being that your smallest gesture, your smile, your love causes chain reactions far, far beyond what you are able to see. You may never know what wonderful thing occurs thousands of miles and hundreds of days away as a result of the uplifting feeling you cause in a friend or neighbor. In any case, the brightening of your own light brightens all light.

Inter-Dimensional Energy Surfing

daughter of rebekah's picture

For the past week I have been popping in and out of the fifth dimension. When I go 5D, everything around me seems flat, sort of phony like an old movie set, and far away. It is sort of like an out-of-body experience where you are looking down at yourself, but I am in myself and looking at the 3-dimensional reality I just the last moment was in.

The longest one was when I was walking down the hall of the OR with my patient, after their surgery, taking them on the bed to PACU. I felt a connectedness and compassion to my coworkers I passed in the hall. It was like watching an old movie, comforting, but very campy and dated. Once I walked through the double doors which separate the OR from PACU, I came back to 'normal'.

At first I was a little weirded out by this. But a post by Kaui'la Pele talked about the similar experiences, with the vision going fuzzy for a short time. Others commented on having similar experiences too.As a chemical engineering student, I learned that chemical reactions always happen at the interface between two chemicals. Add a catalyst to the reactor, and the reaction will happen hundreds of times faster, on the edge. It was there that I developed a liking for being between two worlds, where the action is. I went into Medical School being excited about the skills I would gain to help people at the brink between life and death. In trauma anesthesia and especially cardiac anesthesia this is the case.

It was between undergraduate and medical school that I 'woke up' and began to discover my intuitive gifts. I began escorting souls to the Other Side in my dreamtime and my downtime as the need arose. I came up with a word for the boundary that separates us on Earth from those on Heaven: The Fence.

I have been dancing on The Fence for more than twenty years! And enjoying every minute of it. Reiki and Karuna Reiki added to the mix.

Update!- World Liberation Event: Operation First Contact

windswim's picture

         Im currently waiting on intel from COBRA for the plans of the Los Angeles World Liberation Conference. I have also contacted Drake, InLight radio and more to get this to start happening in all regions asap!  Stay tuned. Please Support.           

This is an event for the awareness of WORLD LIBERATION, DISCLOSURE AND ASCENSION!


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