
YES to all explorations down rabbit holes and YES to the film “NO”!

Silver's picture

By: Ann Kreilkamp, 01/16/2014


Jean Haines has been promising a blockbuster post for a number of days now, and she delivered — to some extent. (Where is the mention of Eisenhower meeting with ETs? for example.) “Down the Rabbit Hole” connects lots of dots, most of which is not new to me or others who think in terms of patterns of understanding, but all of which, taken together, shine light in the darkest corners of the ET-technology- infected shadow government that runs us, and wants to run us into the ground, so to speak — and little does it know, but that’s where many of us feel most comfortable, on the ground, in communion with Mother Earth, as her antennae and stewards, helping to regenerate this 3D world by re-infusing spirit into matter.


Mediumship With a Recently Deceased Patient: A Message for You

Reiki Doc's picture

I am writing to you tonight because I want to talk to you about all your messages. They are beautiful, and I want to add to them with my own message for the populace and the Galactic Free Press.

I am with you.
I am on your side.
I fought the fight for the right with a career in the military, and I saw FIRST HAND (gestures to his eyes) HOW VERY MESSED UP IT WAS.
I am no Cobra, and not the Drake. But I am empowered in spirit. When I met you I saw 'one who is concerned, one who really cares about others, and I am very ill--the death and dying kind of sick.' I knew that in an instant when I went through your aura at the front desk when I rolled in for you to take me to the Operating Room, or OR as you call it.

(strokes my hair and looks me in the eyes)
Everything happens for the best. That goes for me (taps his chest), that goes for you (gestures), and for all 'the happy listeners' (readers--gesturing with a sweeping motion from left to right). Everything happens for the Justice and the pleasure on High, on the Galactic Central Sun or God as you call it.

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