The Protests are Working: Dow’s New “Enlist” GMO Corn Delayed

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Naturelsociety, By: Christina Sarich



Our collective outcry of ‘NO to GMO’ is working. In hot off the press, Dow AgroSciences is still waiting for permission from regulatory bodies to allow them to plant their highly controversial new weed control system and crops called ‘Enlist.’ Ironic isn’t it – after all, we’ve enlisted the help of our friends and neighbors to stare these corporate bullies in the eye and to sit complacent no longer as our food supply is genetically modified to cause cancer, infertility, and organ failure, to kill our bees, and endanger future generations through higher infant mortality rates.


We can’t give up now; it’s starting to work. If one squeaky hinge can’t shut the door, a million of them will shut down the house, the congress, and even the USDA. As U.S. farmers buy seed for this coming season’s crops the Enlist seed has still not been given approval by the feds.


For more on this story visit

800 Scientists Demand Global GMO “Experiment” End

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Naturalsociety, By: Elizabeth Renter, 05/24/2013

Did you hear about the 800 esteemed scientists who came together and demanded the production of genetically modified crops and products be stopped? Scientists who called on world powers to re-evaluate the future of agriculture and seek sustainability rather than corporate profits? Don’t be surprised if you haven’t, as the mainstream media won’t touch this one.


Eight-hundred scientists did make such a demand. They made it first over a decade ago and they have updated it over the years, adding signatures and release dates. Still global powers have all but ignored their calls.


For more on this story visit


China destroys three shipments of GM corn from US

Silver's picture 05/22/2013


The law says that the Ministry of Agriculture must require environmental and food safety tests to be carried out by Chinese institutions, in order to verify data provided by the seed developer. All these documents must be reviewed by the National Biosafety Committee before the MOA can issue a safety certificate.


Yet these shipments of US corn did not have the relevant safety certificates and approval documents, according to the news reports below. A Chinese citizen, whom we call Mr Li, calls the new government’s decisive move to destroy the illegal GMOs “progressive, encouraging, and satisfying”. He regards it as a sign that it is keeping its promise to work for the people and the nation.


For more on this story visit

Worldwide ‘March Against Monsanto’ Protests Planned for May 25th

Desert Gypsy's picture - 5/9/13, Anthony Gucciardi


march against monsanto 263x164 Worldwide March Against Monsanto Protests Planned for May 25th


Countless individuals will soon assemble in small and large groups around the nation and the globe alike in protest against Monsanto’s genetic manipulation of the food supply. Organized under the May 25th movement known as the ‘March on Monsanto’, the massive new rally reveals how the grassroots public has truly had enough of Monsanto’s monopoly on the many staple crops that have quickly been sucked into Monsanto’s genetically modified tycoon.

It’s virtually impossible these days to enter a grocery store, even one bearing the title of ‘natural’, and not encounter at least a few items that contain genetically modified ingredients. And for quite some time, this fact was not even known to the large majority of the United States public. Many simply did not even know what a GMO was, or what it could potentially do to their bodies (or the bodies of the children who they were feeding with genetically engineered processed food).

Feds delay approval of new Monsanto crops over environmental concerns

Desert Gypsy's picture 5/15/13



AFP Photo / Philippe Huguen

Biotech giant Monsanto faced a surprising setback after federal authorities refused to approve a new generation of genetically-engineered crops that could survive an unprecedented use of herbicides.

Monsanto was awarded a big win on Monday by the United States Supreme Court, but another federal ruling made only days earlier brought some comparatively bad news to the biotech giant.

The US Department of Agriculture announced Friday that they’ve ordered additional environmental impact statements (EIS) for herbicide-resistant crops that have been waiting for federal approval. Now Monsanto and the chemical company Dow will have to sit anxiously and await the results of those assessments before they are given the go-ahead to sell genetically-engineer plants that have raised serious environmental issues.

Author Chris Kanthan: People Are Rising against Monsanto All Over the World

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Sustainable Agriculture, By: Admin, 05/15/2013


What started your interest in GMOs and Monsanto? To paraphrase the Grateful Dead, it’s been a long strange trip. I used to travel a lot for work, and I found myself carrying a lot of over-the-counter (OTC) medications all the time. Even though I would eat at nice restaurants, my stomach was always upset. I would catch a cold or flu easily, my back would hurt and my stamina was low.


Four years ago, I started doing research on the internet. I started with the mainstream, “official” sites like National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health and WebMd. Very soon, I found a lot of strange phenomenon in these sites, especially when it came to plants, vegetables, fruits, herbs and spices. For example, on Turmeric, they quote a report—without a link—where one person might have had a bad reaction to turmeric. Really? I thought I might as well be reading a website on UFOs. Also, for every single plant product, the sites were always quite sure about the side effects, but were never sure about the benefits. Without fail, they had copy pasted the following lines in page after page: More evidence is needed to rate <name of the plant/herb/spice> for these uses. It was clear that the official story that was being fed to us was flawed.



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