(As shared previously, my current messages under my own name will be labeled under Lady Portia, for we are One and the same with no separation. Much Love, Méline ♥)
We see much turmoil going on, for we are seeing the reflections of our physical selves emerging out of duality. These scenes are hard to grasp for the mind while the heart chooses to ascend, reflecting these inner heart choices into your outer world. Now as Ascension is taking place, true desires and manifestations are grounding into the centre of the earth plane, demanding our full consciousness and the balance of Self, in order to be able to cope with this.
The importance of loyalty to Self and to the heart is now being reflected in the minds and understood as being a key factor in this all. The true heart desire will shed the light in all situations for it is the desire that plays the will of manifestation. It is the desire that reflects our heart knowledge as well, for it speaks of what we are, what we form, bring and know.
Writing to my beloved. Yes my work of alchemizing balance in these turbulent times is all consuming yet you do get my attention. For you get more than my attention. You sit as the source for much inspiration. As I see your superior role in Ascension, I rise to my role of balancing, and in this way, we meet through our most sincere efforts.
Yes, I feel a meeting close at hand and I prepare as any woman would – annointing myself with oils and sacred perfumes of her holiness, enchanting expressions, gowns of deep green and blues, hair of shiny oakwood color and a pure heart beating at the mention of your name.
Precious Hearts of mine, I go by the name of Lady Portia and I greet you all sincerely and respectfully with an abundance of Love and Light. I welcome you all in my enlightened energy and Presence as the I AM that I AM. I bless you all and you may take my word for it that I love you all so immensely deep with all of my heart!