love resonates

lemme howdt's picture

greetings love beings = the storms have come to cleanse the dust and debris from the whirled.  I submit my love to all of you as a bounty of joyful harvest.  Stay in the higher vibrations of love and be at one with the water.  Come visit me at the hot springs on the mount - to soak in rhythmic earth warmth as it emits from ground - water of love.  Blessings friends, love 2 you all. lemme

Mother Mary ~ Claim Your Rightful Place Amongst The Masters In Your Ability to Love And To Create ~ Channeled by Fran Zepeda ~ August 8, 2013

franheal's picture




Mother Mary:

Hello dear ones. By now you have realized that you have reached a crossroads, a crossroads of true unequivocal belief in your divine nature. We have been telling you for quite a while now of the magnificent essence that is you, naturally and never-ending and eternally, and many of you have accepted it with open arms and true belief in your true nature.

However, there are many that still doubt this, and for you to move forward, it needs to be embraced fully and without any hesitation. Deep down you know of your nature, your Divine Nature. Deep down you know of its possibilities and its consequences. Deep down you recognize yourself more and more, as the veils are lifted from your hearts and as you accept yourselves truly and absolutely. But are you fully embracing it? Are you fully believing it? That is the question we pose to you this day, where you find yourselves continually inundated with purer and purer energy into your hearts, if you so accept it.

New Earth Frequency Update ~ The Timelessness Effect

WTC Mel and Mike's picture


There is no mistake about it – the Lion’s Gate energies this year have taken us into a whole new dimensional self. That is the purpose of this Star Gate in 2013. Challenges are resulting within all aspects of a Lightworker’s four-body system to bring forth the alignment of our Divine Self.

August 8th we will be entering the Apex of the Lion’s Gate. If you think that you are feeling the energies now, it will climax within each of us for a 24-hour period. Then it will be downgraded into our physicality by grounding it fully into GAIA.

The Golden Middle – The Divine Mother through Isabel Henn July 29, 2013

MomT's picture

Thanks to one of our blog posters for this article.  When promoting it to front page lost the original poster.  Thank you so much



(Translated from original language german)

My child, find the balance and stay in it. Your emotions will still for a while deflect like a pendulum, but will find more and more in the middle. You will see that the deflection will become smaller and smaller and then come to rest in the middle. Stay there. It is the “Golden Middle” like you say so often. But don’t quarrel with yourself if it doesn’t go smoothly immediately. Look at your emotions and let go what you don’t like. Just simple; don’t think anymore about them. Give them to me, I will transmute them with my silverplatinum flame into love and give them back to you in this form. My love will fill your heart and let it come to rest. I love you so much, my child. ~

Your Divine Mother

Become your new selves with joy. – channeled by Ron Head

GemConscious's picture


Lions Gate



We come to you once again, speaking to you of the energies of the ancient traditional new year signaled by the dawn rising of the star Sirius and movement into the sign of Leo. This is the Lion’s Gate. It is accompanied this time by several other rare and auspicious alignments in your heavens. Together they bring you even greater cosmic energy than is usual even for the Lion’s Gate.


As we urged you in our last message, just days ago, go within at this time. Find your heart space. Reach out with the senses which you will find there and receive with your love and gratitude that which is being showered upon you at this time.


This energy will change, and is changing, your very beings. But the acceptance and gratitude we urge will make it all the more powerful for your personal bodies, both physical and not, and also allow you to receive those changes with grace and ease. Many of these changes have been uncomfortable for some of you at times. This is not as desired, either by you or by us.


They Say That One Person Can Make a Difference... by Rosangel Perez

Rosangel's picture

They say that one person can make a difference and everyone should try. So here it goes...

My intention is to share the natural healing gifts of laughter, dancing, and connection with communities who want to take classes with me, but simply can not afford it.

My reason is simple...
In this chaotic, fast moving, stressed out world, many people have forgotten how good it feels to share a hearty laugh with someone, how amazing it feels to dance uninhibitedly, and how freeing it is to be in a space where you can share a "primal" scream as loud as you can and not have to worry about what others think.

It is a healthy way to release pent up energy and stress in a safe setting...

Which is why I am asking you to contribute and help me bring more laughter and joy to communities that really need it. In the past three years, I have shared my classes with hundreds of people and I want to reach even more.

What are the benefits? I often hear that people feel less stress and tension... Headaches and body aches gone or reduced... Most people feel relaxed, lighter, and happier.

The irony of life is that most of the people that need and want this the most, are the people that can not afford it...

Did you know that on average children laugh about 200 times a day, while adults laugh about 12 times a day? Let’s change that!

I believe in the power of community. I believe in you.

Yeshua and the Company of Heaven: Glow In Your Own Unique Divinity ~ Channeled through Fran Zepeda ~July 12, 2013

franheal's picture


Yeshua.glowuniquedivinity.imagesCAF21XM9Yeshua and the Company of Heaven:


Greetings from afar, as they say, but really from not so far away, at least Now in your perception, as it has always been that we of the Celestial and Galactic Realms have been very close to you.

It is now your perception that brings us very close and we revel in the delight and opportunity to have this closeness, and opportunity to impart our wisdom and support for all of you hardworking Lightworkers; and yes, you are Celestial and Galactic Beings as well. You are beginning to accept this and realize it more and more, dear ones.

I beseech you to realize it more every day, to be in the cognizance of it, to be in the joy of it, to place yourselves in your rightful places, down deep within your divinity, with all the powers and clarity it provides for you. The more you acknowledge this quality and identity in you, the more revelations and beautiful opportunities and experiences you will have.

Yes, we have talked about this many, many times with you, but you see that we refine it more and more each time and bring you back more and more to this realization so you finally get it and live within it, dear ones.

Not so long ago, eons to you, but really only a blink of an eye away, you prospered and reveled in this milieu of divine identity; you played within it and you thrived within it. Please know you are approaching that same presence and reality again. The more you let go and surrender to the truth of it, the more you can enjoy it and realize it.


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