Brothers and Sisters... Will you please join us in sending love, honor, & healing intentions to every woman's womb?

Rosangel's picture

Join us for 29 Days of Gratitude: Womb Vientre Yoni Cunti Love... Hosted by The Gratitude Movement, Wild Women & More

Join us for 29 Days of Gratitude starting May 1st: Womb, Vientre Yoni, Cunti Love babie!!!
Hosted by The Gratitude Movement, Wild Women, Chakra Doodles, Way of the Womb...
Love her.
Cherish her.
Nurture her.
Revere her.
Pray to her.
Caress her.
Hold her.
Protect her.
Send healing intentions to her.
Sing to her.
Sit with her.
Say I love you to her.
Apologize to her.
Forgive her.
Honor her.
Accept her.
Free her.
Connect with her.
Know her.
Be with her.
Adorn her.
Respect her.
Be in balance with her.
Be gentle with her.
Dance with her.
Write a poem to her.
Write a letter to her.
Enjoy ceremony with her.
Sit in gratitude with her.
It’s time to heal her… the womb.
~lil wolf

Starting May 1st, for 29 Days:

Pause every morning and/or night and offer healing, nurturing, loving intentions to every woman’s womb and to the womb of Mother Earth.


How To Love Yourself

Ryan's picture


How to love yourself? Be in the moment, be happy for who you are and what you have. Widen your perspective outside your comfort

zone, allow yourself to grow. Realize everything happens for a reason and life is an opportunity to better yourself. There are no right and wrongs, there just is. Be compassionate to yourself. There is a quote that I believe sums it up by Judith Dagley that I try to read every day:

“Practice Compassion Within, because withing you is where you must set the template for everything you see reflected around you. Be the diamond you are, value it.”

Love and desire

will's picture

We hear the word "love" almost constantly, but what does it really mean? It seems that our society has two very different meanings for  the word, and these meanings have unfortunately been twisted together. True Love could be described as a feeling of transcendent Bliss, a feeling of Freedom and a total release of fear. This is what's known as God's Love, or Unconditional Love, and it's completely different than the other way people use the word love, which is nothing more than a strong desire.

What's wrong with desire? Well, Buddha had a lot to say about that. To put it quite simply, desire is the very thing that keeps people stuck within illusion. A person full of desires is living in the future and the past, they aren't living in the Now. Why is Now so important? Well that's where the whole Multi-Dimensional Reality is present, that "future" people are trying to get to only exists within the mind. If you want to get to Real Love, if you want to get to God, you start at the Present Moment.

Desire can be seen as the dualistic imitation of actual Love. Love gives and receives freely, without expectation or conditions, while desire is always filled with expectations and conditions. Desire makes life about trying to get "things" instead of actually Living. Desire is a bottomless pit, a void that's never really satisfied. Individual desires come and go, but the habit, the pattern is still there. It's not uncommon that for each specific desire that's been resolved, two more have come up to take its place.

The Proof You Need Lies Within Your Hearts: Pleiadian Message, channeled by Caroline K.A.

Starlight Journeys's picture


th (2)

Posted April 8, 2013


We are the guardians of light.  We come to you today where all matters pertaining to the heart are of the greatest importance.

It is time to gather yourselves in balance, and in light as you go within on a daily basis, if not more.  Your connection with spirit, and the essence of your true identity is now being made known to many of you, as your awakening is proceeding at an accelerated rate.

Within these new-found realizations coming to you now, many are eager to know more, and you often ask for physical proof as to what the higher realms are showing you.  Dear ones, we say to you in all sincerity, the proof you need lies within your hearts.  It is only from within shall you completely align with the truth of what is, and it is you, the creator human, who choses what to do with the information you receive in manifesting and creating your reality.


Soul SiStar Channelings's picture


This is a 3 part series of channelings on Ego that was channeled through Soul SiStars Heather and Debi. There is so many conflicting views in regards to the ego that we thought it would be a good idea to see what the higher dimensions had to say about the ego.The channelings are listed in order 1-3 below this introduction.


Preamble from Heather

You are co-creators that are all unconditionally loved; you all have the choice and all create what you experience. Your ego is a manifestation of your beliefs that are not what you prefer, no one created the beliefs you hold but yourself. You may have bought into others beliefs, but ultimately you chose to believe. You must carry the responsibility of what you yourself have created. The experience is the only thing that is real everything else is a mirror projected in order for you to have the experience, this is how you learn to grow. Living amongst 4th density energies you have a broader view of the beliefs that no longer serve you. You notice that the physical mind/ego tugs and pulls to keep you in the belief that no longer serves you; it is not doing this to spite you, but to protect you so you do not get hurt. Even the negative is done out of love even though the expression may be distorted. Only 3rd density reality holds the lies and deceptions you were holding on to. 4th density is allowing the higher mind to come into more of your truer self. You are becoming closer to unconditional love as an experience and therefore you are allowing more love into your reality. This means the higher mind can start to work more with the physical mind instead of the physical mind thinking it has to do it all alone.

Stay connected to Soul SiStar Channelings @

Weekly Tarot Reading ~ April 1 - April 7

yourgypsysoul's picture


This week, I got some guidance toward the colors of the energies that we’ll be immersed in this coming week. This is the first time that this has happened and I’m still trying to integrate it into the readings, so if you have any questions just let me know.

Some days have a rather short reading, but I get the feeling that a lot of this week’s energy has to do with the decisions we make on a daily basis. Nothing is “set in stone” so to speak until we actually take the first steps on the path we choose to make. Make a conscious effort to set aside time each day to be still and get in touch with your heart center. The information and knowing that comes through this center is very valuable at this moment.

Along those lines, energy is fluid, so the specific influences of the cards may be felt prior to and in the days after the card is pulled for. This is especially true for Major Arcana cards, signified by a capital M in parenthesis. Reversed cards are signified with an R in parentheses. If a card is reversed, it means that its energy has not fully manifested yet. This week, we seem to be building to a crescendo of energies which arrive on Saturday.

The theme for this week seems to be balance.


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