Méline Lafont

Méline Lafont ~ The web of I AM Presences of Cosmic creation is detaching her beautiful grid of consciousness from the lower pla

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(As shared previously, my current messages under my own name will be labeled under Lady Portia, for we are One and the same with no separation.  Much Love, Méline ♥)
We see much turmoil going on, for we are seeing the reflections of our physical selves emerging out of duality.  These scenes are hard to grasp for the mind while the heart chooses to ascend, reflecting these inner heart choices into your outer world.  Now as Ascension is taking place, true desires and manifestations are grounding into the centre of the earth plane, demanding our full consciousness and the balance of Self, in order to be able to cope with this.
The importance of loyalty to Self and to the heart is now being reflected in the minds and understood as being a key factor in this all.  The true heart desire will shed the light in all situations for it is the desire that plays the will of manifestation.  It is the desire that reflects our heart knowledge as well, for it speaks of what we are, what we form, bring and know.

Saint Germain ~~ All the adaptations are done with ; it is now a time of actively doing and achieving and what a time it is at !

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By Méline Lafont


(photograph from www.shangrala.org)

Greetings, my precious ones, it is I Saint Germain. I am at your service once again in this moment of NOW on your planet Earth. There are many things about to occur in a very short time and they are all fully ready to come to pass. After the activation of numerous portals, after the clean-up of many negative and lower human thoughtforms and creations, the time has come for a firm creation which will take on enormous proportions. The next big portal on November 11th has a lot to do with this as well as the subsequent portals, including of course some minor ones.

Saint Germain and Archangel Zadkiel ~~ The Mastery of the violet ray stands ready, make yourself prepared now ~~ Channeled by Mé

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Greetings, precious ones, we are Archangel Zadkiël and Saint Germain of the Violet Ray. We are at your service today to transmit a message in the here and now.


Allow me, Saint Germain, to begin firstly with this message of Love for all  of you. Once again, I greet you most cordially because I love you all from the bottom of my heart. Being the Master of the Violet Ray I want to elaborate further as to our magnificent and powerful colour of being. It is the perfection of purity and power which we represent in our true being. The Ray of the Violet colour is one of the most powerful forces which is at your disposal here on Earth and into Infinity! We replenish where necessary and convert the most dire dangers and impurities into the most natural and wonderful perfections.


Our Violet Ray is at your disposal so use it as you see fit and as much as you want for it is yours too! We stand here now as Masters and rulers of this Ray to transmit this beautiful Violet Ray throughout the whole world on which you dwell, because the perfection of being is what’s now in store for you. This Violet Ray is capable of providing to you the most overwhelming ideas and than to transmit them into the genuine reality, the peaceful society which is reflecting its astonishing purity before your sparkling eyes of Light.


Lady Portia ~~ The dawn of a new era ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont 26/10/2012

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Precious Hearts of mine, I go by the name of Lady Portia and I greet you all sincerely and respectfully with an abundance of Love and Light. I welcome you all in my enlightened energy and Presence as the I AM that I AM. I bless you all and you may take my word for it that I love you all so immensely deep with all of my heart!

The Dolphin Collective ~~ Cooperation; you are the notes creating the most wonderful melody ~~ Channeled by Méline Lafont 23/10/

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We greet you, our lovely ones, and welcome you most heartily! We are so excited to be able to meet you once again through this message and to share our energies with each other. We love all of you so dearly!!


♥ Be cheerful, even more than you usually are, because your hard work and your focus on that important day of October 21st, 2012, which you named “the day of decision, has brought about many things. This collective thinking combined with your earnest efforts has loosened many issues for the benefit of you all, my lovely ones. This is the joining of hands that we have often stressed as being an important part of the process and this is what we mean by that. It is heartwarming to see you react collectively and no longer remaining in a waiting stance till it is all delivered at your doorsteps so to speak, for in all honesty, my lovely ones, this will never be the case.  We want to emphasize in all honesty to all of you, that you are the ones who must get their act together and do it yourselves whereafter the higher worlds and the Lightworld will cooperate to bring it to fruition.  Those countless lessons you have learned are now bearing fruits. The awareness for cooperation and the notion that you create it yourself have both been duly reached, and from now on there will be nothing but reaping the fruits of your labor. Hurray, we have unmistakably reached this important level!  Does this not sound like music to your ears?



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