Méline Lafont

Saint Germain ~ Separation and Duality, energetic changes ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

Silver's picture

By: Meline LaFont, 09/27/2013


Picture: Gretchen Rainforest Hermey.  Thank you Gretchen ♥


Greetings, in the most exuberant energies I embrace all of you in this joyful timeframe of the Now. As is always the case, every Now moment contains an enormously intense frequency of opportunities which will make itself known in your “disillusionment process” also referred to as the Awakening. Afore-mentioned opportunities contain enclosed nooks with intentions and creations which one can continue to bring onto this world in order to gradually further the process of disillusionment and, by the same token, to create a more genuine Reality.


Series of live channeling Saint Germain ~ Series 2 part 3 ~ Animals in this Ascension ~ By Méline Lafont

Silver's picture

By: Meline Lafont, 09/08/2013






Changing topics if I can for a quick second. A lot of questions came in with respect to our animals and pets, our cats, our dogs, maybe horses, animals in general.. and basically 2 quick questions I would like your feedback on. The first question is: why do our pets, our cats, our dogs not live as long as we do? They live maybe 10, 12, 15 years and then they end up leaving the physical body. There are a lot of questions that came in on that cause a lot of people don’t understand it, they are concerned about their pet and it is very traumatic. The second question is: can you maybe talk about our pets in this Ascension process? What happens to them and how do they ascend? Just maybe to give some reassurance to the readers and the viewers.




Saint Germain:




Series of live channeling Saint Germain ~ Serie 2 part 2 ~ Individual ascension and collective ascension (august 12, 2013) ~ By Méline Lafont

Silver's picture




Another question that I have is: there are a lot of channellings and different things out there that talk about the collective Ascension, that there is also a collective Ascension in addition to an individual Ascension and that a certain threshold percent that needs to be reached for the collective to ascend. Is that true and does the collective need to ascend before the individual can ascend or in other words can I ascend and then the collective may later follow if I am ready? And what has to happen for the collective as one consciousness on Earth, on Gaia to ascend? Can you maybe give some clarity on that?

Saint Germain:

Magatha from Agartha ~ The Human Brain's molecular adaptation in frequency ~ As channeled by Méline Lafont

MélineLafont's picture



My beloved brethren of Earth, what wondrous times you are living in at  this present moment. Stunning shifts are slowly entering your reality bringing to the fore and disclosing once more several issues, for let’s get clear on this : the times for change have duly begun!

Series of live channeling Saint Germain ~ Serie 2 part 2 ~ Individual ascension and collective ascension (august 12, 2013) ~ By Méline Lafont

MélineLafont's picture


Another question that I have is: there are a lot of channellings and different things out there that talk about the collective Ascension, that there is also a collective Ascension in addition to an individual Ascension and that a certain threshold percent that needs to be reached for the collective to ascend. Is that true and does the collective need to ascend before the individual can ascend or in other words can I ascend and then the collective may later follow if I am ready? And what has to happen for the collective as one consciousness on Earth, on Gaia to ascend? Can you maybe give some clarity on that?
Saint Germain:

Méline Lafont ~The new body and new reality is all about the re-embodiment of a specimen or fractal of your True Self ~ As channeled from Self

MélineLafont's picture


As the expansion of your awareness is integrating into your fields, such forms of activations are in store for your being to use upon this reality of yours. All is integrating on such a level of understanding that the I AM Presence is now able to step forward in these times and follow the direction one has chosen to BE. Many are experiencing this at present and real life connections are made with others such as with yourself in order to bring you into a deeper realization that the Self is an intrinsic part of All That Is.


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