The man speaking the message of Love and Forgiveness on Earth will not call himself the Christ, or Jesus Christ. He will be known as a Messiah teaching the New Meaning of Love. The Creator Being, who came as the Soul of Jesus of Nazareth will guide his friends in this Galaxy in their adventure of Unconditional Love,
You may now go straight to the YouTubes where Jesus tells his version of his birth and all
of the other TRUE stories about Jesus and Mary.
We will be adding more Christmas items, including free pdf's of the Diaries that contain transcriptions of these dialogues and how they all fit together into the hundreds of dialogues that I have had with Jesus, Elaika, Ariel, Zaurak, Zeena, Flipper, Shajinka, St. Germain and many of our other teachers over the past three decades.
There will also be a list of our Christmas music and free give aways on this page in the near future.
There will even be individualized plans for each human on Earth who translates into Terra Ha. There will be families on Terra Ha who are most related to the Akashic Records of past lives, past dimensional experiences, past racelines of the individual,who will be waiting to guide and assist those appearing on Terra Ha. They will be welcomed with the same Love that is developed within themselves. This Love will be developed within those on this Earth to a point where there is nothing but Love. There will be so much love within each cell of the human body, that the body will need to turn into light in order to hold all of the love. And this love will beam from those who are ready to translate. There will be so much love between people on Earth that people will actually want to stay on Earth. But then their Love will grow so strong that they will turn into light.
These are some of my experiences OF BEING IN THE ALIGNMENT WITH ALL GOD IS (THE VORTEX)
Our time in Puerto Rico was time when I felt extremely centered within this place where all could just flow through me from one day to the next. We really didn't have any plans except to to walk on the beach or drive around the island. We had been paid to move to Puerto Rico and we were paid thirteen thousand dollars to leave the job that we came there for.
Out on the beach playing basket ball and watching crabs dig their homes in the sand. Absolute freedom. No job, just thirteen thousand dollars in the bank.
I remember thinking that was enough money to live the rest of my life.
Every desire that you have ever had exists in your Vortex of Manifestation, which is the Source Energy or the Universal Life Force flowing into your heart and mind and Soul. When your FREQUENCY of Consciousness matches the frequencies of this Source Energy of Creation that is pouring into you and through you, then and only then, can each and every DESIRE that you have placed in your Vortex MANIFEST. That frequency is joy,elation, happiness and a lot of GRATITUDE for the FACT that you know your DESIRES have to manifest because it is the law of the universe. It is the law of your Soul. It is God's Law. When you become One with the same Frequency as God, All that God is manifests into your experience.
In this channeled dialogue with Lacodemus, who is a Creator who is in the Creation Realm now, he tells Mary how her music has been heard on many planets and has been used to change process. He also explains how we, as Creator Beings created Novas, Super Novas and Galaxies through one thought and breathe.