
Your… steps will be determined by the being you construct from what you learn and become. – Channeled by Ron Head

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Ron Head  -  January 18, 2014 in 


Michael and the Council of Higher Selves

Today, as we have just discussed with this channel, we will begin an entirely new type of communication.


It is our intent, with his agreement, to begin an ongoing conversation concerning whatever topics are of the utmost concern to those of you who follow our message.  It is true that each of you is unique and on a journey unlike any other in many ways.  But it is also true that there are many very close similarities among you.  There are many concerns, therefore, that you hold in common.


Famous incarnations of the Archangels

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ARCHANGEL ISRAEL  – 888 ARCHANGEL MICHAEL  – 777 ARCHANGEL RAPHAEL  – 666 ARCHANGEL GABRIEL – 555 ARCHANGEL URIEL  – 444 ARCHANGEL ARIEL  – 333 ARCHANGEL DANIEL  – 222 ARCHANGEL EMMANUEL  – 111 The Archangels are octruplets and they are the sons/daughters of 'Christ' and the 'Holy Spirit' - 999 They are also know as the 'sons of God'. 'the Gods', the 'Elohims' or the 'Princes of the Universe'. Note: I know that many people have differant names for the archangels, since we all, including the archangels have 10 spirits. But  when seperated into 2 (usually in male and female), we get each one 5 of those 10. One is the lifeforce and the other 4 are helpers. Some of them have differant names, missions or caracters. Some are good and some may have gone lost in some lifetime and try to influence us. Hence it is this own ‘devil’ of ours we have to watch out for, not some entity called devil or Satan. I may add that Satan/Israel and Lucifer are not identical. Neither was Jacob/Israel an incarnation of Israel, but of Raphael. Whilst Israel/Satan was the firstborn of the archangels and is referred to as the ‘lost son’. Lucifer is just an angel who wants to be like Israel. He is an imposter who would blames everything he does on Satan! Archangels are the parents of the angels, and mankind are angels on earth, ecept the  times when archangels incarnate. AA Israel/Satan/Salomon, AA Michael/Enoch/Esau/Jesus/Nostradamus, AA Raphael/Jacob/Elijah/John the Baptist/Saint Francis/Saint Nicolas/Isis and Osiris, AA Gabriel/Moses/Mohamed/Budda, AA Uriel/Joshua/Noah/Matthew, AA Ariel/parents of Moses/parents of Jesus and now of Elijahs reincarnation, AA Daniel/ Aaaron/Zacharia and Elizabeth, AA Emmanuel/Adam and Eve/ Izaac and Rebecca/ Lazarus and his sister Martha, and many other famoous or not so famous people.

Become your new selves with joy. – channeled by Ron Head

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Lions Gate



We come to you once again, speaking to you of the energies of the ancient traditional new year signaled by the dawn rising of the star Sirius and movement into the sign of Leo. This is the Lion’s Gate. It is accompanied this time by several other rare and auspicious alignments in your heavens. Together they bring you even greater cosmic energy than is usual even for the Lion’s Gate.


As we urged you in our last message, just days ago, go within at this time. Find your heart space. Reach out with the senses which you will find there and receive with your love and gratitude that which is being showered upon you at this time.


This energy will change, and is changing, your very beings. But the acceptance and gratitude we urge will make it all the more powerful for your personal bodies, both physical and not, and also allow you to receive those changes with grace and ease. Many of these changes have been uncomfortable for some of you at times. This is not as desired, either by you or by us.


Arch-Angel Michael Prayer

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'"May prayer strengthen us for the spiritual battle we are told about in the Letter to the Ephesians: 'Draw strength from the Lord and from His mighty power' (Ephesians 6:10). The Book of Revelation refers to this same battle, recalling before our eyes the image of St. Michael the Archangel (Revelation 12:7). Pope Leo XIII certainly had a very vivid recollection of this scene when, at the end of the last century, he introduced a special prayer to St. Michael throughout the Church. Although this prayer is no longer recited at the end of Mass, I ask everyone not to forget it and to recite it to obtain help in the battle against forces of darkness and against the spirit of this world."'

Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, Satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls. 
In Jesus name>>>3
Amen ;-)

Sananda Spills Secrets! Ashtar Command Origins, Soul Contracts, Archangel Michael's Legions, Faith in Oneself, Listening Within

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Sananda Spills Secrets! Ashtar Command Origins,
Soul Contracts, Archangel Michael's Legions,
Faith in Oneself, Listening Within,
Surrendering to Feelings

Begin your Ground Crew Ascension Mission
today by joining Project Eagle Triad - write to janisel(at)sanandaseagles.com

Fly upwards during ascension! We lovingly invite you to join our Sananda Eagles family!



The brightening of your own light brightens all light. – Michael channeled by Ron Head

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The brightening of your own light brightens all light. – Michael channeled by Ron Head


You are well aware now that much has changed and is changing. You are well and truly in the midst of it now. Your acceptance and determination to utilize what is happening for the best will carry you far. Do not measure yourselves by what others report, nor either be surprised to experience the same or entirely different things in your new selves. You have your functions to perform and others have theirs. Each of you is where you need to be to do what needs to be done. At some point you will begin to understand that, but it will be long before you are able to understand the full impact you have upon your world.

We do not ask for you to trust our words. Trust your highest being that your smallest gesture, your smile, your love causes chain reactions far, far beyond what you are able to see. You may never know what wonderful thing occurs thousands of miles and hundreds of days away as a result of the uplifting feeling you cause in a friend or neighbor. In any case, the brightening of your own light brightens all light.

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