Keep in mind that energy is not static. The descriptions of the day could flow from one day, to the next. Themes could even continue throughout the week, especially when there are opposing or reinforcing cards. I’ve done my best to note these.

We start out the week with the energies of the suit of pentacles, which governs practicality, security and material concerns.
Monday March 04.
Nine of Pentacles
We begin the week with a reminder our hard work will pay off soon. This is a “time-out” card. We’ve been working hard lately, tending our garden. As was mentioned a week ago the seeds are sprouting. We may need to stop and assess what we are doing, but we can clearly see the fruits of our labor paying off. This reminder is important to carry with us into Tuesday.
Tuesday March 05.
Five of Pentacles
Tuesday may feel the complete opposite of Monday. We may fall on hard times, or feel lacking in some area today – knowledge, experience, material items, health – anything really. What we felt assured of yesterday, may not be clear at all today. The figures on the card seem to be outside of a church – a gentle reminder that our spiritual work and practice is important to remember and stick with throughout troubled times.
For the end of the week, we are in the energies of the suit of swords – for the most part. Swords govern intellect, thought and reason.
Wednesday March 06.
King of Swords