

amissvik's picture


It came to me today that this peace which is so real and sturdy for me anymore, this clean place internally has everything to do with thinking and believing in brand new ways. These thoughts used to only swirl and dance and become active when I was reading them on a page or hearing them in meditation. But then I'd have to engage in reality and my peace would crumble, just blow away like toothpicks.

And that happens less and less now. And I really feel a need to let others know about the thoughts which have righted a few things for me. So I am going to do that in this blog, as economically as possible.


1 - Every time I go to sleep, I am switching focus to my bigger reality, my bigger self. The bigger part of me which I always envisioned was in charge, I used to imagine was only active long ago, in planning things out of me here, putting people and situations in my path to help me, activate me. Well, now I understand that this is not a one-time, only-done-before-you're-born type of thing. We do it every night. We are so plugged into Source, but there is a disconnect, and that disconnect is worked around when I sleep.

2 – Everything, absolutely everything has consciousness, and the degree of magic my life and heart contains is directly proportionate to how well I am paying attention to the aliveness of my physical reality.

3 – Men and women, male and female, boy and girl, there is absolutely no true difference, except for the assignation of who has the egg and who has the seed. Everything cultural rule regarding male and female abilities is a human construct. It isn't real. This brings me so much peace. Any such rule is from someone's imagination as to How Things Should Be. Many expectations, roles, and bs behavior are distortions and Other People's Understandings.


amissvik's picture




The writer has changed, so too the voice.


Once meek and mild, full of equivocation, doing my level best to sneak up on things rather than call them out by name, stating a truth bluntly. What lovely poetry did it make, but it is too much work to continue to approach myself and writing that way.


So, the voice is sparser, more blunt, to the point. Hopefully funnier.


And I have decided that for this blog, I am going to be a little bossy. I have decided to try on, not an authoritative or pedantic air, but the air of an elder who really should be listened to, so sit down, be quiet, drink your cocoa and let me talk. You might learn a thing or two.


Now, this is brand new for me. I am not someone who has ever felt that I have any right to tell anyone how to think or feel or act. Somehow I made it to 52 thus shackled. But, this is what I know. I know that I spend more time and effort and imagination trying to figure things, the big things, out than most people expend on their most cherished pastimes. My passion is to understand life and God and myself and my place within this whole thing. I think that is a very reasonable thing to be obsessed with. I am cool with you thinking it's batshit insane. Most people do. They don't use that term. They've always preferred “weird.”


A quick thought

Mario's picture

A quick thought

Imagine a place born, where you/one where born, in space, where everything was as is, and one wouldent be told, one could only see and experiance, what we never had a chance to when we were born on earth. In space this being, of human nature would look around and see floating in the vast darkness of space illumined by stars and see Earth, we know what it looks like, but this being would be same as us, just never been ON Earth. All we know on this planet, is none of what he knows all religions beliefs, systems, way of life, languages, what we perceive "as reality" would just be none of his or her thought up in space. He would basically be born without beliefs, thus all information that comes to mind would be of nature in space. Philosophicaly would just be without limits you know? Think about it. Would learn by him/herself using only what is around and not thaught by any one, all his her questions wouldent be answered and wouldent be ask in the first place, ratter it would be experianced, felt. Haha imagine him coming on Earth to find exact same of his kind from where he was born, and basically start learning in all ways that we are from acknowledgement, he would simply be rearanging all he was from up there. There is just no way to explain what he would feel up there in space.

You can even imagine a different senario where he would go on another planet, let's say Uranus and find different beings and from scratch would learn from his surrounding all that was on Uranus beliefs, systems anything would be what he would live "in" if you understand. But because he was from space, he would of already experianced what has no limits, so how he chooses what beliefs he see's on either planet depends on what is experianced and innocence seem's to leave when one is choosing a way of life.


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