
The Missing Piece

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The beginning is where it all starts.  On this much we can agree.  There is a moment in linear time when we each arrived.  This is our beginning as a person.  The physical reasons for our birth are identical; the decisions to engage in the physical act that produced us are as varied as we are.  Some of them were conscious; offspring was part of the intent.  Some of them went no further than the act itself; our arrival was a surprise to our parents.


There is now information “out there” that points to a specific and planned beginning for the human.  It may be a challenge, an affront to what you have been told.  It is another view that once adopted as a possibility – throws the door wide open for expansion of thought in many directions.  The traditional stance on creation is polarized – we were either divinely created by a benevolent god or we naturally evolved from an ape.  There is a missing link that causes a problem for both scenarios and faith is necessary.


This third possibility says that “in the beginning” man was made, yet in a lab and using the ape in combination with genetics from an advanced race – the one called “god”, “elohim”, “he who from the sky came”.


If true, then that would mean that both sides have been right all along.  This is good news.  Everyone can retain their dignity and belief system now.  This was the piece to the puzzle we did not have. We have it now.


We are in the age of enlightenment.  There are truths uncovered daily and sometimes it feels, hourly.  We are about to discover where the pieces are, what they look like and why they’ve been hidden.


I love hearing stories of my childhood, even things that happened before I showed up.  It puts my whole life and family in perspective.  I get a better sense of who I am.


Like riding a bike

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So what is it really?  Oneness.  What does unity look like “where the rubber meets the road”?  You and I are one?  Really?  We don’t look alike, do the same things or even think alike.  It must be something I can’t see.  Our unity must be expressed on a different field.


It’s like riding a bike.  You learn once and never forget, regardless the years between trips.  Remember your first time?  It was my father’s hand who held the two-wheeler upright, running along beside me while I chattered and pedaled.  He neglected to mention he’d be letting go.  When I noticed, three things happened in rapid succession – my mouth dropped, a fly flew in and I crashed to the pavement.  But I can ride a bike.


The decision to ride happens in your head.  Your hands rest on the handlebars, turning while squeezing and releasing the brake.  Your feet push the pedals, your legs pump, and your eyes direct while the muscles in your torso maintain you vertically.  Each body part contributes a unique and vital component that results in a bike ride.  You’d never go anywhere if your head didn’t first decide to do so.  If you ask your hands what they are doing, they’d respond “gripping and releasing” while your feet will tell you they are “pushing these pedals”; all true.  Only your head knows the bigger answer – you are riding a bike.


We are connected there – beneath every action and non-action the collective us is doing something, making a statement. We speak with one voice and if you step back far enough, our voice can be heard.


Is This Epic Enough?

SophiaLove's picture

On January 1st, 2012 I released a video entitled “Message to Off World Beings”.  Yesterday, I got an answer.  It came in the form of an interaction with someone speaking for the “Forces of One”.  You can see what was said in the video bearing that name. Both can be found here and on the you-tube channel. 


And that’s the back story to what will most likely be my focus for the rest of this year – Making A Choice – everything else sort of pales in comparison. 


I’ve read and re-read the transcript and although I cannot point to my partner in the conversation, I can tell you how it felt.  It felt epic.  The power coming with the words sort of washed over me.  I felt them before I read them.  I’ve had to look up a few of the terms he used since then, but there is no mistaking how I felt.  I was in the presence of a force unlike any other I have known here. 


The video, “Message to Off World Beings” was released to remind us of our own power, with the added intent of contact.  It fact, I was contacted telepathically a few days after it was released.  I was woken up and spoken to; that energy was exuberant and joyful yet the voice was in my head – I doubted its authenticity. 


This contact was not in my head, it was on a you-tube channel.  Really.  You can check it out for yourself by reading the comments below the video: “Message to Off World Beings”.


This only amplifies what has always been primary – Love.  We are without a doubt far more powerful than we imagine ourselves to be.  We are deciding the fate of the planet. The choice we make this year determines the direction for all of life.


Just another epic battle

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What if this was it?  I know we’ve been predicting and channeling and blogging and speaking of this year and yet, well, it still gives me pause.  Are we living out religious prophecy?  I mean, really?  Because I see no one in robes or chariots with wings or thunderbolts – is this it?


What did you expect?  Did you expect it to be true?  Did you believe, as many have, that it was nothing but myth? I submit that there is both truth and deliberate manipulation in our doctrine, and that is the problem.  The reason we’ve been choking on the rules we’ve been preached is because they were put forth by one whose goal was control, rather than the creator.


Our history is resplendent with tales of epic battles, good vs. evil, unimaginable power and complete annihilation; also miracles and wisdom.  Today, if you want to see epic battles, look to some video game “final boss” scenarios or major motion pictures.  If it is power you’d like to witness, pay attention to the economic and war games our rulers and bankers and 1% play.  If you are searching for wisdom, there are truths online and in lecture halls over the world.  Look to you- tube video’s for “chariots of fire”.  We’ve been looking at pulpits and podiums, which are mostly all the wrong places.  It’s all here, as predicted.  We are living the “end times”.


There are two distinct voices in our history – the creator and the manipulators, hence our confusion.  This bewilderment was intended.  We are “coming out of the dark” this year and discernment is possible.  One whispers love while the other shouts fear.


"Make a U TURN, if possible!"

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There is an awareness settling in.  We are becoming accustomed to the rapid fluctuations and occurrences of events.  Changes are showing up with increasing speed and in more areas of our daily lives.  So many subsets of the population are under scrutiny, it is beginning to feel that no one can be trusted.


This is all happening in perfect harmony.  As awareness grows and the fog burns away in the increasing light, we come to understand from where truth springs.  It comes from within.


We were born equipped with a lie detector.  Its sensors have been tampered with and this has led to our confusion.  From our earliest moments, our instinctual responses have been labeled – good/bad, positive/negative, worthwhile/fruitless, smart/mediocre, right/wrong, and useful/pointless.  These adjustments were done with the utmost of care and the best of intentions.  Our elders, family members and society have seen to it, lovingly, that we know the rules and understand how things work here on earth.  We have learned well.


Much of that is being shattered now, as numerous leaders and systems we have trusted are exposed while their motivations are made clear.  It is confusing for us and we wonder who or what we can count on.


You can depend on yourself.  Trust your truth.  This is like an internal GPS (Global Positioning System) and we all have one.  Its function is to keep you on track and steer you in the direction of your purpose so that you stay the course.


Ringing our own bell

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Our eyes see, our ears hear, yet it is our heart that knows.  There are truckloads of sources vying for our eyes and ears; each convinced that their version is the one we should listen to.  This too, is one of those sources.


Reality is subjective, colored by our beliefs.  The power in that statement shouts – “YOU ARE SEEING WHAT YOU BELIEVE YOU ARE SEEING”.  Followed by “BELIEVE WHAT SERVES YOU, AND IT WILL BE ALL THAT YOU SEE.” 


Each day, we discover, uncover or expose more “truths” that have been hidden from our eyes, deliberately or not.  We are waking up.


Here’s the thing, the tendency to look for an outside source to feed us the “truth” is addictive.  Awake now, we are still a bit groggy and highly susceptible to control.  We’ve been fed this diet for so long now, we crave it.


Like Pavlov’s dog, when we hear the bell, which in this case is the loudest, most familiar and convincing source, our automatic response kicks in.  We then desire the food being offered, ingest it all and are once again satisfied – we’ve bought it hook, line and sinker.  We look no further; we believe this recent bit of news.


Our life is once again distorted by this new belief system, this latest information.  Here is the real power we may be missing in all this – we are the ones creating the distortion.  We are not only capable of more than we’ve been told; we are actually doing more than we’ve ever given ourselves credit for.  The deepest truth kept from us has been in the hands of those who have controlled events up until today.  Understanding that we will see only what we believe, they have been systematically controlling what we should believe.


"You Shall Not Pass!"

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Yesterday, I experienced a moment of “really?”  It happened while reading the latest message outlining catastrophic earth changes for the planet this year.  For a moment or six, I forgot how this works, and believed the “rubber suit” was real.


Remember the earliest of monster movies?  The ones where, if you wanted to step into the action, you had to forcibly suspend your disbelief in the reality of the creature – EVEN THOUGH YOU COULD SEE THE ZIPPER ON HIS COSTUME?  For the full experience, you’ve got to buy the “rubber suit”. 


It’s not that yesterday’s messenger was unreal.  It’s that reality is subjective.  Reality depends on what you expect.  Reality for each of us is created by each of us.  WE ARE THAT POWERFUL.


This 3D world is mesmerizing, overwhelming, thrilling and yummy.  It is easy to forget who made it that way.  It was, and is, us. 


We are the most powerful beings in our worldYOU ARE THE ONE WHO IS CREATING YOUR LIFE.  The reason we’ve become so popular with the celestial and galactic beings is because of our power.  We are doing a really cool thing here, and we are doing it together; without even knowing it.


The Present

SophiaLove's picture



Today again, our eyes open to a new dream.  It is here where our power resides; right now.  We cannot see yesterday or tomorrow.  Our focus is on this moment.  This is command central, where we hold the controls firmly in hand.


There are prophets and prophecies, legends, channels, scientists and main stream media telling us something is up.  We can feel it.  This is the shift. Right now, we are altering our way of being here.  It is happening.


It is going to look whichever way we design it.  Let’s make it beautifulBeings such as us would create nothing less.  When shopping for clothing for a major event, it takes trying on many outfits.  As a result, the dressing room is a mess, piled high with things that did not fit.  When the perfect attire is found, we know.  It feels good.  It fits.  We feel beautiful wearing it. 


It is that feeling we are shooting for.  There is not much that is more important than this shift.  We are rapidly changing outfits and it can feel sort of a mess.  The perfect fit exists.  It can be found by listening.



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First I have to say that; “NEW IS OLD AND OLD IS NEW “

Why? Because the past can bring new things or new thoughts into our present and because our present can shot us back to try to find something good left on our way here.

Every time we read good messages left by our friend in our pages, we find more inspiring thoughts. It is like watching an old movie to find that we missed something the first time we saw it.

Now I posting this message posted by Madelaine in my old site Passive Warriors from Earth IN 2010.







 HEAVEN #3442 The Power of the Universe, April 28, 2010



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