By: John Smallman, 11/10/2013

Many on Earth are feeling very unsettled because it seems that what they had been hoping and praying for – peace, harmony, freedom, and abundance for all; a state of Love to embrace all of humanity – is just a chimera, an unachievable hope in a world gone mad. Well, the world has been mad for eons, and slowly, over all that time, the prayers and intentions of many holy ones has been bringing about an amazing change, a move from a state of insane, fearful, and destructive rage back towards Love, your eternal God-given state. That is what you are all on Earth to bring about, a return to Love, and you are succeeding despite your doubts and anxieties. Please focus on the amazing advances that have been made over the last several decades in humanity’s spiritual evolution, as large numbers of you have let go of judgment of unfamiliar cultures, religions, political views, and personal life styles, and moved towards acceptance.