
The shadow side is merely the aspect which you have judge unacceptable

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Saul Audio Blog for Sunday June 30th

You are all one.  And that is becoming apparent to ever more of humanity in every moment.  The rate of growth of this awareness is phenomenal!  Never before on Earth has there been such an amazing and effective awakening process.  It is ongoing, unstoppable, and naturally, because it is divinely willed its ultimate completion is ensured.  There are a few who will stubbornly resist awakening, and their choice to remain asleep will be absolutely honored until they change their minds, as eventually they will.  In the end no one gets left behind or abandoned because God’s Will, with which your wills are becoming increasingly aligned, is always perfectly accomplished.

Your guilt-ridden beliefs never made any sense, but you chose to believe in them anyhow

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John Smallman


Humanity’s forthcoming awakening can be likened to an enormous wave cresting and breaking – a tremendous power (the ocean of Love) peaking and then spreading out in all directions encompassing all, and leaving no one feeling unloved, unaffected, or unchanged.  It will be a moment of unimaginable exhilaration as awareness dawns, through the directly felt experience, of being infinitely and eternally loved by God, our Father, and of the impossibility of being anything less than a perfect child of God, an essential and inseparable part or aspect of God in Whom the whole of creation has its eternal existence.  All sense of a separate form of individuality that is not one with God will be gone, and all the fear, the anxiety, and any sense of not being good enough or deserving enough will also be gone as you fully grasp and see, seemingly for the very first time, the wonder and the magnificence of the being that God created as You!

Your myriad rules and regulations were established mostly for the sole benefit of those in positions of influence

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The divine energy field in which you are always enveloped is having an ever-increasing effect on humanity as the moment for your grand awakening approaches.  And it will be a grand awakening!  You have all worked extremely hard to bring it to fruition, and the results will most certainly not disappoint you – disappointment is of the illusion.

Disappointment has been endemic, practically a contagion on Earth for eons, as individuals have mainly lived lives in which their prime concern has been their own survival.  They have grouped together from time to time to help one another when disaster or catastrophe occurred or threatened, but only then.  Otherwise, you focused almost exclusively on ensuring your individual survival because of the nearly constant state of anxiety or fear that your apparently separated or individual state caused you.  And that is why disappointments were so frequently experienced.

Personal Message from my Star Family 12/11/11

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Hello old friend, the light has hit the dark in many vital areas over the last days and weeks. We have seen a drastic decline in their weaponry and manpower. We of the light are prevailing and it will be soon that we will be victorious in our long battle with these dark ones. Be prepared to embark on your new journey soon as we will come for you when you least expect us. This is the way it must be for now as the dark still has plans to disrupt the plans for the new Earth. All your dreams remain safely preserved for you and you will soon be reunited with all your old friends and acquaintances. Exciting times are indeed ahead for you and we look so forward to this reunion. Give us the opportunity to prepare for your safe journey and to make final preparations for your arrival. Your homecoming will take place; there is no doubt of this. Prepare for the unexpected. We will see you soon. We are your friends from many years past and we would never let any harm come to you. You are loved and you can count on us to safeguard your well being. We will see you shortly.

Your friends from the stars.


As channeled through Greg Giles


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