By: John Smallman, 09/07/2013
Here in the non physical realms we observe with wonder the amazing results that your loving intentions are achieving all across planet Earth. Right now, as you measure time, 99% or more of humanity wants a world of peace, harmony, forgiveness, and of course Love! Consequently, there is a vast and ongoing outpouring of loving intent all across the world as those who keep themselves consciously aware of the disharmony, disunity, and bitterness that needs healing, maintain and strengthen their loving intent daily.
Your news media is reporting quite clearly now on the general disfavor with which people in those countries considering military intervention in the affairs of other nations view their leaders increasingly urgent and truly ill-considered attempts to persuade them that it is the right thing to do. They do not agree, and they see quite clearly that armed intervention in the affairs of others is utterly unjustifiable. Politicians and elected representatives yearn for and feed hungrily on approval, so with widespread disapproval threatened they quickly alter their opinions and change course.