
Big chill damaging US grain crops

Silver's picture

Weatherzone, By: Brett Worthington (ABC), 05/07/2013


Severe frosts and a cold spring in the United States have damaged wheat crops and delayed corn planting. The poor weather is threatening to slash American yields and increase the demand for Australian grain.


Market analyst Arlan Suderman, from Wichita in Kansas, says global grain prices will rise if poor conditions linger in the US.


For more on this story visit www.weatherzone.com

Seven amazing spring superfoods

Silver's picture

Naturalnews, By: PF Louis, 05/02/2013


In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), spring is a time for rejuvenation and regeneration. Outdoor nature reflects this as foliage returns and flowers blossom while birds fill the air with their celebratory singing.


We should also follow this seasonal event by practicing dietary cleansing and rejuvenation. TCM considers spring to correlate with the liver. So foods that help cleanse the liver are appropriate, in addition to using liver herbs dandelion and milk thistle as extract supplements or teas. The foods that are harvested during spring are the most appropriate. Make sure they're organic if they're in the EWG's (Environmental Working Group) Dirty Dozen. If listed in EWG's Clean Fifteen you can save a couple of bucks.


To read more visit www.naturalnews.com

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