
Volcanic activity worldwide 27 Jun 2013: Santa María / Santiaguito, Pacaya, Fuego, Popocatépetl, K...

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volcanodiscovery-June 27,2012


Shiveluch (Kamchatka): A phase of intense activity occurred last night starting at 19:10 UTC, and lasting for about 40 minutes. The activity was probably a major collapse of the dome and/or accompanied by explosions. It produced a large ash plume rising to about 10-12 km altitude (VAAC Tokyo) into the atmosphere. Due to cloud cover, no direct observations could be made. ..

Read More: http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/worldwide-volcano-activity/daily-reports.html


Krakatau volcano news & eruption updates:

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volcanodiscovery-June 27,2013

Explosion from Krakatau on 28 March 2013 (Photo: Oystein Lund Andersen)

The group of our current trekking tour on Java climbed the summit of Anak Krakatau on 24 June. Climbing there was very difficult, because of many hot fumarolic spots and strong degassing. The summit of Anak Krakatau is now higher than before the Sep 2012 eruption. One active vent was remaining in the west part.

Increased seismic activity at Mount Shasta in northern California, US

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The Watchers Posted by Chillymanjaro -June 23,2013


Mount Shasta volcano showed signs of elevated seismicity since June 11, 2013. The volcano typically displays a relatively low rate of earthquake occurrence. Earthquake-Report connects the recent uptick in seismicity at Mount Shasta, the Greenville earthquake sequence, several deep (30-40 km depth) events beneath the Klamath Mountains to the west, as well as recent small earthquakes at Lassen Peak; and relates them with ended slow-slip event along the subducted slab beneath the region. Slow-slip occurs when the overlying crustal plate periodically (and only partially) detaches from the underlying (subducting) oceanic plate and slowly slips (millimeters/day) westward (contrary to its normal eastward movement) over a period of days to weeks. The events occur about every 14 months beneath Washington and British Columbia, about every two years beneath Oregon (one just occurred there earlier this year!), and yearly beneath Northern California.


Read More: http://thewatchers.adorraeli.com/2013/06/23/increased-seismic-activity-at-mount-shasta-in-northern-california-us/

Manam volcano erupts in Papua New Guinea

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theextinctionprotoclo- June 18,2013


June 18, 2013PAPUA NEW GUINEA - An eruption with a small ash plume was reported this morning and VAAC Darwin issued an advisory. A low level ash plume was also visible on Nasa’s Aqua Modis image at 15:45 UTC. This is the volcano’s second eruption this year. The volcano unleashed an ash cloud in early January. –Volcano Discovery

Read More: http://theextinctionprotocol.wordpress.com



Fuego volcano (Guatemala) activity update: strombolian activity, new lava flow on upper southern flank

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Volcanodiscovery-June 17,2013

Fuego today with the lava flow towards the Ceniza canyon visible (INSIVUMEH webcam)

Activity has increased during the past days. A new small lava flow started on 14 June on the southern flank and had a length of 300 m this morning.
Explosive strombolian activity has picked up a bit as well. Glowing tephra is ejected to 75-125 m height, and ash plumes rise to 3-500 m above the crater.

Read More: http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/fuego/news/34701/Fuego-volcano-Guatemala-activity-update-strombolian-activity-new-lava-flow-on-upper-southern-flank.html

Veniaminof volcano (Alaska Peninsula, USA) activity update

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Volcanodiscovery-June 17,2013

Photo of Veniaminof on 13 June, taken from Port Moller by Bob Murphy (via AVO)

The eruption continues at low levels. Recent satellite images show very high elevated surface temperatures at the intracaldera cinder cone consistent with continued effusion of lava. No plumes have been observed in satellite images nor reported by pilots or local observers. (AVO)

Read More: http://www.volcanodiscovery.com/veniaminof/news.html


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