Wes Annac
The following is an automatic writing-based “interview” with the Pleiadian High Council.
Wes Annac: Hello dear friends, it’s great to connect with you on this night.
The Pleiadian High Council: We are overjoyed to connect with you and with every dear soul absorbing this communication. Thank you, dearest Wesley, for connecting with us and choosing to bring our energies and impressions through.
Wes: It’s my honor, dear friends.
Now, I’ve been given personal sightings of ships that I believe to be of your origin, but that may be of another higher-dimensional race. Regardless of the origins of the ships, I’ve seen them before after making a telepathic request to.
Because of my own experiences, I’m wondering about the extent to which you make personal contacts, and if those contacts will be picking up throughout the rest of this year.