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Music to read by below:
As we spin along on this journey we are all encountering and the energies multiply and the intensity grows and our heads try to grasp all that is changing, I can see beyond the drama of it all. What is revealed to me is one very simple fact that we truly need to focus on, and that is compassion. When we take everything apart and whittle it down to the core issue I so often speak to, we come up with one basic issue that can remedy everything in the world, compassion. That is the key to opening the final door to the new world fully with no going back and forth between worlds any longer. If the world, if each and every one of us, practiced compassion everyday as a part of who we are not because we remember to do it, then all the issues will slough away and we will be left with a magnificent world filled with joy and love and oneness. If everyday we are living from our hearts, feeding our starving souls and reaching out to all those who need us because we feel the desire to do so, then the door swings open and we are invited to stay and be a part of the new world.