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300,000 babies stolen from their parents – and sold for adoption: Haunting BBC documentary exposes 50-year scandal of baby trafficking by the Catholic church in Spain

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The Golden Rule Posted December 14, 2012 By Polly Dunbar Mail Online

Identity crisis: Randy Ryder as a baby being cradled in a Malaga hospital in 1971 by the woman who bought him

Up to 300,000 Spanish babies were stolen from their parents and sold for adoption over a period of five decades, a new investigation reveals.

The children were trafficked by a secret network of doctors, nurses, priests and nuns in a widespread practice that began during General Franco’s dictatorship and continued until the early Nineties.

Hundreds of families who had babies taken from Spanish hospitals are now battling for an official government investigation into the scandal.
Several mothers say they were told their first-born children had died during or soon after they gave birth.

Israel Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman resigns

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Avigdor Lieberman

As leader of the Yisrael Beitenu party, Avigdor Lieberman is one of Israel's most powerful politicians.

Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman has resigned after prosecutors decided to charge him with breach of trust.

Mr Lieberman has also resigned as deputy prime minister, and said he would fight to clear his name of the charges

To read the rest of this story visit BBC News Middle East

Emu Joins Man on Jog in Va., Is Reunited With Owner

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Source: NBC News Washington Friday, Dec 14, 2012  |  Updated 9:20 AM EST

Emu Joins Man on Jog in Va., Is Reunited With Owner

A man in Virginia Beach picked up an unusual jogging partner when an emu began following him.

Animal shelter supervisor Wayne Gilbert says Virginia Beach residents contacted the city after the emu showed up Thursday alongside the jogger in the Highgate Green neighborhood.

It turns out that the bird had merely drifted away from its home. Emus are legal to own in the area. Gilbert tells media outlets that animal control officers located the bird, which was returned to its owner.

'What Makes You Smile' Chalk Mural In Washington D.C. Has A Heartwarming Message (PHOTOS)

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As seen on Huffington Post by Sarah Medina Posted: 12/13/2012 12:49 pm EST  |  Updated: 12/13/2012 12:53 pm EST

what makes you smile chalk mural

While the portable poster currently doesn't have a permanent home, it made an appearance at a Help Portrait event Saturday.

"We were working on it in front of the house when someone got out of a cab and starting asking questions. They invited us to a one day event," Massoud Adibpour, an organizer for Make DC Smile, told The Huffington Post.

During the event, adults and kids alike wrote about the things that made them smile.

To read the rest of this story visit Huffington Post

US riot police confront thousands of pro-union Michigan protesters

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PressTV Wed Dec 12, 2012 6:51PM GMT

Michigan State Police officers confront the crowd protesting against the so-called right-to-work legislation outside the Capitol in Lansing.

Michigan State Police officers confront the crowd protesting against the so-called right-to-work legislation outside the Capitol in Lansing.
Riot police in the US state of Michigan have encountered thousands of angry protesters at the state’s Capitol, resorting to pepper spray to disperse the crowd rallying against the controversial right-to-work law.

Nearly 13,000 protesters, according to police estimates, descended on the legislative building on Tuesday to protest the passage of the bill earlier in the day by the state’s Republican-controlled House of Delegates.


Weird Underwater Volcano Discovered Near Baja

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Our Amazing Planet - Becky Oskin, 12/13/12

Alarcon Dome Sample

MBARI researchers used the “manipulator arm” on ROV Doc Ricketts to collect rock samples from the rhyolite dome.
CREDIT: (c) 2012 MBARI

SAN FRANCISCO — Scientists have discovered one of the world's weirdest volcanoes on the seafloor near the tip of Baja, Mexico.

The petite dome — about 165 feet tall (50 meters) and 4,000 feet long by 1,640 feet wide (1,200 m by 500 m) — lies along the Alarcón Rise, a seafloor-spreading center. Tectonic forces are tearing the Earth's crust apart at the spreading center, creating a long rift where magma oozes toward the surface, cools and forms new ocean crust.

To read the rest of this story, visit OurAmazingPlanet.com.

Anxieties rise as surge of tremors makes Navidad the shakiest town in Chile

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 12/13/12

December 13, 2012 – NAVIDAD, Chile — One jolt hit in the middle of the night. Another caught fishermen at a nearby beach. Then the ground shook at supper. And then again, and again: More than 170 tremors were felt in Navidad in just five weeks. The strongest struck during a funeral, and sent panicked mourners fleeing into the street. Navidad, a coastal farming town of 5,500 people, has become one of the shakiest spots in one of the world’s shakiest countries. And seismologists can’t say whether these were aftershocks from Chile’s devastating quake two years ago, or warnings of another huge disaster to come.


Restless awakening: Iceland shaken by 1,500 earthquakes in November

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 12/13/12

December 13, 2012 – ICELAND - A total of 1,500 earthquakes hit in Iceland last month. According to data from the Icelandic Met Office, the most seismic activity—or a total of 750 earthquakes—occurred in Eyjafjördur, which was also the location of the strongest earthquake, of a magnitude 3.8, mbl.is reports.


In late November, a minor glacial outburst flood was reported in Grímsvötn volcano in Vatnajökull glacier. GPS data shows that the ice level had decreased, a strong indication that a flood had started. The flood reached its peak on November 26. A glacial outburst isn’t necessarily an indication of an upcoming eruption. –Iceland Review


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