3D News

Report: Asian Carp May Have Reached Great Lakes

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Weather.com - John Flesher, 4/05/13

In this June 22, 2010 file photo provided by the Illinois Department of Natural resources, a 20-pound Asian carp is held after being caught in Lake Calumet, about six miles downstream from Lake Michigan. (AP Photo/Illinois Department of Natural Resources, File)

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. -- At least some Asian carp probably have found their way into the Great Lakes, but there's still time to stop the dreaded invaders from becoming established and unraveling food chains that support a $7 billion fishing industry and sensitive ecosystems, according to a scientific report released Thursday.

Written by experts who pioneered use of genetic data to search for the aggressive fish, the paper disagrees with government scientists who say many of the positive Asian carp DNA hits recorded in or near the lakes in recent years could have come from other sources, such as excrement from birds that fed on carp in distant rivers.

Pluto's Gate Uncovered in Turkey

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Discovery.com - 3/29/13, Rossella Lorenzi

This digital reconstruction of the Plutonium shows the entire site. Pilgrims watched the sacred rites on the steps, took the waters in the pool, slept not too far from the cave and received visions and prophecies, in a sort of oracle of Delphi effect. During the 6th century AD, the Plutonium was obliterated by the Christians. Earthquakes may have then completed the demolition work.

A “gate to hell” has emerged from ruins in southwestern Turkey, Italian archaeologists have announced.

Known as Pluto's Gate -- Ploutonion in Greek, Plutonium in Latin -- the cave was celebrated as the portal to the underworld in Greco-Roman mythology and tradition.

To read the rest of this story, visit Discovery.com.

Solar Energy Plant Spill Has Tea Party Panicking

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FREE WOOD POST - April 4, 2013 By Christina Hulen

"Solar" "spill" "Arizona" "Tea" "Party"

In a little reported story, a solar energy farm located in a heavily Tea Party populated area of Arizona, had to shut down the collection tower for a maintenance problem. While the plant’s spokesman assured local residents that there was no danger whatsoever, the local Tea Party members were up in arms.

 “This is just another example of the liberal media failing to report on an important story,” said head of the Arizona Tea Party chapter, Buzz Redfern.

Stand with the Maasai!

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The Watchers - April 5, 2013-  by Cillymanjaro

This is the letter of The Maasai elders of Ngorongoro District backed by Avaaz, in which they are trying to pull your attention on the issues they are just experiencing.  Government wants to grab their land and force them to leave. Dear friends, We are elders of the Maasai from Tanzania, one of Africa’s oldest tribes. The government has just announced that it plans to kick thousands of our families off our lands so that wealthy tourists can use them to shoot lions and leopards. The evictions are to begin immediately. Last year, when word first leaked about this plan,...

This is the letter of The Maasai elders of Ngorongoro District backed by Avaaz, in which they are trying to pull your attention on the issues they are just experiencing.  Government wants to grab their land and force them to leave.

UFO Lands and Welcomes Earthlings At Sweden's TreeHotel

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Source: Treehugger.com - Lloyd Alter, 10/28/11

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TreeHugger loves and hates the TreeHotel in Sweden; I love it for the design, and the fact that my first post on it was the most popular I ever wrote; Our tech people hate it because it was so popular that it broke the site for a whole day. It is the gift that keeps on giving, as they keep adding wonderful new rooms, such as the UFO design that I wrote about last year. At the time Bertil Harström of Inredningsgruppen, described the attraction of the concept:

Poll: 3 in 8 Americans Believe Global Warming A Hoax

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Weather.com - Nick Wiltgen, 4/03/13


Roughly three of every eight registered voters in the U.S. believes that "global warming is a hoax," according to a national poll released Tuesday by the firm Public Policy Polling.

The automated telephone poll asked 1,247 American registered voters their beliefs on a wide range of topics broadly categorized as "conspiracy theories" in the firm's press release.

To watch the video and read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.


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