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Lebanon's government collapses as Miqati cabinet resigns

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The Guardian Martin Chulov in Beirut Friday 22 March 2013 18.57 EDT

Najib Miqati

Lebanon's government was led by Najib Miqati, who has announced the resignation of his 30-strong cabinet. Photograph: Hussein Malla/AP


Lebanon's government fell late on Friday adding more instability to an already volatile region straining to cope with the fallout from Syria's civil war.


Prime Minister Najib Miqati announced the resignation of his 30-strong cabinet when it failed to make decisions on the extension of a security chief's role and the make-up of a commission that would oversee elections due in June.


To read the rest of this story visit The Guardian

Cyprus Makes Plan to Seize Portion of High-Level Deposits

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The New York Times - 2/23/13, Liz Alderman and James Kanter

Cyprus’s president, Nicos Anastasiades, left, met with top Cypriot officials on Wednesday at the presidential palace in Nicosia. He was expected to fly to Brussels late Saturday for meetings. Petros Giannakouris/Associated Press

NICOSIA, Cyprus — With Cyprus facing a Monday deadline to avoid a banking collapse, the government and its international negotiators devised a plan late Saturday to seize a portion of savers’ deposits above 100,000 euros at all banks in the country, in a bid to raise money for an urgently needed bailout.

Universe Older Than Previously Thought

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Source: NASA.gov - 3/21/13

March 21, 2013: Europe's Planck spacecraft has obtained the most accurate and detailed map ever made of the oldest light in the universe. The map results suggest the universe is expanding more slowly than scientists thought, and is 13.8 billion years old, 100 million years older than previous estimates. The data also show there is less dark energy and more matter in the universe than previously known.

"Astronomers worldwide have been on the edge of their seats waiting for this map," said Joan Centrella, Planck program scientist at NASA Headquarters in Washington. "These measurements are profoundly important to many areas of science, as well as future space missions. We are so pleased to have worked with the European Space Agency on such a historic endeavor."

The newly estimated expansion rate of the universe, known as Hubble's constant, is 67.15 plus or minus 1.2 kilometers/second/megaparsec. A megaparsec is roughly 3 million light-years. This is less than prior estimates derived from space telescopes, such as NASA's Spitzer and Hubble, using a different technique. The new estimate of dark matter content in the universe is 26.8 percent, up from 24 percent, while dark energy falls to 68.3 percent, down from 71.4 percent. Normal matter now is 4.9 percent, up from 4.6 percent.

Pope Francis breaks the mould again with ceremony at prison instead of St Peter's

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The Telegraph UK -21 March 2013-Nick Squires


Pope Francis, whose spontaneity has already earned him the nickname "the unpredictable Pope", will break with tradition again when he holds a major ceremony in a prison chapel rather than in St Peter's

Pope Francis, whose spontaneity has already earned him the nickname

Francis, who has broken the mould with his informal approach and unscheduled walkabouts, will conduct next week's Holy Thursday service in a prison for young offenders on the outskirts of Rome.

The service is normally held either in St Peter's Basilica or in the Church of St John in Lateran, which is the Pope's church in his capacity as Bishop of Rome.

Instead Francis, who was the archbishop of Buenos Aires before being chosen as Pope in a secret conclave in the Sistine Chapel last week, will hold the service in the Casal del Marmo jail.

Flood of Dead Pigs, Trickle of Answers in China

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Weather.com - 3/20/13, AP

Sanitation workers collect dead pigs from Shanghai's main waterway on March 11, 2013. Nearly 3,000 dead pigs have been found floating in the water. (Peter Parks/AFP/Getty Images)

BEIJING -- The pig carcasses - now nearly 14,000 of them - have been floating down rivers that feed into Shanghai for nearly two weeks. The city's residents have been told not to worry, and not much else.

Where the pigs came from, how they died and why they suddenly showed up in the river system that supplies drinking water to a city of 23 million has not been explained. Officials have told residents their drinking water is safe, while authorities have censored microblog posts suggesting that the public organize peaceful protests.

To read the rest of this story, visit Weather.com.



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