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Gusts of 84mph hit Britain with flooding is on its way

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The Telegraph - 1/30/13, Haley Dixon

Parts of Britain woke to 84mph winds this morning as the country braces itself for more gales and flooding before the weekend.

Gusts of 84mph hit Britain with flooding is on its way : The latest storms to hit Britain strike the southwest coast at Portreath, Cornwall

Storms to hit the southwest coast at Portreath, Cornwall

In Scotland, where the worst weather has hit, people have been warned to stay indoors as high winds and seas make travel dangerous and to make provisions for power cuts.

Large swathes of the country have been issued with yellow warnings from the Met Office to “stay aware” as gusts of 60mph are due to hit the Midlands and North East.

Ray LaHood Leaving Obama Administration

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Huffington Post By KEN THOMAS 01/29/13 10:35 AM ET EST AP

Ray Lahood Leaving

WASHINGTON -- Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood, the only Republican still in President Barack Obama's first-term Cabinet, said Tuesday he plans to leave the administration. His move continues an exodus that will give Obama's team a new look in his second term.

The 67-year-old LaHood, a former congressman from Illinois, pushed for greater safety on the highways and in the air.

He led the Transportation Department throughout Obama's first term and helped steer a campaign to curb distracted driving, promote high-speed rail and repair roads and bridges. Under his watch, the department demanded tougher fuel efficiency requirements for automakers and took steps to address airline pilot fatigue.

Israel central bank chief to step down in June 9:53a.m. EST January 29, 2013

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USA Today 9:53a.m. EST January 29, 2013

The Governor of the Central Bank of Israel, Stanley Fischer(Photo: Eric Piermont, AFP/Getty)

JERUSALEM (AP) — Israel's central bank governor, Stanley Fischer, has submitted his resignation.

The Bank of Israel said Tuesday that Fischer told Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu that he would step down on June 30. It gave no reason for his departure, which comes two years before his term is set to end.

Giant magnetized outflows from our Galactic Center

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Source: The Watchers - 1/28/13, By Adonai

Two years ago, CfA astronomers reported the discovery of giant, twin lobes of gamma-ray emission protruding about 50,000 light-years above and below the plane of our Milky Way galaxy, and centered on the supermassive black hole at our galaxy’s core. The scientists argued then that the bubbles were produced either by an eruption from the black hole sometime in the past, or else by a burst of star formation in that vicinity. It now appears that these giant bubbles of hot gas can be seen at radio wavelengths as well. Writing in the new issue of the journal Nature, CfA astronomer...

Two years ago, CfA astronomers reported the discovery of giant, twin lobes of gamma-ray emission protruding about 50,000 light-years above and below the plane of our Milky Way galaxy, and centered on the supermassive black hole at our galaxy’s core.

The scientists argued then that the bubbles were produced either by an eruption from the black hole sometime in the past, or else by a burst of star formation in that vicinity.

Unending rivers of lava now flowing from Kamchatka’s Plosky Tolbachik volcano

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/29/13

January 28, 2013 – KAMCHATKA - A volcano erupting in Russia’s Far East has sent plumes of gas, ash and molten lava into the sky. Footage filmed on Friday shows rivers of molten lava flowing in the remote area of the Plosky Tolbachik volcano, in Kamchatka peninsula. “The hot materials have erupted to the height of up to one hundred meters,” said Yuri Demyanchuk, a volcanologist who has made several visits to the site. According to authorities, there is no immediate threat to residential areas, but officials have advised residents to ensure they have access to protective masks. The nearest town is around 60 kilometers away. The volcano started erupting in November, after lying dormant for almost 40 years. –Telegraph



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