3D News

Indonesia’s Batu Tara volcano erupts with explosive 2.1 km ash cloud

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/28/13

January 28, 2013 – INDONESIA - A stronger than usual explosion produced an ash plume spotted on satellite data at 7,000 ft (2.1) km altitude today (VAAC Darwin).  Batu Tara stratovolcano is a small isolated island in the Flores Sea in Indonesia. Vegetations covers the flanks of Batu Tara. The first historical eruption occurred in 1852 with explosions and lava flows. The last eruption occurred at the volcano in 2012. –Volcano Discovery Wikipedia

5 moderate earthquakes strike in Earth’s southern polar region

Rain's picture

Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/27/13

South Pacific Rise

January 27, 2013 – SOUTH POLE - Today, three earthquakes struck along the southernmost region of the planet, known as the Southern East Pacific Rise. The SEPR lies north of Antarctica. The SEPR quakes occurred in succession, following two moderate 4.7 magnitude earthquakes, which struck east of Bristol Island, near the Sandwich Islands- also north of Antarctica. The East Pacific Rise is a mid-oceanic ridge, a divergent tectonic plate boundary located along the floor of the Pacific Ocean. It separates the Pacific Plate to the west from (north to south) the North American Plate, the Rivera Plate, the Cocos Plate, the Nazca Plate, and the Antarctic Plate.


Increase in activity reported at volcanoes in Ecuador

Rain's picture

Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/27/13

January 27, 2013 – ECUADOR – Seismic activity of the Tungurahua volcano in central Ecuador Andean increased today after the two quakes struck near the volcanoes on Thursday; while the emissions released by the Reventador volcano remains high, as in recent days. This was reported by the Geophysical Institute (IG) of the National Polytechnic School, which closely monitors the behavior of the two active Ecuadorian volcanoes. In the case of Tungurahua, located about 80 kilometers south of Quito, the IG said in its latest report that the two earthquakes of 3.1 and 2.3 degrees on the Richter scale recorded last night, were due to the activity of the volcano.


Piers Morgan Falls Ill Days After Public Flu Shot with Dr. Oz

MomT's picture

2012thebigpicture January 27, 2013


Too bad, Piers. Thought you’d take one for the team, did you? Are you that stupid? What goes around comes around.

And if you think Dr. Oz is on “our” side, friends, think again. He’s disinfo; telling just enough truth to make you think he’s one of the “good guys”.

We’re TOLD the flu vaccines contain “dead” viruses. Do you believe them? I don’t believe anything they say. They only tell us what they want us to know. Better safe than sorry.

No good can come of flu vaccinations because there is no supporting documentation or study to show they work at all to prevent influenza. It’s fear-mongering and a money grab, pure and simple. Big Pharma laughs all the way to the bank.

2013 may be worst year for bees, say beekeepers.

Rain's picture

Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/26/13

January 26, 2013 – ENVIRONMENT - “We’re facing the extinction of a species.” That’s what one Midwest-based large-scale commercial beekeeper told me last week at the annual gathering of the American Honey Producers Association (AHPA). And he meant it. Bee losses have been dramatic, especially in recent years. And beekeepers are feeling the sting. According to many who manage hives, commercial beekeeping won’t pencil out in the future unless things change, and soon. Beekeepers from across the country gathered in San Diego in mid January to swap stories and share best practices in the trade, as well as to learn more about the latest research on declines in bee populations (often referred to as Colony Collapse Disorder).


Comet PanSTARRS to make an appearance in March 2013

Rain's picture

Source: The Extinction Protocol - 1/26/13

January 26, 2013 – SPACE - INCOMING COMET: In little more than a month, Comet PanSTARRS will cross the orbit of Mercury and probably brighten to naked-eye visibility as it absorbs the heat of the nearby sun. Sky watchers around the world will be looking for it in the sunset skies of early March, when it passes closest to the sun and to Earth. Until then a telescope is required; here is the view last night through a 0.3-meter-diameter reflector in Argentina: A team of astronomers led by Martin Masek took the picture using the remotely-controlled F(/Ph)otometric Robotic Atmospheric Monitor—“FRAM” for short.



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