Galactic Love Reporter and Predrag~ Address's~ The Complainers of Light~
My dear [not verified] Guest, is this all you can find out about this site?... Not even thank you for info very related with your views of our reality... But this is quite ok with Mother~Father God, as they do this for 4 years straight, with all their hearts and 365 days per year... and still asking nothing in return... How Dare Love and Light Be here for US.
Donation button is only there for souls like yours, to bring complainers and doubters to the surface of their own misery.... where all others who give freely, asking not even recognition in return fully enjoy hourly and daily benefits of being present in the light of the truth coming from this site...
Same setup is done for other's sites... where they entice all cia's, fbi's, imf's to join for paid fee, as they are the ones who still think they control our global finance... yet they give knowledge free of charge for ones who truly read this with excitement and awe and thirst for truth...
Only one's who complain about ways how this truth is delivered are not far from ignorance and deception that alphabet agencies act... only to serve self over the back of others...