Earth Allies Report

LOVE IS ALL THERE IS... by Ascended Master Predrag

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by Love Reporter Predrag 



How to link extraterrestrials’, conspiracies, missed appointments, our fears and failures, faith, and FatherMotherGod in one single post?...

I think I have small idea... If we observe ourselves, our Sisters from channeling, our Brothers doing all this diligent work on beautiful sites for awakening of US all, we all have same thread... we want to serve OTHERS.... Yes, this is the secret of Awakening... not some proof from Neptune, or photos of other galaxies, or armpit strips from on-ship supplies....


Awakening happened as soon you started serving others, even if you have doubts that what you are doing is not sufficient, or pictures beautiful enough, or your words are not profound enough...

Who really cares... You think that Galactics care?... or That other light workers care?... Or that Obama Cares?... [this is funny, is it?... Obama CARE...]


Why are the Galactics Here? ~ by Andrea LOVE Sartori

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Why are the Galactics here?


by Love Reporter, First Contact and Galactic Free Press Staff Member 
Andrea LOVE Sartori


Yes, WHY are they here?
And WHY do they not want to publicly meet with us?
Why do we always only get a glimpse of them and that's it?!

Well, I know this might sound really incredible, so please sit down... relax... breathe... I found out all this whys! And you may not like them. I mean, it does make sense but... still... you may not like it!

HOW I FINALY LET IT GO... with Greatest help from ALL OF YOU... ~ by Predrag

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Correspondence between Georgi Stankov and myself, just a week before I fully realized who I AM... Thank you dear Georgi, for being here for me, with your example, and with your encouragement... to Truly Let it Go... To admit to self and to others...
I honor you dear Brother Georgi...  

And I AM truly Grateful to you all who ever been touched with single word that I wrote... This is how we connect, first with each other, and then we fully connect with FatherMotherGod and with all our Galactic Brothers and Sisters patiently waiting for US to realize that... Until we become ONE again...


With All my Love, I AM THAT I AM Predrag 


January 27, 2012

Dear Georgi,

my deepest apologies as I was kind of out of commission for  almost of week, due to one of my final tests here in 3d, with a lot of twists and turns. I kept MY FULL FAITH THAT all is perfect, not judging anyone, and especially myself. As I end up with no bed to sleep, no food, and money, I do not operate with for the last 3 years… so all came together, ending up sleeping on airport, with limited clothing, and only with my laptop on my back… wonderful…

St Germain: Sending the Message of Peace, Love and Oneness ~ Ashtar Teleconference ~ January 24, 2012

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St Germain: Sending the Message of Peace, Love and Oneness
Ashtar Teleconference - January 24, 2012



"Greetings, Beloved Family! It is I, St Germain, and I am so thrilled to be standing before you in this great moment! Indeed one of the greatest in the history/herstory, not only of the United States of America, but in the World.*  But as you may know, I had a lot to do with inspiring this country, this United States, to come into being as a country,and to be sure its borders changed from time to time as new territories were added, and to be sure it has been a country of Enjoyment of Life and Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness, these have been given new energy tonight!


What do You Know?... Just finished conversation with MLK [Martin Luther King]...

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What do You Know?... Just finished conversation with MLK [Martin Luther King]... 



Not some ethereal, or channeling talks, but face to face, smile with smile conversation... And He is not so serious as MLK , but quite contrary... extremely joyful and almost comedian... And this time he is white dud... This was kind of surprise for me...


But again, we choose all varieties of incarnations, not only to experience this duality of the world, but to follow the path of our higher knowing, where our every action has beautiful consequences during our present life, and all the future lives... Especially Ascended Masters, have tendency to leave such a beautiful trail of energies, through their actions, writings, discoveries, philosophies, music...


As MotherFatherGod are all the time saying to me: Masters will walk with US, here on Earth, next to US, be with US...



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Me again... With utmost unanswerable questions and riddles... Before I start, I would like to tell you all who are reading this: I Love you, just because... I Love you, simply because You know...  because You know you are You...


Through last 47 years of my last life here on 3D earth, I experienced such a desire in me, from my close family, from strangers on line, from distant friends to truly meet God...


I felt in me desire to know more... to know it all about 'Who we truly are?... Why we are Here on Earth?... Does God really exists?... Why only priests can talk to Him directly?... Why we have to pay to be 'forgiven'?...


And on and on, my questioning never actually stopped until one beautiful day in September 2010, 11th was exactly... This was a day when all my questioning stopped... dead stopped...

In share instance I went from wondering in wilderness of my existence to pure Knowing... I was Home... I Knew...



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