Earth & Space Weather

Floods: UK To Remain On Alert For Another Week

Rain's picture

Sky News - 12/25/12

Swollen rivers and rain-saturated land mean Britain is likely to remain on flood alert for another week.

Flooding in Derbyshire

A biker navigates a flooded road in Willington, South Derbyshire

Christmas has got off to a soggy start for many parts of the UK, as more rain falls on flood-threatened areas.

Hundreds of homes and businesses have been swamped with floodwaters as winter rain continues to fall on saturated land.

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Weather goes haywire over Europe: scientists baffled by erratic swings of jet stream

Rain's picture

Source: The Extinction Protocol - 12/25/12

December 25, 2012 – CLIMATE – From deadly cold in Russia, floods in Britain and balmy conditions that have residents in southwest France rummaging for their bathing suits, the weather has gone haywire across Europe in the days leading up to Christmas. The mercury in Moscow has fallen to minus 25 degrees Celsius (minus 13 degrees Fahrenheit) — unseasonably cold in a country where such chills don’t normally arrive until January or February. The cold has claimed 90 lives in Russia since mid-December and 83 in Ukraine, with eastern Eurasia in the grips of an unusually icy month that has seen temperatures drop to as low as minus 50 degrees C in eastern Siberia.


2012: A Memorable Year for Weather

Rain's picture - 12/23/12, Wynne Parry

A striking image of Verrazano Bridge in Brooklyn as Hurricane Sandy approaches on Oct. 29, 2012.
CREDIT: Carlos Ayala

Drought, wildfire, hurricanes, a deadly typhoon and cold snap — this year had a lot to offer in terms of weather news.

Weather historian Christopher C. Burt, who blogs for the meteorological website Weather Underground, has been keeping tabs on events this year, and the headliner is clear, he said: Unusually warm temperatures, most notably across the continental United States.

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It’s December! and Europe freezes

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Gulf News - 12/24/12

There’s little Christmas cheer as chill lingers

Dubai: The weather outside is frightful — and cold, bitterly cold.

In Russia, at least 88 people died as the mercury plummeted to near -30 degrees Celcius — cold enough to freeze expose bare skin in less than a minute.Moscow authorities told schoolchildren they could stay home to avoid the frigid temperatures as at least 550 people needed medical treatment in the capital region.

To read the rest of this story, visit Gulf News.

Floods dampen Christmas spirit in UK

Rain's picture - 12/24/12, AAP

HUNDREDS of UK homes and businesses have been swamped by floods, from the southern-most parts of Cornwall to the Highlands of Scotland.

Flooding UK

The River Wye floods surrounding lowlands near Ross-on-Wye. Picture: AFP PHOTO/Paul Ellis Source: AFP

Despite a brief respite from the downpours on Sunday, water levels have continued to rise as rain washed down hills to swell rivers.

Others will be swapping turkey and presents for mops, buckets and sandbags as they desperately try to clear up and protect their homes from further flood threats.

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Second storm dumps rain, snow across Northern California

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The Examiner - 12/23/12, By: S.F. Examiner wire services

Christopher Chung/The Press Democrat

Graton volunteer firefighter Eddie Miranda helps Evelyn Lozoida and Berenice Lozoida, 3, to safety after the van they were traveling in got stuck along Graton Road, which was flooded by Atascadero Creek, on Sunday. (Christopher Chung/The Press Democrat)

Northern Californians slogged through another day of wet and windy weather as the second storm of the weekend moved through the region, causing headaches for people driving on freeways and delays for air travelers.

After a bit of a break in the weather Saturday evening, a slow-moving but more powerful weather system delivered heavy rain and strong winds Sunday, said National Weather Service forecaster Diana Henderson.

~ Space Weather Update~ Chance of Storms

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CHANCE OF STORMS: NOAA forecasters estimate a 10% to 20% chance of polar geomagnetic storms on Dec. 24th in response to a CIR or "corotating interaction region." A CIR is a boundary between fast- and slow-moving streams in the solar wind. Crossing a CIR, as Earth will do on Christmas Eve, can spark magnetic storms and auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice.

FARSIDE ERUPTION: No strong flares have issued from the sun in weeks, but solar activity might not be as low as it seems. The farside of the sun is increasingly restless. On Dec. 21st, multiple CMEs flew over the edge of the solar disk, and today NASA's STEREO-A spacecraft observed a filament erupting on the farside. The blast site is circled in this extreme ultraviolet image taken on Dec. 23rd at 11:15 UT:

This activity suggests that the long-term forecast could be stormy. In one to two weeks, active regions currently on the farside will turn toward Earth, possibly sending some flares and CMEs our way. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

Bigger Round 2 of Northern Calif. Storm Expected

Rain's picture - 12/23/12, John S. Marshall

AP Photo/The Press Democrat, Kent Porter

Sandy LeDuc braves floodwaters to gather her mail on Piner Road on Friday, Dec. 21, in Santa Rosa, Calif., as a large winter storm barreled into Northern California.

SAN FRANCISCO — A weekend winter storm system that moved through Northern California proved a nuisance for holiday travelers, but an even bigger wave of mountain snow and coastal rain Sunday could create even more problems.

Heavy snow is expected in the higher elevations of the Sierra Nevada, bringing the two day total to about five feet. At the same time, the San Francisco Bay area could be seriously doused.

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Winter solstice brings deadly cold wave to northern Europe

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Source: The Extinction Protocol - 12/22/12

December 22, 2012 – MOSCOW – A vicious cold snap across Russia and Eastern Europe has claimed nearly 200 lives, officials figures showed Friday, as forecasters warned it would last until Christmas Eve. In Russia, the cold has killed two people in the past 24 hours, the Ria-Novosti agency reported, citing medical sources, bringing the total number of deaths over the past week to 56. The freeze had also left 371 people in hospital. Thermometers have been stuck below minus 20 degrees Celsius (minus 4 Fahrenheit) in Moscow — and below minus 50 degrees (minus 58 F) in some parts of Siberia — for a week.



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