1971, Moon. Apollo 14, In this shot, the shape of the object looks like the one of a flying saucer with lights! Reference: NASA AS14-70-9836/37. There are two avenues of thought here. Firstly, the debunkers say if these really were UFOs why would NASA release the pictures, since they are part of a conspiracy to keep this info from the pubic. Secondly, UFO proponents say that if NASA did NOT release them, then everyone would holler "coverup, " and they were hiding UFOs.
These type of photos are the ones that make you want to get into the world of UFO research, if you are looking into a future in the research side of things, or even the technical IT side of things, anonline university would be the way to go.
Although the online degree would not really be necessary, UFO research is the type of industry that gaining information in history, engineering etc., will get you further in this industry.
Source: UFO Casebook