Blue Star UFO Report

Blue StarShip/UFO Report ~ March 27, 2013

OdiStar's picture

Thank you to Belinda for this amazing picture!

Giant UFO over Kootenay Lake, British Columbia, Canada

Now, that’s a BIG sucker! It appears to be one of the boomerang-shaped craft, like the one that appeared in the Phoenix Lights sightings.

A reader shared this photo with D at Removing the Shackles, because she’s Canadian, eh!


Blue StarShip/UFO Report - March 21, 2013

OdiStar's picture

2003 - Wisconsin-Photographer was taking photos of Mars, which was rising early on 01-08-03. Mars was close to Venus, and the witness took several photographs.

He was not happy with his first photos, because of the cloud cover. So, he took a few more snaps, and just before calling the session over, he noticed a slow moving object, fairly bright to the naked eye.

He took a couple of photos of it, and was surprised later when he reviewed the photos.

What he captured on film was a definite triangle shaped object. Taken at 7:18 AM.


Blue StarShip/UFO Report - March 18, 2013

OdiStar's picture

2006 - Mexico - Gustavo Alemán, director of the Ovni Merida group, managed to record on video a possible luminous UFO last Friday on September 1, 2006.

According to the account provided by the researchers who were there with him -- Emilio Cetz and Victor Mis - the time was 11:33 pm and they were getting ready for a skywatch when Gustavo told them that there was a flash in the sky. Gustavo Aleman's report:

"I saw a flash in the sky and summoned my colleagues to confirm what I was seeing. When we tried to videotape it, the object came closer to the site and that's how we managed to record it, although at that point it was in plain sight. A few seconds elapsed and the object went away. We didn't see it again. We immediately broke camp and tried to locate it elsewhere along the highway, but it wasn't possible... it was either a mere chance or it was our lucky day." ©

Source: UFO Casebook



Blue StarShip~UFO Report ~ March 11, 2013

OdiStar's picture

South Somercotes, UK

2009 - South Somercotes, UK - January- By Gemma Gadd

Thursday 4 pm - Brian Lee, 55, was driving on Billings Gate road in South Somercotes at 4.30 pm on December 9 and stopped his car to take some pictures of a dramatic sunset on his mobile phone. It wasn't until he returned home and looked over the images that he discovered the strange object in one of them.

He said: "I looked at my phone and just saw this donut-shaped thing in the sky; I didn't know what to think it was."

Source: UFO Casebook

WEEKEND UPDATE~Blue StarShip/UFO Report ~March 9, 2013

OdiStar's picture



On the same day that a huge meteor crashed in Russia after breaking up over the Ural Mountains and injuring more than 1,000 people, two residents of Grants Pass, Ore. videotaped something very odd in the sky above their home.

According to the International Business Times, Heather Scherffius and Gregory Soldner watched as a mysterious object hovered above the Southern Oregon sky around 10:30 p.m. on Feb. 15.

 To read the rest of this story, please visit Huffington Post. The video to this story is here below:


UFO Sighting in Grants Pass, Oregon February 15, 2013

Blue StarShip/UFO Report - March 6, 2013

OdiStar's picture

2004 - Long Island New York - April, 23 - This very impressive image of lights was taken by a lady who is identified only as Marjorie. Early morning, she took her camera and captured some 25 photos of the sky that day, using a welder's glass to keep her eyes from the sun's harm.

They were taken with a JVC digital camera. The avid photographer was shocked to see the object in the sky.

Source: UFO Casebook


Japan Shoots ICBM ROCKET at Huge UFO? OVNI 飞碟 НЛО ユーフォー

UFOs Subject of Newscast from India (Video)

Rain's picture

Source: Mac's UFO News - By UFO Casebook, 3/04/13



Originally published on Feb 27, 2013 by Juan Jose Garza De Leon

An unidentified flying object was seen today in India.
(Editor's Note: What we have here is a recent newscast from India that discusses recent UFOs seen there.
There are several different videos shown of the unknowns, a couple of them pretty interesting. We did a little enhancement and de-pixelation on a couple of the segments.


To watch the other video, visit the link at the top of the page.


UFO fleet flies past International Space Station

Rain's picture

Source: - 3/04/13, By Tanveer

A fleet of UFOs has been observed flying past the International Space Station (ISS) according to a UFO magazine. These objects were sighted on 28 Feb, 2013. The magazine has included a report of the incident.



The UFO enthusiast, who created the report, also mentioned how NASA has not disclosed such information to the public, as has been unable to explain the nature of these sightings.


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