Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Mehran Keshe – The Future is Now with Unlimited, Clean and Safe Energy: How are Governments Responding? – September 24, 2012

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Mehran Keshe – The Future is Now with Unlimited, Clean and Safe Energy: How are Governments Responding? – September 24, 2012



Patrick Timpone

Mehran Keshe

Nuclear Engineer

Mehran Keshe, we believe is telling it straight on what he’s discovered about the simplicity of how the universe works and how just how we can use it for our health and energy.

Keshe is not asking for credit or money for this “discovery”, for as you will hear others, such as Tesla were on to this God stuff long ago. To that end he gives away the information for free and says too much of the cat is out of the bag to stop it.

Listen and visit his site and judge for yourself. What he calls the Plasma is the area between gravity and magnetism that makes the world go round without “Chinese Rockets” burning to make things go.

We’ve all known deep within The Future has always been here, now.

Visit Website



mehran keshe and energy now from “God” september 24, 2012



Listen to interview:


Tear Gas, Rocks Fly At Anti-Austerity Protest In Athens

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NPR, 9/26/12,by

In Athens today, anti-austerity demonstrations began peacefully. Later, protesters threw rocks and petrol bombs. Police responded with tear gas.

John Kolesidis /Reuters /Landov

In Athens today, anti-austerity demonstrations began peacefully. Later, protesters threw rocks and petrol bombs. Police responded with tear gas.

Riot police in Athens have fired tear gas at protesters who in turn have been lobbing stones and petrol bombs in one of the largest anti-austerity demonstrations to hit the Greek capital in months.

Spain Protesters Storm Parliament As They Rage Against Austerity, Many Beaten By Police (VIDEO)

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Huff Post - ALAN CLENDENNING, AP, 9/25/12

MADRID — Spain's government was hit hard by the country's financial crisis on multiple fronts Tuesday as protestors enraged with austerity cutbacks and tax hikes clashed with police near Parliament, a separatist-minded region set elections seen as an independence referendum and the nation's high borrowing costs rose again

Spain Parliament Protest

Police guard the entrance of the Spanish parliament in Madrid, Tuesday Sept. 25, 2012, before some thousands of people are expected to converge on the Spanish Parliament to protest and to demand fresh elections. (AP Photo/Paul White)

More than 1,000 riot police blocked off access to the Parliament building in the heart of Madrid, forcing most protesters to crowd nearby avenues and shutting down traffic at the height of the evening rush hour.

Las Vegas UFO Lecture: George Knapp Recap

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Source: - Javier Ortega, 9/25/12

Over the weekend the National Atomic Testing Museum held its first ever UFO lecture.The guest speakers that night included military men who in some way have dealt with unexplained flying objects and the secrecy that goes with such sightings.

Coast to Coast’s George Knapp gives us a nice 10 minute review of what went down at the Atomic Testing Museum.


Swiss Move to Decriminalize Marijuana Possession

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Source:, Philip Smith, 9/21/12

Switzerland is on the verge of decriminalizing the possession of up to 10 grams of marijuana after the lower house of parliament Thursday agreed to align itself with the Senate's version of the legislation, according to the Swiss news portal A final reading of the bill is expected to happen before the end of the fall session next week.

That would bring Switzerland in line with most of its Western European neighbors, which tolerate small-time marijuana possession. The move comes four years after voters rejected outright legalization in a popular referendum.

Switzerland has an estimated 500,000 pot smokers, with 10% of people in their teens and twenties saying they are consumers, one of the highest figures in the world. Currently, punishment for small-time possession varies from canton to canton, with some having already virtually decriminalized it with a small fine, while in others, violators face criminal penalties. Swiss courts handle 30,000 marijuana possession cases a year.

Charles Halt, Former Air Force Colonel, Accuses U.S. Of UFO Cover-Up

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Huff Post - Lee Speigel, 9/24/12


Panel members at the "Military UFOs: Secrets Revealed" lecture held at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum on Sept. 22, 2012.

LAS VEGAS -- Former Air Force Col. Charles Halt accused the federal government of a UFO cover-up that involves a secret agency to deal with what might be extraterrestrial visitations.

"I'm firmly convinced there's an agency, and there is an effort to suppress," Halt told an audience of 200 people Saturday night at the Smithsonian-affiliated National Atomic Testing Museum.

To read the rest of this story, visit

Cannabis plant extract 'could stop aggressive cancers from spreading'

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Mail Online - Claire Bates, 9/20/12

  • Compound in the plant does not produce psychoactive properties of cannabis
  • Found not only to stop breast cancer cells from acting 'crazy' but also to return to normal cells
  • Cannabidiol is a compound found in the cannabis plant, which is non-psychoactive

    Cannabidiol is a compound found in the cannabis plant, which is non-psychoactive

  • A compound found in cannabis could halt the spread of many forms of aggressive cancer, scientists say.

    Researchers found that the compound, called cannabidiol, had the ability to 'switch off' the gene responsible for metastasis in an aggressive form of breast cancer. Importantly, this substance does not produce the psychoactive properties of the cannabis plant.


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