Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Activist Post – Julie Beal – The A.I. Thought Police – 23 September 2012

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Source: Lucas 2012 Infos, 9/23/12

We know we’re being surveilled in the matrix: AI Law, empowered by algorithms, feasts on Twittered hate crimes and the like to try to predict crime. We are leaving virtual trails of data which are used to feed simulation models, for predictive analytics – but we can still opt out, throw away our phones, disconnect. There is still some control over what they take from us. But AI Thought Police wants more – to climb into our minds, understand our physical make-up, really get to know us.

We are all under suspicion, but AI needs to know which ones to focus on. So the US army is developing methods to covertly identify and track people who plan to do ‘something bad’. Hidden sensors will be used to detect AI’s version of ‘adversarial intent’ by reading and cataloguing our emotions and health.

Police Unions’ Statement Regarding Recent Enforcement Action at the Capitol

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Date: September 18, 2012
Contact: Brian Austin, MPPOA (608) 347-2773
David McClurg, Vice President, MPPOA (608) 577-2074


Police Unions’ Statement Regarding Recent Enforcement Action at the Capitol

The Madison Professional Police Officers Association and Dane County Deputy Sheriffs Association today release the following joint statement:
In February of 2011, tens of thousands of Wisconsinites travelled to our state Capitol in order to have their voices heard. It was truly a remarkable time in Wisconsin’s history, where people from all sides of a political issue came together in one place to peacefully demonstrate. There was an exceptional relationship between the protesters and on-duty law enforcement officers during this time, and Madison saw none of the strife or violence that has touched other protest movements nationwide.
The on-duty officers acted in a truly exemplary manner during the 2011 protests. They were professional and courteous, and performed their duties impartially in order to protect the free speech rights of all parties involved. These officers, from countless jurisdictions across Wisconsin, set an example for the world to follow regarding the role of the police during peaceful citizen protests. Part of the reason they were able to accomplish this was that the leaders of these agencies were extremely sensitive to the free speech rights of all participants, and as such, did not place their officers in positions that would infringe upon those rights.
It is within this context that we have been watching with alarm the recent developments at the Wisconsin State Capitol. In recent weeks, the Department of Administration (DOA) and the leadership within the Capitol Police have commenced enforcement action against peaceful protesters coming to the Capitol. Officers have been ordered to arrest and cite protesters whose only offense is the silent carrying of a sign. Other protesters have been cited for gathering for the “Solidarity Sing-along,” a non-violent group of citizens who sing every day over the noon hour. The Solidarity Singers have been particularly cognizant of the needs of other groups who also want to utilize the Capitol, and frequently relocate outside the Capitol to be respectful of those needs. They are now being cited for assembly at the Capitol without a permit
The right to free speech and the right to peaceful assembly are two of the fundamental rights upon which our democracy is based. Since the birth of our nation, the courts have taken great pains to protect these rights vigorously, and view any infringement upon these rights with great skepticism. We believe the recent enforcement action at the Capitol clearly violates these rights in a way that should be unacceptable in a free society.

Evidence Builds That Meditation Strengthens the Brain

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Science Daily - 3/14/12

Cortical Surface Shown is the lateral view of the right cortical surface. The red circle indicates where the maximum effect occurred. Top: Larger gyrification in 50 long-term meditators compared to 50 well-matched controls. Bottom: Positive correlations between gyrification and the number of meditation years within the 50 meditators. (Credit: Image courtesy of University of California - Los Angeles)

Earlier evidence out of UCLA suggested that meditating for years thickens the brain (in a good way) and strengthens the connections between brain cells. Now a further report by UCLA researchers suggests yet another benefit.

UFO Hovered Near Missile Launch Control Center at Minot AFB

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UFOs and Nukes - Robert L. Hastings, 9/19/12

Retired Officer Says Several ICBMs Dropped "Off Alert"

Minot Daily News, Dec. 6, 1966, pg 1

The 1966 event mentioned in the newspaper article below was apparently not the only UFO incursion at Minot's missile sites that year. According to retired USAF Captain David D. Schindele, he was involved in an incident at another flight, during which several nuclear missiles became temporarily unavailable for launch.

To read the rest of this story, visit

UFO expert Gary Heseltine boldly goes forward to collect major award

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Scunthorpe Telegraph - 9/18/12

  1. UFOrepresentationofwhatfolksaw

    Recreation of a UFO sighting in North Lincolnshire

A Scunthorpe-born UFO expert's dedication to proving the truth is out there has landed him a second major award.

Gary Heseltine, who has devoted almost 35 years to investigating real life X-Files, has been given the Exopolitics Group Award for 2012.

To read the rest of this article, visit

'In The Night Sky' author Linda Zimmerman seeks Ulster County residents

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Daily Freeman - Paula Ann Mitchell, 9/20/12

Orange County author Linda Zimmerman doesn’t mind admitting she was skeptical at first when it came to the local stories she’d heard about unidentified flying objects in the Hudson Valley.

In the 20 years she’s been writing about the history of the region, Zimmerman would listen politely when people would tell her about their sightings, but given her scientific mind, she’d brush them aside. “Sorry, I don’t do UFOs,” Zimmerman would often retort. Until now, that is.

To read the rest of this story, visit

The Earthdance Globally Synchronized Prayer for Peace

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Earthdance Global Festival for Peace - Setember 22, 2012

4pm California – 8pm Sao Paulo – 1am Cape Town – 9am Sydney

The Earthdance Global Link-Up for Peace
The highlight of the annual multi-location Earthdance Festival is a simultaneous link up, when every event across the world plays the Prayer for Peace at the exact same moment – morning in the Australian rainforest, afternoon in California, midnight in London, and sunrise over the Himalayas – the Prayer for Peace is a profound and powerful moment that unifies our intentions for World Peace on all levels.

Five Reasons Why Conspiracy Theorists Are More Popular Than You Think

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Saman Mohammadi | The Excavator, September 18, 2012

From now on, conspiracy theorists should be described as public intelligence analysts. We are part of a public intelligence community whose headquarters is the entire world. Our loyalty is to truth, freedom, and peace. We investigate reality to serve humanity, and bring nations together under the banner of peace and co-existence.

1. Public opinion polls show that the majority of Americans and Westerners agree with the views of “conspiracy theorists” more than those of government officials and media personalities.


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