Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

124th Bulgarian Ant-Govt Protest Moves to National Stadium

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Novinite - 10/16/13


124th Bulgarian Ant-Govt Protest Moves to National Stadium: 124th Bulgarian Ant-Govt Protest Moves to National Stadium

The antigovernment protest moved to the national stadium in Bulgaria's capital Wednesday evening, where shouts "resignation" were heard at minute 14 of both first and second half of the World Cup qualifier with the Czech Republic. Photo BGNES
Wednesday evening marked the 124th day of antigovernment protests in Bulgaria.
The 14th minute was chosen because it was on June 14 that the first in the record-long series of mass anti-government rallies took place in Bulgaria.





Brazil Petrobras workers on strike over Libra oilfield auction

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BBC News - 10/17/13


President Dilma Rousseff, 11 Sep 13
President Dilma Rousseff has called off a state visit to the United States this month over allegations of American espionage against Petrobras

Oil production in Brazil has been disrupted by a strike against a planned auction for rights to explore a huge offshore oilfield near Rio de Janeiro.


Union leaders say 90% of employees of the state oil company, Petrobras, joined the strike on Thursday.


Video and more:


Romania Environmental Protests a Sign of Wider Discontent

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WPR (World Politics Review) - 10/18/13, Andrew MacDowall


They are the biggest demonstrations Romania has seen this century. Across the country and beyond, tens of thousands have taken to the streets in protests that have included a human chain around Bucharest’s massive parliament, one of the world’s largest buildings, and a rally of several hundred Romanians in London’s Trafalgar Square.


If the demonstrations have gained momentum in part due to economic hardship and especially disillusionment with the political elite, they were initially triggered by a highly controversial mining project and the ecological and cultural damage that it might cause. Though environmental issues have for a long time been seen as marginal in Southeastern European politics, it would not be the first time that environmental protests have snowballed into anti-establishment movements in the region.


Bangladesh garment factory workers detain boss until he pays bonus

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Reuters - 10/14/13, Reporting By Serajul Quadir; Editing by Ron Popeski


Police said workers went to the Tuba Group factory on Saturday to demand payment of their bonus for the Eid al-Adha holiday in overwhelmingly Muslim Bangladesh.


"I see it as a positive movement as the workers were not violent and were able to realize their demand peacefully," said Amirul Haque Amin, president of the National Garment Workers' Federation trade union.




The U.S. Capitol And The Temple In Man

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William Henry ~ It's Time


Detail of Washington on a rainbow and surrounded by stars.
Photo: Wm. Henry


The United States Capitol, rising atop Capitol Hill in the monument city of Washington, D.C. may well be the most famous building in the world. 

To Americans the cast-iron, Capitol dome, dressed in pure white sandstone, is a symbol of strength and democracy. Radiant. Luminous. Shining. Freedom rings from this beautiful bell. How many recognize the Capitol is a temple?

Thomas Jefferson called it “The first temple dedicated to the sovereignty of the people.”

An anonymous essay of 1795 described the Capitol building as a ‘temple erected to Liberty’.



Anonymous Plans Million Mask March on Washington DC To Protest – Well, Everything

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Source: Silicon Angle - 10/10/13, John Casaretto



If you weren’t aware, November 5th is Guy Fawkes Day, and as one of the symbols of the Anonymous movement, the hacktivist collective is planning a massive march in Washington DC on the National Mall.  The march has been labeled “the Million Mask March” and it is being put together to protest a laundry list of causes, so if you’re with the Anonymous movement, you have a variety of choices to get behind.

Here’s the statement and the list -

Please read event description below for details mission statement and videos
This event and page is NOT associated with site as well as wiki poet or pollymath poet due to theor association with the great american revolt page as well as their actions.

British teachers stage 2nd strike in Oct. to protest so-called reforms

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Press TV - 10/17/13, MOL/AB/HE


British teachers stage 2nd strike in Oct. to protest so-called reforms.

British teachers stage 2nd strike in Oct. to protest so-called reforms.
British teachers have staged a new industrial action, the second strike this month, in protest against government’s plans to enforce changes in their pay and working conditions that force almost 10,000 schools to close.

Members of Britain's two largest teachers' unions, the National Union of Teachers (NUT) and the NASUWT, took part in the strike as part of efforts to block changes to pay, pensions and workload, which are on the coalition government’s agenda dubbed as education reforms. .



NSA Director Keith Alexander Will Step Down from the World's Most Powerful Intelligence Job

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Motherboard - Meghan Neal, 10/17/13


Photo: Dan Stuckey

NSA Director Keith Alexander is reportedly leaving his post as head of the agency, after six months of fervently defending the US government's decision to spy on the internet activity of citizens around the world.


Alexander will step down by April or May of next year. What's more, the agency’s deputy director Chris Inglis also plans to retire by the end of next year, anonymous US officials told Reuters today.




Researchers challenge Apple's claim of unbreakable iMessage encryption

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Macworld - 10/17/13, Jeremy Kirk



The statement says in part that Apple first heard about Prism only when it was asked about it by news organizations. “We do not provide any government agency with direct access to our servers, and any government agency requesting customer content must get a court order,” the statement says.


One document revealed by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden indicated Apple became part of Prism in October 2012.




Barclays fund 'lowered' Libor for profit - court papers

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The Telegraph - 10/17/13, Harry Wilson


Barclays fund 'lowered' Libor to improve returns - court papers

An internal fund run by Barclays staff is alleged to have attempted to
lower UK borrowing rates to improve its returns.  Photo: Alamy

Court papers in Libor 'test case' reveal new details of rate rigging at Barclays


An investment fund owned and run by Barclays attempted to manipulate UK borrowing rates for its own profit, according to an internal investigation conducted by the bank cited in court papers.




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