Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

20 Famous People Who Believe in Extraterrestrials

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GFP Note: The 20 people discussed in this article are: Richard Nixon, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, Mikhail Gorbachev, Prof. Stephen Hawking, Dr Herman Oberth, Dr J Allen Hynek, General Douglas MacArthur, Gordon Cooper, Lord Hugh Caswall Treenheere Dowding, J Edgar Hoover, Walter Cronkite, Fran Drescher, David Bowie, Sigourney Weaver, Elvis Presley, Mick Jagger, Dan Aykroyd, Tom Cruise,
and John Lennon


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Must Be Seen to be Believed: Cop Ripping Flag from Veteran’s Hand in Washington [video]

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Source: 2012 The Big Picture


How could a society ever get to this point? It’s unfathomable—like something out of a nightmare, isn’t it? But it’s real. This is the new reality in all its ugliness.  Police now get paid to act like animals, and that’s apparently okay with them. They willingly accept a paycheque for dropping to the depths of depravity.   ~ BP


Protest DC

UFO Photos Captured in Barra da Tijuca, Brazil May 7, 1952

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Source: OpenMinds.TV - 10/14/13, Posted by Open Minds


The photos captured in Barra da Tijuca Brazil on May 7, 1952 have been debated since they originally appeared in an “Extra” feature booklet with the May 1952 issue of “O Cruziero” magazine. The strange object came from the sea, with great speed, and was viewed for over a minute. It was gray-blue, absolutely silent and without a trace of smoke or flames.



Alicia Keys talks UFOs and ETs

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Source: - 10/07/13, Alejandro Rojas


Alicia Keys talks UFOs and ETs


Another superstar celebrity has chimed in on the topics of ETs and UFOs. This time it is fourteen-time Grammy winner Alicia Keys. This is what she had to say in an interview this week with BuzzFeed:

Do you believe that aliens exist?

AK: Yeah, I do [laughs].

Do you think they’ll visit earth?

AK: I think they’re here now [laughing].

Living among us?

British Intelligence Employed Aleister Crowley As An Agent

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Aleister Crowley: His Story, His Elite Ties and His Legacy

The Vigilant Citizen 12/14/11




As Crowley’s antics were picked up by the press, he soon became infamous as a black magician, a satanist and drug addict and would be dubbed “The Wickedest Man in the World”. However, unclassified documents revealed that this did not stop the British intelligence from hiring him as an agent. (It was not the first time that the British Crown hired the services of renown occultists; a famous example of such association can be found in the link between John Dee and Queen Elizabeth I.)


The most significant work on the subject of Crowley’s spy career is Richard B. Spence’s Agent 666. Using documents gleaned from British, American, French and Italian archives, Secret Agent 666 sensationally reveals that Crowley played a major role in the sinking of the Lusitania, a plot to overthrow the government of Spain, the thwarting of Irish and Indian nationalist conspiracies, and the 1941 flight of Rudolf Hess.


Caribbean nations sue Britain, Holland and France for slavery reparations

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14 Caribbean nations sue Britain, Holland and France for slavery reparations that could cost hundreds of billions of pounds

Mail Online - By Tom Leonard and Simon Tomlinson, Updated 10/11/13


Up for the fight: Caricom has hired British law firm Leigh Day, which recently won compensation for Kenyans tortured by the British colonial government during the Mau Mau rebellion of the 1950s (above)

Up for the fight: Caricom has hired British law firm Leigh Day, which recently won compensation for Kenyans tortured by the British colonial government during the Mau Mau rebellion of the 1950s (above)


Britain is being sued with France and the Netherlands by 14 Caribbean countries demanding what could be hundreds of billions of pounds in reparations for slavery.


Activists Fight Back With High-Tech Civil Disobedience

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How to React to Government Surveillance: Fight Back, Cash In?

The Epoch Times - Associated Press, 10/13/13

Software engineer and entrepreneur Jeff Lyon sits next to a computer showing the "Flagger" program he developed in San Jose, Calif. on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013. Lyon spent Labor Day weekend developing the software that adds words like "blow up" and "pressure cooker" to web addresses that users visit. "The goal here is to get a critical mass of people flooding the Internet with noise and make a statement of civil disobedience,î he said. (AP Photo/Ben Margot)

Software engineer and entrepreneur Jeff Lyon sits next to a computer showing the "Flagger" program he developed in San Jose, Calif. on Friday, Oct. 11, 2013. Lyon spent Labor Day weekend developing the software that adds words like "blow up" and "pressure cooker" to web addresses that users visit. "The goal here is to get a critical mass of people flooding the Internet with noise and make a statement of civil disobedience,î he said. (AP Photo/Ben Margot)


NSA collects millions of e-mail address books globally

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The Washington Post - By Barton Gellman and Ashkan Soltani, 10/14/13



The National Security Agency is harvesting hundreds of millions of contact lists from personal e-mail and instant messaging accounts around the world, many of them belonging to Americans, according to senior intelligence officials and top-secret documents provided by former NSA contractor Edward Snowden.


Although the collection takes place overseas, two senior U.S. intelligence officials acknowledged that it sweeps in the contacts of many Americans. They declined to offer an estimate but did not dispute that the number is likely to be in the millions or tens of millions.


‘Courage is contagious’: Whistleblowing Fantastic Four talk ‘Snowden effect’ on RT

Rain's picture - 10/11/13


RT photo / Semyon Khorunzhy

RT photo / Semyon Khorunzhy


A group of US whistleblowers and activists have met in Moscow to present NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden with the Sam Adams Award for ‘Integrity in Intelligence’. They came to RT’s studio to share their thoughts on global surveillance.


After a secret meeting with Snowden, the four whistleblowers – former NSA executive Thomas Andrews Drake, former CIA analyst Ray McGovern, former FBI agent Coleen Rowley and Jesselyn Radack of Government Accountability Project – all met in RT’s studio to discuss the perils of doing what right and why Snowden should be lauded as a hero for sending shock waves around the world.


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