Freedom Project

Changing the old system.

Truckers roll ahead with D.C. Beltway protest

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USA Today - 10/10/13, Michael Winter


Beginning Oct. 11, 2013, anti-government truckers plan to clog the Capital Beltway (Interstate 495) over the Columbus Day holiday weekend.
(Photo: H. Darr Beiser, USA TODAY)

Beginning Friday, thousands of anti-government drivers reportedly will converge on the Capital Beltway over the holiday weekend. Other protests are planned nationwide.

Drivers plan to occupy three lanes of Interstate 495, driving 55 mph, with the fourth lane kept clear for emergency vehicles and supporters. Only motorists displaying the group's Twitter hashtag on their vehicles will be allowed to pass, Andrews and other organizers say, adding that the protest would be peaceful and lawful.

Vatican introduces Law XVIII on transparency, supervision and information

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Vatican Insider - 10/09/13, By Vatican Insider Staff


The IOR headquarters

The Pontifical Commission for Vatican City has introduced a new law as a further clampdown on the financial system. The new law gives greater powers to the Financial Information Authority and the Governorate

“Law No. XVIII consolidates the existing discipline in matters of: Measures to prevent and counter money laundering and the financing of terrorism; Vigilance and regulation of the bodies carrying out professional activities of a financial nature; Collaboration and exchange of information by the Financial Information Authority internally and at an international level; Measures against individuals who threaten peace and international security; Declarations of cross-border transportation of cash.”



UK’s MI5 seeking to justify foreign military intervention

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Press TV - 10/10/13, SSM/HE

London headquarters of Britain

London headquarters of Britain's spying agency MI5
An anti-war activist has accused Britain's domestic spying apparatus MI5 of seeking to justify the country’s future interventions into foreign states under the pretext of the so-called war on terror.
In an interview with Russia’s English-language news channel RT on Wednesday, Jim Brann said recent comments by the MI5 director general Andrew Parker will make life harder for British Muslims, whom the UK government is trying to portray as the main threat to the society.



Canadian spies met with energy firms, documents reveal

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The Guardian - 10/09/13, Martin Lukacs and Tim Groves


Damian Blog : Tar Sands : Syncrude open pit oil excavation mine, Alberta, Canada

Observers have suggested that Canada's actions are related to potential competition to its tar sands. Photograph: Orjan F Ellingvag/Corbis

The Canadian government agency that allegedly hacked into the Brazilian mining and energy ministry has participated in secret meetings in Ottawa where Canadian security agencies briefed energy corporations, it has emerged.


EU bank VP probed in Spanish corruption scandal

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Press TV - 10/09/13, CAH/SS


Magdalena Alvarez, vice president of the European Investment Bank

Magdalena Alvarez, vice president of the European Investment Bank
The vice president of the European Investment Bank has been questioned by an investigating judge in Spain about her role in a corruption scandal involving public funds.

Magdalena Alvarez, who is European Investment Bank’s (EIB) second head, appeared before Judge Mercedes Alaya on Tuesday, as she had been named an official suspect in a case involving fictitious early retirement and severance payments from a public fund.



Lauryn Hill Ordered by the Court to Undergo “Counseling” Due to her “Conspiracy Theories”

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Source: Vigilant Citizen - 5/09/13




The name of Lauryn Hill’s breakout album was The Miseducation of Lauryn Hill but it now appears that the powers that be would like her to record a new album called The Re-Education of Lauryn Hill. After appearing in court for tax evasion, Hill was sentenced to three months in jail PLUS she must attend “counseling” due to her “conspiracy theories”.

According to the IBTimes, Hill told the court: “I am a child of former slaves who had a system imposed on them. I had an economic system imposed on me.” Furthermore, Hill also believes that artists are being oppressed by (what the article calls) “a plot involving the military and media”. Because of these statements, Hill was ordered to undergo “counseling”, which is a way of saying that she is mentally ill and that she needs some sort of re-programming session regain “sanity”.

Robbing Banks for the CIA

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In Virginia's Fairfax County, Robbing Banks for the CIA

Bloomberg Businessweek - By Tom Schoenberg,  April 18, 2013


In Virginia's Fairfax County, Robbing Banks for the CIA


“If I tell you, you’re not going to believe me,” Torres said. He was crying as he told them an incredible story about being recruited by the Defense Intelligence Agency to participate in a secret operation testing the security of Washington-area banks. He said he’d been assigned to rob a half-dozen banks over four days. And he told them about Theo, the man who hired him and gave all the orders—even though Torres had never met him.


George Lakey on how to “keep our equilibrium, hang tough, and remain nonviolent while undergoing repression in the Activist confrontation stage of revolution”

MomT's picture

Exopermaculture Posted on October 9, 2013 by Ann Kreilkamp

On the plane this morning from Indy to Dallas, then Baton Rouge, I was struck by what seemed to be the “normalcy” of fellow travelers in these volatile times. Mostly polite, though of course, preoccupied, with probably more than 50% at any one time focused on working their thumbs while scrutinizing small print on their cell phones. I imagine each one longs to convey his or her own personal story — of fear, excitement, change, demotion, sudden breakdowns and/or breakthroughs — should anyone care to stop and listen.

This afternoon I walked into sister Paula’s home to find Mom sitting at the kitchen table, eating. Once again, she has seemingly recovered from mysterious weakness and pain, although her  ”new normal” may turn out to be a notch less vital than the old one.

She’s now sleeping, so I can check the internet for stuff that interests me. Like this:

A Revolution Comes in Stages — Occupy or Otherwise

October 8, 2013

The NSA’s Huge New Data Center Keeps Having Meltdowns and No One Knows Why

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Source: 2012 The Big Picture - 10/09/13


I was thinking maybe sabotage by the good guys; insiders, or what have you. Whatever works—as long as the data centre doesn’t work!  The Universe works according to our Constitution and is on OUR side.   ~ BP

From Godlike Productions:

“BREAKING NEWS: NSA Data Center in Utah is rocked by explosions 

BLUFFDALE, UTAH — Massive electrical surges at a data storage facility for the National Security Agency have led to the destruction of hugely expensive machinery and delayed its opening for a year, officials revealed Tuesday.”


Police Officers Spied On Moral Monday Protesters

Rain's picture - 10/09/13, AT/HJ

A woman is arrested as protesters rally during “Moral Monday” demonstrations at the General Assembly in Raleigh, North Carolina, Monday, July 8, 2013.

A woman is arrested as protesters rally during “Moral Monday” demonstrations at the General Assembly in Raleigh, North Carolina, Monday, July 8, 2013.
North Carolina police covertly spied on protesters who were part of the widespread 'Moral Monday' demonstrations that shook the state this summer, according to testimony given at a trial for a protester who was arrested in an act of civil disobedience.

At the hearing of Saladin Muammad, a US Army veteran and labor activist arrested on May 13 while at a Moral Monday protest, General Assembly Police Chief Jeff Weaver testified that he received advanced intelligence reports from officers about protesters' plans ahead of events in which arrests were made.


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