Lauren C Gorgo

The5DReport ~ Lauren ~Personal Polarity Reversal : Ascension Preparation

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I can’t believe that May is nearly over. Also, May is the longest month I have ever lived thru.

I have been wholly immersed in a time warp, both heavily entranced in my future AND (reluctantly) reliving so many parts of my past, simultaneously.  Since the last report I have been thru so many life-altering scenarios, yet very little has physically moved in my world.  It almost feels like I have been placed in a virtual reality program, playing out many possible scripts, past and future, without having left my living room.  So bizarre.

The first lunar eclipse (4/25) lit a wicked fire under my ass and so much started moving in my life at once that I was nearly terrified of how I would handle it all. It was like a crack in the veil shrouding me from my future started prematurely oozing into the present…it was at once exhilarating  and overwhelming.  Seriously made me reconsider all that I had asked for!

…[section protected, to purchase full article see below]…

Rotation Flip

Lauren C Gorgo ~Duality to Triality: divine will made manifest

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So we finally, Finally, FINALLY made it out of reverse, and can start moving forward again…altho forward seems slightly subjective in this new territory because, for all intents and purposes, we are without a compass and with no linear marker points to hint at what direction is.  But this whole new reality is pretty slick if you ask me because without linearity, without progressing sequentially, we literally have no choice but to think with our hearts.  Pretty sneaky.  Literally wipes the logic right out of us.

Having said all that, it doesn’t exactly feel like a running start. :(  More like a crawling start….or whatever the word is for slightly faster than sitting.   Either way, I’m in.  I’ll take anything over going backwards and rummaging thru my insidey parts. Again. And again. And again. And…

Lauren C Gorgo~Energetics of New Creation: magic in action

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PageLines- 5DreportLOGO.gifMarch is a big month.

March is always big month…a turning point, a period of closure before new beginnings, et all…but based on what I am hearing/feeling, this March is much more than that. We are march-ing directly into our destiny (for the record, I tried to resist that pun) in the next few weeks, and though we have faced many critical cruxes on the journey to arrive here, this particular juncture is absurdly significant.  The Pleiadian High Council tells me that the upcoming equinox (3/20) and the following full moon (3/27) respectively, carry the bulk of the significance…that these two gateways before us are encrypted with specific coded solar (masculine) and lunar (feminine) frequencies set to sever our ties to duality and simultaneously activate & anchor our christed divinity deep within our physical lives and bodies…and therefore into the earth herself.

Lauren C. Gorgo: Transference Completion ~ The Final Breath

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From the perspective of the Pleiadians, the next several weeks and leading into the equinox are set primarily for our emergence…the emergence of our physical self into our physical world. They are saying quite plainly that even tho we are still between worlds, at the end of the end and the beginning of the beginning, that the equinox period finalizes the completion so we can start to immerse ourselves fully in our new beginnings. They are calling this a time to say goodbye to much of what we’ve known upon the earth plane.

So if I am getting this right, the transference process is the finalization of our journey to 5D, the pinnacle, the switch from mortal to immortal template, the release from the 3D (false) grid and the full reconnection to our divinity ,and apparently the unwinding process (the unwinding or reversal of 3D human genetics) leads to this transference completion for the first group on or around the equinox.

2013: where soul meets body Lauren C Gorgo

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Happy New Year! So not only did we make it to 2013… a very sacred, powerful, wildly creative, alchemical & transformative (13) year…but to a new (golden) world age. Tho its hard to wrap my head around what that means for me/you/us just yet, a congratulations is definitely in order. The full-on celebrations have not quite begun…we still have some denser-body integrating to do :( …but if you pay close attention, you can feel the party starting in your heart.

There is so much I could write about since my last report which was technically a month ago, yet feels like an entire lifetime ago…and for many, this is exactly true. We are literally now living an entirely new life since the soul merge that took place between the 12:12:12 and the 12:21, the sacred (re)union within us that I have referred to in the past as our “spiritual sweet-spot”, the marriage of the divine masculine/feminine forces…where spirit meets matter, where head meets heart, where soul meets body, where ascension occurs.


What Now?

DeCloaking: the dress rehearsal

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Commentary from The Galactic Free Press~ Its unfortunate that Lauren keeps some information only for those who pay. Although we do understand. Here is the partial post from her with some valuable information about our current Moments. All Our Love the Earth Allies

By Lauren On


When I first realized that I was going to be moving Think With Your Heart from dot net to dot com, I was pretty unclear about the direction of the site. I really had very little idea what would unfold…incidentally, I am still figuring it out…but I remember thinking to myself that I would literally write just about anything, long as I didn’t have to talk about one.more.ascension.symptom. (By which, I also thought that if that were the case, I’d rather watch paint dry.)

Lauren C Gorgo~ Into the Flow of All Good Things

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The new (universal 5) energies (9/2012: 9+2+0+1+2=14 = 1+4 = 5) of September are finally here, which begins the wrapping-up cycle of all the changes from the entire year. Can you even recognize who you were when the year began? As if you didn’t notice, this 5 year (2+0+1+2) has been all about breaking thru to new ground…to a new paradigm of freedom…which ultimately means moving beyond the karmic (duality) cycles of our 3D past and entering into the 5D, christed (unity consciousness) energies of the present.

There is the usual, almost melancholic feeling of endings in the air as we wrap up a season and prepare to enter a new one, but this year September feels different than all others because we are bringing a very important phase of human life to completion. We only have a few more months to step fully into our authenticity and say our final goodbyes to a life gone by…a past (3D) life that we created from a split mindset and with less than our full connection to universal LOVE. It’s time now to bring our full attention to the 5D energies starting to ground into the physical dimensions as we continue to break thru the old ways and align with the upgraded version of our new selves/lives.

Simultaneously, while the energies of the past recede, we are all…in one way or another…receiving the “new orders” sent forth from our spiritual blueprints…the information that we need/have been waiting for to get our vessels sailing in the right direction after an entire season of wildly flailing around in the open seas of our limitless potential.


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