Lisa Gawlas

LIsa Gawlas~The Multi-Dimensional Self and Actively Reaping The Harvest!

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These days the shear understanding of what it really means to be multidimensional is really opening my eyes in a brand new way, or maybe better stated, in a deeper way.  We have been talking for so long how all the dimensions are opening up and becoming more and more available to us now here on earth.  The timelines are all overlapping in our present moment in unmistakable ways.  Then it would have to be that we are living multiple aspects of our life in this very moment.

The three people I wrote about yesterday was showing us their multidimensional aspects.  I didn’t understand this at all until my last reading of the day yesterday, well, not like I understand it right now.  Before I get into the depth of sharing from my last reading, let me share something from my second reading.  Something I never thought to do, but man oh man, what a great idea and we should all be doing this!!

As the reading opened up I was watching this man move from his present moment, to several days into his future, scoop up armfuls of energy and bring it back into his present.  He repeated this motion over and over again, but interestingly, never taking from the same space twice.  He always moved just to the right of where he last grabbed an armful.  Of course, my first started question was “what the hell are you doing?”

The energy of our future is like translucent cloud-like puffs of mass energy.  Each time he grabbed an armful, the energy created a gold outline of vibration around it, inside, pure potential.  I could see and feel the energy as he scooped up heaps of it but as he placed it into his present moment, I could no longer see it.  I understood that it dissipated and moved into his energy field.

Lisa Gawlas~The Energy of 2013 Is Here and Will Be Amplified Thru the Rest of 2012!

Lia's picture


Before I got into today’s sharing, I want to mention something about the picture I used for todays image.  I spent a good amount of time yesterday looking for something that looks like the silver energy I see as the timeline of 2013, I kept coming up blank.  A man named Patrick Latter liked my sharing from yesterday, and for the first time ever I actually clicked on his name to see his blog and about shit (in a good way of course) when I had seen the energy of this photograph he took.  It looks exactly like what I have been seeing.  A car represents how we move forward in life, how fitting this image to these times.  I have enjoyed looking and feeling with his amazing ability to capture on film many aspects of what I see in readings.  Thank you Patrick for bringing it all to life!!  To enjoy his photography, please either click on the photo or his name!!  

It was soooo incredibly good to do readings again yesterday, but man, it felt like I took off two years not two months.  We have been zooming thru the evolutionary process while I was gone!!  Phew baby!!  And what I had seen, what I understand, blew my precious mind!  It was like each client built upon the story of where we are heading in the last stretch of 2012.

Lisa Gawlas - The Distorted Field Of Our Memories That Make Up Our Perceived Reality!

glr_Andrea's picture



There are two major things I am coming to realize on this grand 2 week adventure; First and foremost, I now completely understand why monks choose to segregate themselves from the world to work on their spiritual journey!  I have been so on the go, so wonderfully interactive with those I am visiting that the way I live my spiritual connections does not even exist right now.  It really is a strange feeling to live like this once again… and that is to say, not a moment in the stillness, just constantly going and going and going!

Secondly, our memories are housed in very murky waters, distorted, if not completely repainted by time and space long separated from actual events.  Even things that have zero emotional charge to them, for me, completely distorted and for the most part, remembered without a whole lot of truth.  A couple of examples from my time with my father.  I knew he had native amercian blood in him, I could have swore over all these decades that I remember his father was full native amercian and raised on a reservation.  Not even close to true.  His grandmother was full Mohawk not his father, his father was english (or something.)  I was also absolutely sure he had like 4 or 5 brothers, one being just a bit older than me… another distortion of my mind.  He had two brothers, neither even close to my age.  I was also sure my two youngest sisters, when I lived with them (in 1976) was 4 and 6 years old.  Not even close!  One wasn’t even walking yet.  I have zero memories of a baby in the house!

I mention these things because not one of them matter to my personal life story.  What about those memories that are affecting me/us today that do matter.  That are still firing emotions from a perception that may be totally inaccurate?

Lisa Gawlas - Living In The Moment – Together – Without Yesterday In Tow!

glr_Andrea's picture



I am truly relearning so much about life, about the excitement of being IN life true my grandson.  This morning tho, I am realizing how much more I am learning in Being here and why.  Even with the absolute synchronicity of having just written about the various functions of the brain, which is still very fresh in my own brain of understanding. We are wired, energetically, to be together.  To live together, to feel each others needs and to thrive together in the Wholeness of Love.

For now the whole world is too large a landscape to think about, instead, the world at large is so incredibly reflecting all of our own dysfunctions, our own fears of separation back to us.  But if we scale this all down to a community.  But, I am ahead of myself in this sharing, let me back up for a moment. 

Lisa Gawlas ~ Moving Into Uncharted Territory ~ Best To Go Here With The Wind At Your Back!! – 5 September 2012

Lia's picture

There is absolutely nothing usual about these energies I call September, which is making readings highly unusual too.  I have never seen your spiritual team’s so adamant about keeping me/us from seeing the whole story happening within you and thru you.   It started on day one of September when I was reading for the lady who had the glass door completely shatter.  I did everything I knew how to do to tap into what the experience may be, but as I kept trying and spirit kept pushing me out of that view, suddenly she ended up with four “guards of the gate,” two on each side of the smashed glass door, all shining and glowing but with their arms crossed to show you “you ain’t getting thru,” and trust me, I didn’t.

Well the same thing has been happening thru almost every single reading since then.  What surprised me was when I couldn’t bring a lady into my kitchen to see inside her body.  I figured if spirit is going to hold out information that will take us each individually and collectively to the Equinox, I might as well scope out the energy inside her body to get a view from there.  Not.   The first time this happened I could almost understand why.

The Winds of Change Have Piled All Timelines In One Heep!!

Lia's picture


Did anyone else feel like their own energy flowing thru them yesterday was not only on steroids but in hyperactive mode?  What a strange strange day it was for my blessed body and mental matter.  The two seemed so out of step with each other!!  I would get up to do something and instantly forget what I was going to do.  I would sit down then suddenly feel like I need to be doing something.  I could even read a darn thing.  I tried to even just reread my own sharing to make sure it actually made sense (considering nothing in my mind was making sense or finding completion) couldn’t do it.  I got thru the first two sentences then it was like no more words exists.  Geez!!

The two readings I had done yesterday were just as intense energetically.  My first lady appeared in her center field, midway between her south and west fields hopping forward on a pogo-stick, being splattered with energy paintballs!  We eventually got to the fact this represented her meditation… up – down – up  - down and she is getting the energy of it (hence the paint ball splatters) but needs to take it in deeper and assimilate the energy, which she really was on her way to doing.  But what happened as I fast forwarded her into her near future shocked me… again.  The field is really good at shocking me these days lol.


The Internship of September!! Are You Ready to Go Thru the Doorway Of Full On Application??

glr_Andrea's picture



I remember doing a reading recently where the lady was looking like a glass (like glass of water) only there was nothing in the glass except the residue of what used to be there.  I also understood this phase she is in is like being placed in the dishwasher and completely washed clean of all that old sticky debris in preparation for her next fill up.  Now granted, this is actually a more common aspect that happens as we grow and integrate any aspect of our spiritual journey, but there is something about this time.  Maybe it is because so much of the planets inhabitants are going thru it at the same time.

I have been talking out loud of all that has been happening within me since the day the Ouija board experience happened.  For the first few years I was a clueless participant in this awakening and needed other people’s understandings to assure me I was not going completely insane!  Thru all those talks and communications, I would find we had staggered experiences.  Some people experienced (whatever) before me, after me, rarely at the same time as me in the moment it was happening.  Then something very strange and for me, quite exciting started happening… we were getting in sync with each other.  What was happening to me was happening to so many people at the same time.  As the years rolled by, it seemed life was syncing up with life and everyone was having very similar experiences and even very similar understandings.

When I was writing my sharing the other day about our pheromones and was reading information on the many area’s the body itself releases pheromones, one of the things that caught me by surprise was when women menstruate and live together or work closely together.  There is a chemical released out into life that syncs up the women’s menstrual cycle and it seems that all of a sudden everyone is menstruating at the same time.  It seems like itself is releasing the sync up pheromone so that all those in the higher collective of life (and quite a few coming out of the 4D collective) is experiencing the same growing pains, the same understandings, having so many of the same type of experiences together at relatively the same time!  Obviously life itself has a deep desire for a unified energy field of experience and wisdom.

Even in the readings, so many of the visuals, even tho unique unto the person in the field, shares so many similar qualities to so many others.  One of the most common themes right now is a doorway emerging in many people’s lives from their West field.  Of course, we are all now on the threshold of September and we are gearing up for a very intense time as we end a huge cycle of time and experience in our collective lives.  There is also another common theme on the other side of this doorway too… I can’t see a damn thing!  I have never been this close to the beginning of another month where we are all still on an energetic white out of what this month looks and feels like to us.  It seems many people are still taking that last lap within themselves, looking at where they have come from, releasing what no longer serves them and yet, not fully tapping into the new either (present company knee-deep in this place too.)

August really seems like it served to completely turn us inside out and upside down, creating a strange disorientation within our familiar on all levels.  I could very easily say that thru the month of August it appears as if I moved 10 miles away from my spiritual path.  Nothing seems to work the same at all, yet, the energy of what “needs to be” happens so fast that there is nothing to work on.  I will share with you a perfect example of what this means, at least for me.

About 6:30am yesterday I was looking at my online bank account and going over all the bills I have already paid for Sept and the one that is left to be paid before I go on my journey.  I was just under $100 of getting that (car payment) paid without having to use my savings to pay it (since that is my mad money for my trip.)  My reading calendar is completely full so I just surrendered to whatever.  I still have days before it is due and I really can pull it out of savings if I have too.  No worries.

Not even 10 minutes later a lady calls having an issue with booking an appointment for the 5th, she is trying to book a one hour reading but my calendar keeps changing it to a 15 minute reading.  There is nothing available on the 5th, I already have a packed day and I thought i cleared everything from that day.  I called her…. I also realized I did have a one hour opening on the 3rd in the early morning.  In an instant, we both fulfilled our needs.

LIsa Gawlas~The Body Pains, The Life Pause, The Ascension Within!

Lia's picture


To keep in the exciting and giggly theme of Sundays sharing, a friend and I went to take in the movie Magic Mike, a movie about male strippers recommended by a lovely soul in my morning meditation class!  The 20-30 year old within was front and center thru the whole movie, smiling so big, bringing up so many memories of going to male reviews.  My friend had also told me that Southern California was going thru a massive sworm of earthquakes.  I suppose it was the earthquakes I took to sleep within me instead of the beautiful Matthew McConaughey (dammit) because I woke up a dream experience that stayed with me all morning.


In my dream I was staying over at someones house and I was getting a morning coffee in their kitchen when I seen this interesting black flat square box/speaker thing on the counter and a male voice came out and said another earthquake is happening and they are ordering an evacuation.  I stood there near the coffee pot feeling the floor beneath my feet… waiting for the floor to shake. An older man came into the kitchen to get a coffee and I asked him about the box/speaker and why am I not feeling anything shake?  Seems I was not meant for the answer because I woke up before he could answer.


The Dance of Seduction: What ChemTrail Do You Leave Behind?

Lia's picture

BY GLR~Lisa Gawlas



There are some readings/visuals that just seem to catch me so far out in left field that all I can do is laugh… at first.  This was definitely the case with one of my readings yesterday.  I really think her spirit was in rare form of visual release.  By the end of our session, not only do we have another powerful meditation to work with, but a huge understanding of the message from Archangel Michael the other day.  Let me start from the beginning:


There she was, out in her West field, clinging to what kept feeling like a strippers pole.  She was hanging on for dear life.  The pole, a dull silver color, went from the ground to as high as my vision could see.  She had her arms and legs wrapped around the pole about 3 feet off the ground, in a death grip!  All I could think of was: what the hell are you doing on a striptease pole?


Sad? Angry? Frustrated? Welcome to Death and the Pause Before the Full Re-Birth!!

glr_Andrea's picture



Life really is stirring up the pot, isn’t it?  The end game is here and vivid in our emotional fields.  I think for me, this end stage.. the completion of the death process happened several days ago when I was doing my “doors” meditation.  First of all, my meditations no longer work the way they always have.  If I close my eyes and try to center, I go no where fast.  If I am just sitting with an intention, it unfolds right before my eyes.  No big deal really, or one would think it should be no big deal, especially since this is the way I do my readings, but to me, it is a big deal.  My one constant on this crazy path is no longer constant.  It changed.  This actually kicked up a bit of frustration and sadness within me.

Then a few days ago I was working my doors and remembered I never turned around to lock the back door to the old life.  So I first opened that door to see what was thru it, it stretched back to my time on the mountainside in Vermont.  That time period (2002) was my first real death process.  When the old Lisa who came into life died and the new Lisa was born.  I was so surprised to see this as my past I must close the door to, so I didn’t.  These last 10 years, while challenging, have been the greatest years of my life, I don’t want to shut that away.  It kicked up more sadness because I knew… all that brought me to here was done.  Granted, I have been writing that now for a month, but I suppose I never realized it meant to the most empowering aspect of our lives too.  Or maybe I did and just didn’t look at the depth of what that meant.

Two days ago my oldest daughter posted a picture of my father, someone I have not talked to for 36 years (since I was 13)  or knew at all until recently, of him doing a tattoo on someone.  Both of my girls are amazing tattoo artists and here is this man no one knew (at least on my arm of the family tree) doing what my girls are so good at.  Is tattooing genetic?  My heart got really sad looking at that picture.  I will never know “that” man.   My heart still gets very sad when I see it.  it is funny what a picture from 20 years ago can stir up in a heart that thought it didn’t care what it missed over time.

So yesterday, as I started typing out my morning sharing and really feeling all the changes, the sadness inside of me started to leak out of my eyes, especially when writing about how meditation changed for me, top it off with the song by Diana Ross  and maybe just seeing the date that song came out: 1975 brought up so much childhood sadness.  Endings, beginnings followed by so many more endings.

As I wrote my sharing yesterday, and I apologize to all those I overwhelmed or confused with the addition to the doorway meditation, that was never my intent, it was actually my excitement to help us all go further with this amazing meditation… which was actually someones reading!!

So with a heart filled with weepiness, when I closed out my sharing I decided to take a bath… hoping my usual style of meditation would just be back.  Not!  Just the intention of putting my foot in the bath to do a meditation started the energy flowing.  I watched as it was raining down translucent multi-colored energy all within my bathtub.   As I laid in the tub and closed my eyes, the visuals stopped.  I opened my eyes, the visuals started again, closed them, it stopped.  Reminded me of the “open and close record player” I had as a child. lol

In a bout of frustration I just said “what the hell is this all about?”  My team gave me a really good reply.  Still don’t like the change, but I do love the progress.  For 12 years my inner world existed within me.  Now it is time for my inner world to be my outer world energy too.  Of course I have been saying that thru my sharings too, but I suppose never understood the depth of it all until recently.  So now I am no longer traveling the multi-verse of energy and experience, instead, the multi-verse is coming to me, unfolding in my home.  OMG, I just realized something!!  I can swim like a fish in the inner world of my meditations to the far reaches of all created universes, plunge deep into the sun, walk around on Mars, there are no limitations and it is fluid.  Now I get why I first swam like a dolphin on my current level of doorways.  (You can read about that here, if you like.)  I am learning to swim as fluidly and effortlessly in my created reality of energy as I had within my inner world of meditation.

Even tho I am still sad about the sudden and unexpected change, I am more excited about the depth of what that means to us.  Yesterday I looked at my doorways again.  Still the same image, upper platform, all doorways generating a gold and white energy from each one., lower one still appearing as if I am in the night air looking at it.  The only doorway open with energy above is my first one, my financial freedom doorway.  Other than the one time I swam like a fish, and, I might add, only half way thru my lower energy field, I have not been able to move off the platform.  I did try yesterday and my team said no.  what the hell?  They said I have the one door open that is needed for me right now.  The rest will be accessed when I return from Virginia next month.  Really?  Well, I was not about to take that laying down (smile.)  I put my intention on my 2nd doorway… I want a gentle feather in that one!!  Dammit!!  I want a solid spiritual partner!  My team told me I don’t need to open the door in my circle of doors, I need to open my front door.  Hell, I will open any door it takes!!  So from my bathtub I imagined I opened both of my front doors (they are french doors, not leaving anything to chance here lol.)  Suddenly I had seen  a massive energy flow coming into my living room… a beautiful yellow-gold flooding energy.  Well, that hasta be good!!

The one thing I realized with utter clarity is that we have changed.  Everything about us is changing or has already changed.  But yet… we are in that pause place, where the new has not completely arrived yet and the old is no longer there.  But… as my 2nd reading of the day showed me, that is not 100% true either.


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