Yesterday, the last day of May felt like a planetary reboot! I have never been so knocked off my own axis in a very long long time.
My first attempt at reading really started me wondering what was happening. I couldn’t even pick up the first light particle for my lady at all. Nothing, nada. Even trying to hold a coherent conversation was becoming a challenge. I really had to work my brain to formulate sentences that made sense.
I decided to take a bath before my 2nd reading, hoping I can find some charge to at least see a connection…nope! The only thing I was able to witness in this attempt at meditation was my entire team from the Pleiades in a portal of energy directly above my heart, looking down and smiling. That visual lasted long enough for me to notice, then it went away. I was not finding any of this something to smile about!!!
So, since I was already in my bath I figured I will do something constructive while there. I took out my double helix DNA and decided to have a go at releasing what I no longer need.
There is something about doing these exercises in a complete and full void that was really disheartening. As soon as I put my hand on that DNA strand all of a sudden my mind worried about releasing something I loved. The moment I had that strange thought I put my DNA back, stunned really. Then I just laughed at myself. Since when am I worried about releasing something I love. I am not even sure what was at the root of that thought and maybe, in truth, I didn’t want to know.
I eventually got over myself and brought back that strand and milked it. I squeezed the strand hard and I could feel something gathering with the downward stroke. As soon as I got to the very bottom of the strand I heard a ping, like a pebble dropping into my bathtub. Being in the void I had no way of know what it was, I just know something was removed.
I got out and attempted my 2nd reading… again, a complete blank screen. Not even a small molecule of light. I have been in and out of the void all year-long, but always have been able to at least pick up some sort of light… not yesterday!
After rescheduling yet another reading, I decided to sit down and have brunch and watch my boys (Jon Steward and Steven Colbert) on HuluPlus. I figured I would be grounding and not thinking all at the same time, coupled by some good giggles.
Keep in mind, I get TV thru my DVD blue-ray wifi connection only. I don’t have cable. The TV started doing things I have never ever seen it do before. First it was flickering in and out like a strobe light. I rebooted the DVD player, same thing happened. I rebooted again. Then it just buffered and buffered but oddly enough, in the same exact place each time.
I felt like I was truly in an episode of the twilight zone! I took to my Galaxy S phone, it was flickering in and out… then would just crash.
What the hell????