Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.


Lia's picture

Painting by Rassouli

Most of us have been totally immersed in life on Earth which is about living and creating with the little mind, rather than the heart. We have felt a great separation from God, our beloved Creator. This is the reason we have not been continually aware of our Twin Flame within who is a part of us and who reflects God's Love for us.

Every being on Earth feels a yearning for the Love of his/her Twin Flame because it is the truth of us. It is completely possible to have conscious connection through the heart (beyond the experience of the body) with your Twin Flame. This can be experienced in meditation or simply in quiet times of repose.

To perceive, to feel the other half of our being with whom we were created, one has to shift out of the little mind, open to Spirit and feel with the heart. This is all part of the transformation now occurring which will return us to the deep Love of our Creator and its reflection, God's gift to us, our Twin.


Lia's picture

Deep within the heart of every being on Earth is the yearning for his or her SoulMate[ Companion] or Twin Flame (we use these words interchangeably). This feeling was placed there by God. The activation of this yearning at this time is part of the spiritual opening occurring now on Earth in which we are remembering who we truly are. The path to the Twin Flame is a doorway into ourselves, into the very heart of God, the wholeness of God we are.

To understand the Twin Flame, we must stretch for deeper understandings of the truth of humanity. All beings on Earth who call themselves “human” are in their greater being “cells” in the heart of God. This includes every person on Earth, no matter how he/she is expressing in a body or in this Earth life. As cells in the heart of God, we are grand and glorious streams of Light, of consciousness, deliverers of Love.

Being on Earth in bodies is only one adventure we have experienced but we are here purposefully, to return the life streams created on Earth to Love and only Love, the true reality of all life. There is nothing more important for the current transformation on Earth than the opening of every heart to Love. In the past, so many people have been closed to Love. The opening of hearts occurring now is the critical shift which will change our world in the ways that we all desire.

Larry Larson ~ Twelve ~ Twelve Insight Journal ~The Cause Is Within You

Lia's picture


LarryLarsonWhen you find yourself engaged in actions that are leading you into places you do not want to be, the thing to do in those circumstances is, as always, to breathe and relax and allow yourself to flow naturally into a different course of action. Do something different in other words. We want you to recognize that your actions do not compel you to follow through with more of the same. There is a kind of momentum—not physical momentum like movement of a car, but psychological momentum—that results when you have started on a course of thinking and then actions that lead you a certain way.

It’s like if you become angry at another person because of something they have done or not done, then you feel compelled to continue to act outwardly as if that anger were real. But your emotions are not inherent in any given situation. They are not built-in to the situation. Your emotions are your indicators of your personal alignment with Source; they are not the result of whatever just happened. The cause is within you.

When you encounter a situation that brings you joy, the joy is always a result of your alignment with your own inner being and the Source of All. That other person is not giving you the joy, and if you attribute it to them then you are going to be in for a wild kind of ride. It is not the other being, the other circumstance, the other situation that is creating the joy; it is your finding of alignment with Source in that moment that allows joy to flow through you.

Ronna Herman ~ Message from Archangel Michael ~ "CREATING YOUR SPHERE OF HEAVENLY LIGHT"

Silver's picture

By: Ronna Herman, 02/01/2014

Beloved masters, you are beginning to comprehend how different your physical reality will be as you gain access to and integrate more of the more refined frequencies of the higher realms. You will also realize how radically your future life’s experiences will change. As everyone’s telepathic and clairsentience skills are perfected, you will understand why truth, honor and integrity will become paramount. We are aware of the Light patterns that you emit, and also the resonance of your energetic signature, whether it is harmonious or discordant. We see your radiance or lack thereof, and you cannot hide who you truly are from us. In the near future, this gift will become the norm for many advanced Light Workers as well.


You are not only seeking to return to balance and harmony within, but it is your Higher Self’s greatest desire that you reclaim and perfect the beautiful Soul Song that is uniquely yours. The spectrums of Light and of sound in our realm of existence are far beyond your senses and even beyond your imagination. In your reality, you can only experience a minuscule portion of the celestial sounds, the radiant Light, and the power and majesty of our environment.


Are we there yet?

Lia's picture


Taryn Crimi

Today we would like to focus your attention upon the energy which many of you are undoubtedly feeling. Have you felt the energy come to a screeching halt yet? We mentioned a few weeks ago that you would likely be met with some very strong energy that made you feel as though you hit a brick wall. So we would like to take this time to readdress this in hopes of alleviating many of your worries and concerns.

Most of you are feeling an extreme drop in your motivation to do just about anything. If it is not absolutely necessary then you just don’t have the energy or the drive to pursue it. So what happened? As we mentioned the energy which helped kick start this year gave many of you a tremendous upsurge of energy which left you feeling excited, anxious and the feeling of great anticipation for what this wonderful new year will bring with it. However that energy is stronger than many of you are accustomed to holding and as a result many of you have required the time necessary to help you reflect and acclimate to the strong surge in energy.

The Importance of Love

Silver's picture

By: Steve Beckow, 02/01/2014




Love 334


As we await the first waves of the tsunami of love, it seems important to consider love from all viewpoints. I’ll be writing a series of articles on the subject, drawing on our channeled sources.


It must have been planned to coincide with Feb. 14, which in some modern traditions is Valentine’s Day and in others is a day dedicated to strengthening the human rights of women in an era that will see the renaissance of the Divine Feminine.


Our sources tell us that love is our nature. Love is all there is. Love creates, preserves, and transforms. There’s nothing else that I can think of that’s more important for us to contemplate at this time than love.


Love is the Path in the New Age



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