Reblogged from judithdagleyflaherty,mft:
If you are one who has let me know that you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by confusion lately, here is why my response is always “Wonderful!”
NOW is a “time” when we are being invited, or urged, or even having-the-obvious-shoved-right in-our-faces, to realize that expanding INTO what we want requires expanding OUT of repeating the experiences we do NOT want.
What usually makes this seem “hard” is a long-term reliance on linear logic as our compass.
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Hello, Beloved! This is the celestial team, popping in for a moment to add our two cents of introduction to this divine “humanly transmitted” post. Know that the word “divine” was deliberately and accurately chosen, for what our Judith is communicating is, in essence, your truth. You are an earthly/celestial being who creates “reality” through your own divine internal technology.
This has always been true. You who have been reading and watching our transmissions through the last four of your years have heard us “say” this is in various ways in every one of them. NOW, however, it is “time” to CLAIM your human sovereignty as a creator being of frequency. It is “time to bring it home,” into You, through You, as a frontrunner for your human collective.