Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Becoming the YOU-nicorn

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By: Tania Marie, 01/24/2014


I was talking about Unicorns on a beach walk Thursday with my friend and since then Unicorns have been on my mind – their significance as our higher potentials and boundless possibilities.


Yesterday I had been led to a perfect expression from Penney Peirce in her book, “Frequency – The Power of Personal Vibration” and having her book in the foreground of my thoughts, I remembered her reflection about Unicorns as the mirror of purified vibration when you love and make space for your Higher Self to Be.


I loved the essence of what she stated, directly mirroring the concepts that had been stirring from Unicorn revealing herself to me the other day. And so her thoughts evoked this message from my own heart, which expound upon some of the para-phrased expressions she shared and end with the sonnet she quoted that so eloquently conveys these thoughts.


Inelia Benz ~ Looking Ahead ~2014 in View

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altI've been feeling very "quiet" in my own thoughts since we began 2014.  However, the sound from the human collective has become really, really loud. It is as though everyone is now capable of transmitting their thoughts, emotions and creations in a much more empowered way.
This "power" is basic chi and ability to do.

Shanta Gabriel ~ The Gabriel Messages ~ Creating A Matrix For Sacred Life

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shanta-gabriel-teacher-guideDear Ones,

Your soul volunteered to be here during this pivotal time to act as a bridge between Heaven and Earth. You are here to bring Spirit into matter, to be the Divine human that acts as a Light Bearer for awakening consciousness. It is incumbent upon you, therefore, to bring your spirituality into every area of your life in full unity and recognize that all is a part of God. When you do this, your presence becomes a blessing and all that you are brings more Harmony into the world.

In this time of new beginnings you have been given a great gift ~ a blank slate to work with so you can create your new life in 2014 and beyond. There is a magical quality to this place of the unseen, unknown future. Having released all that you were in the past, you might be feeling empty and uncertain. For some it is very uncomfortable, yet recognize that this is a very sacred place to be.

You stand at the apex of awakening consciousness, and blessings are being showered upon you from Source energy, enabling you to work very closely with your Soul’s guidance system. This is important to know because your intuition is becoming very clear and you can trust yourself in a new way. The Angelic Dimensions have seeded the consciousness of humanity with a powerful, loving force of intention to bring the highest frequencies into daily life in pure harmonic, cohesive balance.
A Sacred Vessel is a Gift ~ especially when it is empty

~Cobra Update~ Planetary Situation Update

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Right as I wanted to post this article, whole Gmail service (including Blogger) went down and I could not access it. Many users across the world have reported disruption of service:
This shows us how fragile our internet infrastructure is. 
Big changes are afoot.

Although it will not happen just yet, as certain operations of the Light forces need to be completed first, the worldwide financial Reset and the Event are approaching.



Working to open the HEART space in the New Earth

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As the New Earth energies begin to expand and to deepen many of you may be feeling overwhelmed. I have blogged on using the symbols and signs that appear in your outer waking reality as reference points for this your journey into the New Earth. For many of you at this time they may be being filtered out or the old 3d earth may try to teach you that you are somehow being toyed with. For many signs and symbols will be repeating but APPEAR to have no relevance to that which is being currently experienced at human conscious waking mind level. It is to be noted that as you move through the transition process YOU are ALIGNING with the New Earth reality that you are creating. That is you are flowing INTO PLACE.

In the old 3d earth paradigms you are TAUGHT repeatedly about instant, this works AGAINST the natural flow of the universe and energy. For instant is a CREATED context and one that was created in order to grow frustration and anxiety within your human vehicle.  Indeed the “instant” nature of the old 3d earth works continually to try to teach how inept you are at being human, nothing is further from TRUTH. For ALL JUST IS and YOU ARE. The ability for you to filter out the bigger picture of this your human life experience at this moment is VAST for ALL is changing at ALL moments, nothing is static and nothing is stopped, ALL FLOWS.

Archangel Gabriel~ by Marlene Swetlishoff

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Beloved Ones,

Let us have discourse on the quality of love known as healing. This quality brings in energy to affect a feeling of release and ease within the human body, mind and soul. On all levels, this quality is infused with unconditional love and brings balance and renewal to the individual who is open to this experience. As in all things upon the planet, one must be willing to receive this energy as it comes, and many times, the individual to whom healing is directed is unable to fully receive and assimilate what is given due to pre-conditioned programming from their childhood and, many times, from their previous lifetimes upon this school called Earth. We are now entering a new phase wherein there is a new dispensation allowing the overriding of pre-existing programming so that each individual who seeks wellness and wholeness may receive such in their physical reality and experience.

Nefertiti speaks of relationships ~ Through Méline Lafont

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(picture: Sven Geruschkat 2009)

Note from Méline: Hi everyone, I felt compelled to share this excerpt of a reading that I did for someone as it speaks of relationships in general. I find this very helpful and this might be the case for you too, this is why I asked persmission to share this with you all. Note that this resonance field might differ from consciousness state to consciousness state as we all do need reflections in our evolution till a certain point is reached where all the needed is within and that you become aware of that.  Than the outer reflections are not so much needed anymore when you become that understanding.  This is what Nefertiti refers to.  Much love , Méline ♥

Nefertiti speaks:


Visionkeeper ~ Stay Awake ~ 23 January 2014

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Music to read by below:

I just wanted to touch base quickly and share my thoughts for today. I am hoping that everyone is staying awake and is aware of the major game playing going on right now. It is so important to be able to recognize when this kind of drama is being foisted upon us! We have two major games unfolding at the same time right now. Distraction and fear building! The hype being poured into the upcoming Super Bowl is just pitiful. People have been enticed and pushed into the competitive world of sports as the ultimate distraction to engage the people in something other than what is going on. Don’t pay attention to Benghazi or Hilary Clinton and the abuses of this administration, no, pay attention to the Super Bowl or Governor Christie’s Bridgegate…Don’t pay attention to all of the executive orders being whipped out by Barack Obama so he can do what he wants unimpeded, don’t pay attention to the colossal failure of Obamacare and the fact 75% of the country doesn’t even want or approve of it.

~Light Workers, We Must Take Care of Ourselves!~

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Recently, I have been hearing of so many Light Workers being slammed with negative or dark energy to varying degrees, some very harsh, painful, even destructive, yet others' experiences are less intense, but still difficult or challenging.  I will share what my guides have taught me about what to do when this happens.

The first important thing to know is that this "slamming" of dark or negative energy can only hurt or harm you if you believe that it can hurt or harm you.  Therefore, the first order of business is that we must check in with our own belief system, and make any necessary adjustments.  I have been advised not to over-adjust, meaning that it remains important to be aware that an attack is being attempted.  Why?  It is so simple, that when I was told the answer, I found myself wishing that I would have thought more about it or meditated on it before asking the question!

We are Light Workers, and our main job is to carry and hold Light.  It is the mainstay of whatever it is that we are here to do.  If another or others are hurling bad things at us, what exactly is it that they do not have that we do have?  Love, of course!  We all know that it requires only a tiny light to push back the darkness, so, in such a situation, the beautiful, brilliant fuschia Pink Light of Unconditional, or Cosmic, or Universal, or Source Love is the cure!


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