Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Creator Writings ~ Wide Awake

Silver's picture

By: Jennifer Farley, 01/24/2014


I know some of you are having a challenging time in this moment; it is not easy being surrounded by ‘sleepers’ when you are awake. Part of your human self wants to return to the mundane world that most others exist in, to be part of the crowd, to be ‘normal’. The Divine Part realizes that it is not possible to go back and may be dismayed at the lack of concern people show for each other. After all, competition runs deep in the mass consciousness of your Earth plane.


Today, The Universe asks that you focus on your light and love…..making sure to send it out in great waves to those still sleeping. When the time comes, they will be looking to you for guidance and that is when your true work will begin. Until then, please know that all is well and in perfect time. ~ Creator

~Side-effects of the New Light ~

Lia's picture



Sandra Walter Ascension GuideIt is best not to be preoccupied with the side-effects of these intense waves. The goal is expansion of consciousness and a dimensional shift; the body, if commanded and supported to do so, will compliment this journey as best it can.

A lot of folks have been asking about pronounced symptoms. There is a very detailed module on the Body Consciousness in the Ascension Course which covers everything the body will go through during Ascension and how to support and accelerate that process.

Personally, I AM not one to dwell on symptomatic side-effects of the Ascension Process. Every side-effect is purposeful and will demonstrate:

- what is happening in your process
- present things to you which much be released in order to go further
- pinpoint areas of the body which store deep emotional baggage which cause dis-ease, aging, decay of the physical structure.

David Wilcock ~ The Polar Vortex: A Physical Manifestation Of The “Chilling Effect” Of NSA Surveillance?

Lia's picture



The cornerstone of our scientific research here at Divine Cosmos is the idea that the universe is alive and conscious. Is the Earth responding to the mass “chilling effect” of NSA surveillance with the “polar vortex” that has settled over America these last three weeks?

And if so — is this a good thing or a bad thing? Find out in our first in-depth investigation of 2014 — which we have already predicted will be the “Year of Disclosure”.


2013 turned out to be quite a year. Quietly, without any extreme “fireworks” or epic, in-your-face sudden changes, our world has fundamentally changed.

Prior to June 2013, mass surveillance was already taking place, on a widespread level.

Our shiny new tech toys had a frightening secret — but hardly anyone knew about it.

That will never be the case again. Every week we are learning more and more — and there is no sign that the disclosure is going to stop.

The Creator Writings ~ Your Greatest Masterpiece

Silver's picture

By: Jennifer Farley, 01/23/2014


When an artist is creating, there is a movement and flow that is unmatched by anything in your Earth-plane existence. The piece may not be perfect, but it has meaning, depth, showing the heartbeat of The Universe and the love of the creative process in every stroke. YOU are the artist and your life is your greatest masterpiece. Become one with and revel in the beauty of it all. ~ Creator

Daily Message ~ Thursday January 23, 2014

Silver's picture

By:, 01/23/2014


Are you craving a vacation? Many human beings will go through stages where they yearn to get away. Sometimes the urge to travel gets very strong when your soul is seeking to move your energetics to a different part of the world. You could be called there to experience the energy of a certain locale. It may be that there is someone you will meet there. It may be that it is an area you will relocate to. Your body may be wanting to receive some of the energy of that region. Or, you may be called to that area to be of service, as an energetic support to that land or the energetic grids of that area.


More often than not, if you are craving a vacation it is because you are seeking more flow, more joy, more relaxation, more “you” time. Vacations offer all of those things, and are incredibly rejuvenative because they are one of the few times you put your enjoyment first and live very presently. You may think your soul is craving a vacation, but in reality, it is likely craving the freedom, self love, flow, and enjoyment of the Now that so often comes with travel.



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