Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

The Sirians and Higher Self: A New Year ~ A New Self

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Note to Reader: This piece began as a journal entry but became something quite different. For those who have questions about my manner of channeling, it is more a blending of the energies of those who are communicating through me and what is called my higher self. I had no concept of what was going to be presented before sitting down to write. While I realize that many channelers have specified times where they deliver their messages, it is not so with me. I first feel the energies like they are pressing in upon me, as if I am going to give birth. I sit down with my laptop and begin to type and the words flow like a spring full-force from the mountain-side. And so I flow with them, as concepts and words are woven into form by using the language within my consciousness that I have garnered through a lifetime of exploration into various cultures, religions and old stories.

Journey of the Awakened Heart: Receiving Love

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Jeff Fasano is a Trance Channel, Photographer and Author 
Receiving Love
Begin to walk through your life with joy.
You have walked through the shadow and through the doorway into the unknown. The door has closed and is now locked behind you. For a period of time, your deepest fears of safety and security surfaced. “Will I be safe in the unknown?” “Will I be safe with myself and trust myself in the unknown?” As you now walk gingerly into the unknown, you’re not sure what is going to happen and this will bring up the aspect of control. You are now out of control and living in your natural state of being for out of control is a natural state of being. Now that you are being guided to live with “what is” and in the moment, where are you?

Deconstructing the human ego in preparation for the New Earth

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by Karen Doonan

For many of  you at this moment in your outer waking life experience events may be at a level that you feel as if you are somehow being punished or that you walk the "wrong" path. It may be that the more that you try to "fix" your outer waking reality and try to harness the balance that your SOUL craves at human level the more your outer waking life makes no sense. This is all by DESIGN and I would highlight and underline strongly the word "DESIGN". NONE of this human life experience is by chance, accident or co-incidence, even synchronicity is a construct that requires to be fully dissolved in order to reach full FLOW in the New Earth frequencies.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~ Earth Is a Shining Star

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marlene1-1Beloved Ones,

There are many people upon the planet at this time that have been and will continue to, look deeply within themselves so that they may face every hidden aspect of their beings; to squarely and truthfully, without denial, accept and love all aspects of themselves. It is their willingness to confront that which has abided within them in order to balance, harmonize and come to resolution which now assists each person to become whole and this will facilitate a deep feeling of peace and contentment in all that they do and will bring joy and happiness in their outer lives. The adage ‘as above, so below’ will begin to be understood within their hearts, for the outer world always reflects that which lives within.

Chaos or Love, Which do you Chose? ~Caroline Aguiar

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love imageBy Caroline Aguiar

These visions are not about myself, but I felt this first one was important as a prelude to what I was shown next, which is for everyone, and anyone who feels inspired to read.

The visions started last week, and so far they seem to come only during meditation time.

My Higher Self showed me a girl, maybe in her twenties, who wore a shawl while out picking berries in the forest.  In her hand she held a basket.

She was smiling, and appeared quite happy, when suddenly an arrow pierced her heart.  She fell where she stood.  Upon seeing this, I was horrified, and as I watched the scene play out before me. I started to cry.

The next thing I saw, was a large group of horse men riding by me, but it was as if I was looking up from the ground at the horsemen whose faces I couldn’t see. From my point of sight, it was as if I became the girl.

I felt the ground rumbling beneath me as they passed, dirt was flying from the pounding hooves which passed dangerously close to where I was.  There were so many of them I couldn’t see the trees or the forst anymore.  All I could see was the harshness of the riders who urged their horses forward.

Walking into 2014 Centered in Love and Grace

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Sandra Walter GraceBlessings Beloveds ~ I have been asked to be on the mountain tonight, I expect this week to be very strong energetically. For clarity: this light, albeit omnipresent in nature, affects each individual in a unique way according to their process and progress. It depends upon your intention (what you desire) and your attention (focus).

Monitor your progress by how your heart and energy fields feel – it is undeniably strong today (that’s pure, divine, blissy, expansive, NOW light). Adjust your intention/process/attention accordingly.

Walk through this passage with grace. We cannot rely on anything habitual or belief-based. This includes spirituality itself.

Harnessing the Divine Feminine in the New Earth

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There is much talk about the return of the Divine Feminine upon and within planet earth and whilst it is important to bring  BALANCE to the human race, the filters that are in operation within the old 3d earth CREATED reality may blind you to the Divine Feminine in TRUTH. For the Divine Feminine is CREATION in TRUTH but filtered through the teachings of the old 3d earth paradigms this energy may be used as a DESTRUCTION energy.  Many in both female and male human form are trying to anchor the distortion and not TRUTH at this time. It is not TRUTH to view the female as more than the male and vice versa, ALL are EQUAL in the UNIVERSE of 3 in TRUTH.

The Consciousness Revolution by Graham Hancock

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Consciousness is one of the great mysteries of science – perhaps the greatest mystery. We all know we have it, when we think, when we dream, when we savour tastes and aromas, when we hear a great symphony, when we fall in love, and it is surely the most intimate, the most sapient, the most personal part of ourselves. Yet no one can really claim to have understood and explained it completely. There’s no doubt it’s associated with the brain in some way but the nature of that association is far from clear. In particular how do these three pounds of material stuff inside our skulls allow us to have experiences?

~Capricorn new moon 2014~

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its ironic that capricorn new moon 2014 falls on the new years day :) so,exact new moon happens january 1st 2014 at 11:15am GMT.
the astrological coding that earth receives in form of an energetic imprint at each new moon is like a plan about the overall energetic make-up of the approaching lunar cycle,hence,those who keep up with the cycles of the moon empty out their emotional field prior to the new moon moment in order to be ready to receive new subtle energies at each new moon.

New Year or New Here, You Are on Your Way

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Looking ahead into the year before you, we were going to tell you a few things that might settle your minds about the things that are most likely to appear on your world screen. However, upon thinking it over, we decided instead to tell you some of the things that would not be coming your way, to settle minds far and wide in a more satisfying way. Sometimes, it’s better to know what isn’t going to happen than it is to know what is likely, and from there make the necessary daring moves on your part to make even more wonderful things happen.


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