Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

A Great Torrent of Joy on its way to you for the coming year ~

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 Message from Allendale and SaLuSa 27 Dec. 2013



geldboomDear ones, we have said to you over and over again that great joy and many blessings await you in the next realm, but also in the one that you are currently living in.

The year ahead will have many promises of joy for many of you. Blessed be you all in this divine light of love and understanding. We look so forward to seeing you all elevate to the next level of existence.

We know that many of you desperately await visible and tangible changes in your world. Many of you wait for a better easier life, for a better and younger body, for money to come their way, so that they can provide to the needs of their loved ones and to their basic needs.

Many of you are in dire straight for some years now, and are so dearly wanting for this paradigm to end, and for the 5th dimensional Earth to finally be fully instated and anchored.

We keep insisting that those matters will take as long as they need; please dear ones. do not put your life on hold waiting for the collective to make up its mind on when to remain in 5th dimension for good. You can all manifest your own wealth and happiness instantly and individually.

~ Karen Doonan ~ BEing through the male filters of the old 3d earth

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Under the old 3d earth paradigms it has long been recognised that males and females speak different languages, this blog follows on from the Nephilim channeled guidance in relation to detaching from human language. I have split the blog into two different posts deliberately as I now fully anchor and understand that which is containing in respect to how males and females communicate, as I am here to work with BOTH males and females it would make little sense to write this blog from only the female perspective that I was TAUGHT to filter my human experience through therefore I address both. Many of you will be able to understand both blogs for many of you may now have reached the point of balance where you can both SEE and ACCEPT and work with the filters that are applied by those in male human form and those in female human form.

It is not TRUTH to assume that the words that are used in everyday human language are interpreted in the same way by both males and females, the distortion is an energetic implant DESIGNED to further contain and suppress and keep both sexes APART.  Human males and human females do NOT experience the human outer waking reality in the same ways gender wise and this is filtered out by both sexes. Each sex contained by their own filters, only able to see one half of the picture and assuming the other half based on the filters that they are using.

~ Karen Doonan ~ BEing through the female filters of the old earth

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As I have incarnated into female human form I try at all times to see the WHOLE picture, I have at times had to work very hard to dissolve the teachings that have sought to blind me. At this time I send out a huge thank you and much love to ALL the males who have worked to help me with this, you know who you are :-)   It is through the very help of these males that I have been able to take a situation that I have been trying to understand and view it from my female perspective and then ask them to give me THEIR interpretations of it from a male point of view. For it is only in getting BOTH points of view that you can get the full picture.  This has not been possible if the male who is helping me was at all emotionally part of the “problem” for as many of you in female form can relate to how EMOTIONS work to blind. Often overwhelming and taking you down a path that you do not even realise you are walking until you let go fully of said emotions.

James Gilliland ~ Mexico Update

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ECETI December 26 2013

Upon arriving in Mexico it seemed every night was a different experience. I have Sorcerers, discarnates, women with skull heads and a few reptilians visiting me. The strange thing is some of the creepy ones are archetypes to help people cross over who do not need healing.

Have to suspend judgment on the skull ladies. I told them next time to throw some flesh on. (Little humor there.) On Christmas a group of us did a clearing in the middle of town. It seemed the town was in such a funk and so many people were depressed, locked into their process etc. This is a global event and each individual and town is processing this differently. The light workers especially are being called to duty.

After the healing last night there was a massive storm, constant lightning – a major cleansing. I love when nature participates. The four elements in Yi Gong and merging with them in the practice does create a symbiotic relationship with nature as demonstrated at ECETI on a regular basis.

This morning the sun was shining. Everyone was out and about. Business was up and it seemed a complete turn around. Can’t complain about that now can we? Not taking credit or blame for this. Just observing the synchronicity.

~Why so many lightworkers are and have been through rough life and times

Lia's picture

Asking and intending to speak as clearly as possible and with the highest good for all. Intending to bring more information, joy, love, hope, clarity and faith for all of us.

Many awaken lightworkers are in the position where they look back their lives and see it to be very demanding. It is almost quarantined that more advanced you are, more pain and suffering there has been as some point of your life. The good question is why? Let me explain what I have found when I have been following my ray of light trough dimensions back to the source. You may use your personal assessment and knowledge and intuition to validate my thoughts or align them the way you interpret this subject. I am not claiming this to be the only truth. I need to shortcut lots of topics in this text that I could explain more and why things are like they are, but I am simply just stating some things as a truth without not explaining why. The reason for this is that the topic is so large, that we would need about +100.000 pages of book to explain it all and we could still find gaps and things to be explained.

WakingTimes ~ Julian Rose ~ Brave New Year

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waking_times_logo_6-5-12_1We can, if we so desire, refuse to cooperate with the blind forces that are propelling us.” -Aldous Huxley

So here we are, moving into 2014. And no doubt with that sense of expectancy and promise which comes with all ‘New Years’. But maybe also with that nagging sense which has its foundation in the fact that the previous year may not have quite lived-up to expectations?

For example all those ‘events’ both cosmic and earthly that were supposed to have caused some grand disruption to the abysmal status quo and its dumbed down daily grind – what happened to them? How is it that even the widely predicted great financial collapse has so far managed to stall – and its proponents’ prophesies likewise put on hold?

Even visiting comets seem to have been unable to pull-off a much hoped for mighty upheavel to the sterile patterns imposed upon the human race. Consequently, the relentless bankster/government  top down squeeze on both the economic viability and civil liberties of working men and women, continues unabated.

~ Josh McIntosh ~ The Two Choices After You Awaken to Truth

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by John McIntosh
When one awakens to Truth they have two choices. This Awakening does not mean they are Free or in some way at Peace … only that there lies before them this seemingly NEW path ‘to’ authentic Freedom and Peace.
At this blissful moment of Awareness they have ‘seen’ that the world they have looked on as real … is ‘made up’. It is a ‘fabrication’ based on programming handed down for eons from generation to generation and colored by each generation to the moment when their consciousness arrives in a human body. It is laden with a multitude of concepts of fear based on identification, expectation and attachment and further colored individually by the unique upbringing of that new experience in a human body. These in turn were the offspring on one error …
the belief that we are all separated.
They have ‘seen’ this clearly and ‘know’ that there is much more to Life. They know … but only thus far ‘intellectually’ that ALL IS ONE.
As we speak, at this moment, there is a belief firmly entrenched in this new spiritual life that is about to unfold for that one, that it takes a long ‘time’ to fully Awaken … to be fully Enlightened … to Truly BE Free or as some say, Liberated.
This too is not true.

~ Elizabeth Ayres Escher ~ Journal Entry: An Elemental Song of Creation

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Journal Entry 12.26.2013 – An Elemental Song of Creation

Sometimes the inner workings of transformation are just too difficult to put into sentences, so you must resort to the ageless voice of the muse, poetry:

I am the seeker and the sought
I see now what has not seen for ages past
The one within and from without
Light in the forest
Rain on the meadow
Wind in the willows
Playing with the harp of branches
Soaring clouds float overhead
I AM in love with all that is seen, felt
And exists beyond the sight of my eyes
I walk within the great forest of my dreams
The boles glimmer in the moonbeams
As proud trunks reach high
And touch the stars in the sky
I AM One with Creation and
One with all that moves within
And without my body
My awareness soars to worlds unknown
Untouched by the hand of man
We are reunited, my family long lost
I see your ships drift by
On the streams of heaven’s light
In my dreams I greet thee
In my heart I join with thee
You are my love, my king, my heart
And I am your love, your queen, your heart
Together we join in the sacred dance
Together we bring new life to the earth
Through which we walk
As One, as many,
Dancing in the great circle of Life.

Nephilim message to humanity 27th Dec 2013

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Beloved ones we are the Nephilim and we come to guide and to support and to help you understand at a human conscious waking mind level the vibrational changes and shifts that both the planet earth and the human vehicle into which you have incarnated now moves through and beyond.  For ALL changes and shifts at all moments of each moment and many of you are filtering this out at human conscious waking mind level. The changes to planet earth are necessary for the changes to the human race, both interlinked and both interwoven with each other, for ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST IS.

The vibrational changes to the energetic signature of the planet now expand, grow and unfold, for the planet must be at a vibrational level of support in order to anchor the changes that now unfold RAPIDLY upon and within the planet earth. ALL is not as it appears and the appearance of your outer waking reality will shift and change and morph as you begin to align fully with and through the energy signature of planet earth. It is no longer enough to be consciously aware of the planet on which you walk, you must now begin to view the planet as part of YOU for ALL ARE ONE and ALL JUST IS in TRUTH.

~ Denise Le Fay ~ 2013 Recap: Oh what a year it was!

Eddie1177's picture many of us were expecting 2013 to be what it turned out to be but there ya go — every month another knockout surprise! As entertaining as it might be for me to share my personal 2013 blow-by-blow, month-by-month accounts I won’t. I won’t because most of you–not all of course but most–experienced nearly identical and repeated hammerings throughout 2013 as I have. It was the theme of the year, with December 2013 being a mini compressed version of the entire year to be absolutely sure I/you/we got the chances (lessons) that I/you/we each needed to master them and quickly move on to the next thing whatever it was.

I will however write a short list highlighting what I experienced throughout 2013, mainly because when I/you/we each honestly look back and review everything we’ve been through, a higher and clearer overview is revealed that we might not have been able to see or appreciate before. As usual your mileage will vary, and these items below are primary focal points that I experience in 2013. Use them as learning tools and/or confirmation points if you can relate.


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