Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

Marlene Swetlishoff ~ Hilarion ~High Energy of Love Pours onto the Planet

Lia's picture


marlene1-1Beloved Ones,

The high energy of love pours down upon your planet as the people celebrate with their families and loved ones. This is the magical time of year when everyone believes in all possibilities and that the good will that is manifest will make all things right in the world. Love abounds deep within each soul and each earnestly desires and looks forward to a symbolic new beginning in the coming New Year. Much has changed in the year that is past and as the people look back in review, they will feel astonished at all that has occurred. If people would keep track of all the developments in all sectors of human life upon the Earth, they would see that, indeed, their world is changing dramatically.

New lands have risen from the ocean and more will continue to rise in various locations. Your planet is undergoing a metamorphosis that is incredible to behold and you it is who have made it possible by bravely holding the light upon the planet even when you were not understood by the people around you. This is changing rapidly as those around you perceive that perhaps you knew something that they were not aware of before, and they earnestly begin to seek to apprise themselves of the knowledge they need to comprehend the changes that are taking place, within themselves and the world in which they live their lives. There will be a great influx of seekers searching the internet for the answers to their newly formed questions.

~ Grandpaw Koyote ~ SANTA'S SOLSTICE

Eddie1177's picture

Yep. here's comes your favorite Santa, Grandpaw Koyote... Sharing The Gifts of This Solstice... You'll Love riding in this sleigh... Jingle, jingle...
"More like A Magic Carpet Ride to me..." -annonymouse
"It's The Next Step..." -a cool cat
"Welcome Home!" -The Angels
"Oh SHIT!" -most everyone...

The Creator Writings-Remember Your Power

Doreen Smith's picture


  The Creator Writings


I know that you have had moments where you may feel very small and insignificant…….and that, my Love, is the furthest thing from the truth.

With that in mind, let Me paint you a picture; a flower releases a seed to the wind. It does not know where that seed will land. It finds a home in a very tiny crack of a sidewalk, takes root and begins to grow. The concrete does not stop it from growing, instead, it will move and shift out of the growing seed’s way and make room for its beauty. YOU are that seed that, once it finds a place to grow, can move mountains for growth. Always, always remember, you are a powerful force in your world. ~ Creator


Pillar of Lights in Canada -

Doreen Smith's picture


 December 17, 2013   


On Sunday’s episode of Lift Your Spirit: Our 2013 Journey – Part 2 on InLight Radio (the show that has everyone talking following Fran Zepeda’s revelations about her own incredible Ascension journey) Blossom Goodchild was guided to tell us all about a particular photo that appears on Marlene Swetlishoff’s website,

COLUMN OF LIGHT! Photo by Marlene Swetlishoff ©2013Marlene, as many of you know, is the channel for the hugely popular weekly messages from Hilarion. She took the photo at left and enlarged, below.

Because so many people have asked about it, I asked Marlene to share with us what she could about the shot and where it was taken. So here’s what she had to say:

Hello Stephen! Nice to hear from you again! So that’s why I have had so many visitors to my site in the last two days…LOL! Thank you, Blossom!

Terri Newlon – Djwhal Khul – Sisterly Love

Doreen Smith's picture


December 21, 2013  Terri Newlon



Djwhal Khul here. Tashi Delek.

Alright. A very exciting week. We have Winter Solstice of course. And on that same day we have Venus going retrograde in the sign of Capricorn. That can make for some very interesting things.

Capricorn can be kind of a bulldozer, get it done, stick with it and then of course the Venus Love energy appearing to go backwards in the sky. It’s going to be very interesting. And of course, Christmas Day falls within this particular fiscal week here. So.

I want to talk about Sisterly Love, I think is perhaps the best topic for this time period. Keep in mind that the Solstice is when we want to bring as much light into everything as we possibly can.

So as much Light and Love shining on yourself, shining on all the situations in your life, and think of it in terms of Sisterly Love. So bring the feminine energy with it and I think that will help bring you some balance.

~ Karen Doonan ~ Manipulation and its role in human society

Eddie1177's picture

GFP Commentary: The Mind is the Programming=Illusion(The source of All Fear,Pain and Suffering of Humanity, Not Real). The Balanced Right/Left Brain and Heart are Real.The Only True Reality there is it's called: LOVE EVERYWHERE PRESENT .Everything else is Illusion.

It may seem a very obvious behaviour but manipulation is a tool of the old 3d earth, many in your waking human life experience may be trying to exert some sort of manipulation in order to keep you within the LOOP of the old 3d earth energetic frequencies. For within the old 3d earth the human race was TAUGHT to behave in certain ways in order to get their “needs met”. This is highly distorted and the New Earth frequencies are running extremely high at this time in order to ILLUMINATE that which needs to be dissolved. Manipulation is a teaching that is ingrained within the human race, it runs throughout ALL of human society and I would guide you to process this blog through the heart space for your human logical mind may try to filter out or deny that manipulation is part of your human life experience.

~ Andrew Martin ~ The Lighted Ones: You Are Light. You Are Love.

Eddie1177's picture


Rest Dearest Ones, that is what we wish to speak to you about today. With so many planetary occurrences and activity in these moments, not to mention the waves of energy that so many of you are feeling at this important time, your self care is of the utmost importance.

The occurrence of the Solstice tomorrow is a magnificent time to anchor in the new frequencies that have been available to you as well as to honor the progress you have made. It is a celebration of the balance of life and the return of the light.

The light represented by the Christ child, the light that will transmute and heal the perception of darkness first within and then without. This is a time when so many gather to celebrate the spirit of love and light,  when so many hearts open to share and receive love. For many this can also be a time of great sadness and loneliness. Take care to send love whenever you are compelled to do so. A smile, a warm embrace, a kind word or loving thought will make such a strong impact at this time.

First however it is important to remember to care for yourselves. Honor that to which your heart is drawn. Practice love, compassion and acceptance for where you are now and for all that you have done in the past year. It is so easy to get drawn into the game of comparison. It is so easy to look at others who you may perceive as being more advanced or further along in their journey.

Ashtar: You Are Moving into the Golden Age

Eddie1177's picture
GFP Commentary: Money is an illusion, and we can Function very well without Money.It's not the Solution. The Solution to every Humanity's Issue is Planetary Awakening( Which is happening Now so you may as well Enjoy the Ride and work on Shedding your Ego, cause that's truly the Only thing that robs you of your Joy, and it's not even real. Funny, I know.), The True Abundance is Love,Joy,Peace,has nothing to do with material stuff.
Ashtar: You Are Moving into the Golden Age!*
Ashtar On The Road Teleconference - December 10, 2013

"Greetings Beloved Family!  It is I, Ashtar and this entire Company of Masters and Angels, Guides and all Beloved beings from all Kingdoms of Planet Earth are here now with you, with us, on the bridge of The New Jerusalem!  And there are others who are here.  We are honored to be visited by the great Nelson Mandela, and St. Germain shall be speaking more on this, on the subject of his great, wise and wonderful gifts that he gave to Planet Earth.**

~ Isabel Henn ~ The Divine Mother: You are not in any race.

Eddie1177's picture


(Translated from original language german)

My child, you are not in any race on earth. You will ascend, it is inevitable, because thy way is inevitably back to me. But it does not matter whether it is in this life or in a later incarnation. You have all eternity for it to remember, to grow and to develop your soul. But many of you will ascend in this life with or without a body into the 5th Dimension or reach a higher one. I see so many of you who have done a wonderful job on yourself or are still working on this. You will do it too, because time does not exist for it. There are so many – also young souls – who still need further growth and they will eventually get their chance.

The current winter solstice offers but for those who are so far along a good opportunity to get further on their way to me. The energies are very strong and favor much growth if you also take your work on yourself seriously. You know, only you are your own “savior”. No one can do this job for you, nobody can take this away from you. Ascension, this process, is a kind of reward for this necessary but good job.


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