By Caroline Aguiar
Since March of 2013, after a tangle with an unfriendly energy, I’ve experienced a great change in my overall perception of the world around me, and especially in the unseen realms.
My greatest obstacle in moving forward after I was clear of the attached energy was fear. Little did I know then, I had opened a door which was not destined to open as soon as it did. It was the door to my true path, only it opened prematurely. Unfortunately, I was not ready for this in reference to my level of spiritual maturity, and knowledge. At first, I suddenly felt as if I was thrown into a pack of ravenous wolves, unti I realized nobody did anything to me of the sort. It was I, who threw myself in.
As a result, for many months I lived in fear of everything. Night time was the hardest, and I remember many times when I lay in bed, crying into my pillow while completely frozen in fear. My incessant need to control my every thought, and to analyze everything I experienced of a spiritual nature only brought forth more confusion, distorted beliefs, and more fear. For a while I held onto the belief I could climb out of the dark hole by analyzing everything when actually, I was only digging myself in deeper.