Light Family

Messages from our extended Light Family.

~Movement into the next “phase” of the human life experience~

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At this moment upon and within planet earth there are many shifts taking place on ALL levels and in all dimensional timelines, as many of you are finding the shifting may be rapid and at times very intense.  Following on from the blog that I wrote that outlined the AA Michael sword of TRUTH and LIGHT exercise this blog looks at the way to work with the next “phase” of your human life experience. For the movement may be swift but the energies leading up to this swift movement were heavy and dense. A bit like pushing open a heavy door, the momentum that you build is geared towards moving the heavy door, as the door begins to open the momentum may catapult you forward unexpectedly for you are braced for the heavy door, not necessarily for the shift and the movement of said door.

~Manifesting LOVE in the New Earth~

Lia's picture

The old 3d earth reality teaches very deeply that LOVE is something that you must “solve”, from the moment you are born you are TAUGHT that to receive LOVE you must “do”, that is you must obey the unwritten rules of the world.  On a planet of 7 billion people this seeks to teach that LOVE is like a needle in the proverbial haystack, you must SEEK it. At no point does the old 3d earth created reality allow you to understand and SEE that LOVE JUST IS, that  LOVE is what YOU ARE in TRUTH, why would you need to seek that which you are?

As the commercial world now ramps up Valentines Day and the fear and the anxiety begins to build it is to be remembered that every single moment of your outer waking life experience can be a valentines day and it needs no input from anyone other than SELF.  The teachings in relation to human “love” are deep for a reason, they seek to keep the human race OUT of the heart space and to stay locked within the puzzle of “human love”. In TRUTH there is no puzzle on any level of the human life experience.  So many of you at this moment are trying to work out who you are and not allowing the universe and your SOUL to show you WHO YOU ARE in TRUTH.

Everything “thing” is a frequency

Silver's picture

By: Karen Doonan, 02/10/2014

Within the old 3d earth reality you are TAUGHT to “hold on” whether this be to possessions or people is irrelevant for ALL is a frequency and it is the FREQUENCIES that you have in your life that support or hinder your expansion at any one moment. For many of you at this time this may be a further illusion that you are struggling with. For surely possessions are a part of the human life experience? well yes and no, how often do you look through your wardrobe or your possessions and connect with these frequencies to check if they still resonate?   For many the answer will be “never” or “hardly ever” for the old 3d earth created reality has you running about chasing your tail, at all moments trying to teach you that you “do not have enough time”. This is a deep teaching for you create your reality from moment to moment, as you move through the transition process you will NATURALLY begin to align with NATURAL time which is NOT the same frequency as that which you are TAUGHT to align with from within the old 3d earth created reality.

Inspirations from my Higher Self – No. 35

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By: Von Badeem, 02/10/2014


[Original language German, translated by (Contra)Mary]

Everybody wants something but nobody gets it

Everybody wants something but nobody gets it. What do I want to affect with this saying?

Now, it is very simple. Everything that we have – we do not want and that very something which we want to have – this very something we do not own nor have it. Doesn’t this sound very familiar to you or ?

True, it comes from a Fairy Tale and is told to submit some certain kind of story to all children with quite its deeper sense. Unfortunately not even those reading it to children may comprehend its deeper sense and even so since this story originally had been thought to be delivered not only to children but for their parents too.

Archangel Gabriel’s Daily Message ~ Monday February 10, 2014

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By:, 02/10/2014

The key to manifestation is to get very clear about what you want. So many of you say you wish to manifest a large sum of money. But is it really the money you want? Or is it what the money will facilitate? That vast majority of humans who say they wish to have a great sum of money, don’t necessarily want money at all. They want what they can turn money into. For most people, the true essence of what they really want is freedom.


Money is simply a middle man, a means to exchange something for what you really want. You understand that in order to bring to you what you desire, you must really feel the experience of having it. Many of you have trouble imagining what it would feel like to have a large sum of money, but can easily imagine feeling free.


~AA Michael’s sword of TRUTH for release~

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It is to be noted that AA Michael is a twin energy and that to work with this energy in TRUTH you need to invoke BOTH AA Michael and his twin Lady Faith in order to work with this energy in a balanced space.  Lady FAITH walks with ALL at this time albeit many are ignoring her whispers.  I have blogged about the manifestation of  memories, this is the way that the lower dimensional frequencies may arise within you in an attempt to hold on and to re-anchor themselves.  It may be at this moment you are being shown parts of your human life that you had all but forgotten. Some of these memories may be painful and leave you in much confusion as it may appear to the logical human mind that these memories are somehow “random”.  The old 3d earth reality will try to teach you to push these memories to one side, that as they are “past” they no longer hold any relevance and that to view them is too painful anyway. This will work against you at this time for the memories are coming up for RELEASE.

Soren Dreier ~ The Sensual Approach III: The Sacred Pulse Of Sensuality

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SorenDreier  February 6 2014

AfricanDrumThe sacred pulse of sensuality hit Carl Jung like a hammer. He was in Africa and got absorbed by ´The Rhythm’ (The Sacred Pulse). Peter Gabriel did a song about it.

A lady I know in Australia got hit by it during a healing and had three very deep etherical orgasms.

I have tried to understand why it’s so dominant now, since I see it everywhere. I have tried to examine if that is the result of me being aware of it. Like, if you are pregnant you tend to see babies everywhere, but that is not the case.

The Pulse has gone from being a distant mist in most people’s life to a powerful fog rolling in and surrounding them. There’s no escape, only denial. The denial doesn’t concern me, since we live in a reality that exists only on denial. That is the hallmark of the Matrix, right? Denying facts, denying atrocities, denying privacy, and denying freedom and so on… One big epic denial.

The only thing that really beats denial is: acknowledging what is, and to me that process is very dependent on: Know Thy Self and leave no stone unturned within our personal matrixes.


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